Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Sep 26, 2014

September 29th. – October 3rd.

Class and Teacher (Salon y Profesoras):  Ositos Classroom/ Miss Amparo- Miss Iris

Week of (Semana de): September 29th – October 3rd

Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/ Semana): My senses (Mis sentidos)

Salutation and highlights of  the week (Saludo y resumen de las actividades importantes de la semana):

Hello Ositos Parents: Our children have just finished learning about the changes in their bodies when they are growing up, and how to follow healthy habits to take care of it. We appreciate the family involvement to help our Ositos understand the theme.

This week we will be talking about the senses and the organs related to each one. We will also show the children how our senses help us to learn about the world.
On Monday, the Ositos will attend to a special class (science activity related to the theme) with Miss Gladys De Stefano.

Our objectives by areas are:
Language: Identify and name silhouettes, exercise visual memory.
Cognitive: compare sizes and positions, quantities; recognize senses and identify the organs related to them.
Socio-emotional: personal identity and autonomy.
Psychomotor: roll over an horizontal lines (gross motor) and trace horizontal lines on notebook (fine motor).

Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
“Cancion de los Sentidos”
Con mis cinco sentidos yo aprenderé
A ver todo a mi alrededor,
Con mis cinco sentidos puedo ver
El cielo con su color,
Escucharte a ti eso me hace feliz
Y sentir el sol sobre mi,
Saborear la miel y poder oler
Las flores que hay en el jardín.
Con mis cinco sentidos….
Poderte abrazar y también escuchar
Mi maestra en Sff
Oler, saborear, escuchar y sentir
El amor que sientes por mi!!!
Con mis cinco sentidos…

Poem by Theme (Poema por tema):
Miramos con los ojos
Por la nariz puedo oler
Tocamos con las manos
Sentimos por la piel
Oimos por las orejas
Cuando escuchamos bien
Y con la lengua yo disfruto
Galletitas con miel.

Riddles/Charades (Adivinanzas):
Nos sirven para oler, oir, ver
Tocar y degustar
Los tienes en tu cuerpo
Los vas a adivinar?
Respuesta: “Los Sentidos”

Twister (Trabalenguas):
Tito  Te tomaste todo el te?
Todo el te tempranito lo tome.

Star Words of the Week (Palabras estrellas de la semana):
The senses (Los sentidos)
To taste (Saborear)
To see (Ver)
To hear (Oir)
To smell (Oler)
To touch (Tocar)

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
The Student of the Week is Lauren Mount. You can bring your favorite toy, book, or picture during this week to share with your friends.
We would like to invite you to our special celebration of Columbus Day on Monday 13th at 4.00 pm in the Lobby area. Our Ositos will be very happy to see you on this date.
Friendly Reminders:
·        This week we will send the template for our second Family Project. It is related to the fall season.

·        The homework for this week is tracing horizontal lines. Please take home your child’s notebook to help him/her complete the task, and bring it back by Friday. Your help and support is very important for your child’s academic success

·        During the week of The Student of the Week, you are free to bring in a special story, activity and/or treat to share with the class the day that you chose.

·        Remember to bring your child wearing the uniform. Your children do not necessarily have to wear the Sff shirt, but we do ask that they wear a red shirt and blue bottoms every day.

·        This year Sff! Will be using Teddy Bear Portraits for our pictures. We will distribute the forms starting next week, make sure to return them.

·        The weather is changing. Please bring appropriate extra clothes for your children (long sleeve shirts and long pants), and also a cozy blanket.

Important Upcoming Dates:
October 13: Columbus Day Celebration, at 4.00 p.m., in the Lobby area
October 15: Sff! Uniform Picture Day
October 16: Fall Picture Day
October 17: First Field Trip
October 31: Costume Parade

Thank you notes:
Thanks to Miss Gladys De Stefano, who is making her practice in our classroom to get her Associate Degree in ECE, and is helping us a lot! This Monday she will have a special science activity with our Ositos. They love her.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Amparo - Miss Iris

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