Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jun 29, 2012

Week of July 2-6!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we will talking about “ Independence Day “.
The activities for this week are:
 Monday- Our children will make different hats and banners to put on our Parade on Tuesday.
Tuesday- Independence Parade
Wednesday-school is closed to celebrate Independence Day
Thursday-picnic day
Friday- Fun Festival

The words for this week are:
La Independencia- Independence
Los Estados-The States
El Presidente-The President
La Casa Blanca-The White House
La Bandera-The Flag
El himno-The Anthem

Congratulations to Rowan on his Birthday!

Have a great week and Happy 4th of July!

Miss Iris And Miss Patricia

Jun 28, 2012

Week of June 25-29!

Dear Ositos Parents

It has been a great week so far, we have been talking about the topic “Let’s go camping, and we have done among other activities:

*Monday- we will do a walk around the playground for insects, rocks and flowers.

*Tuesday- we will make a fire with sticks and paper(pretend there is fire)

*Wednesday-Picnic day

*Thursday- Pajama day, if you have you can bring sleeping bag.

*Friday-Day of camp, we will have a tent and some food for the children.

The words for this week are:
la carpa-the tent
la linterna-the flashlight
la cantimplora-the canteen
la mochila-the backpack
la bolsa de dormir-the sleeping bag
los primeros auxilios- first aid
los alimentos-the food
los insectos-the insects

Splash days, Mondays and Wednesdays are in the morning and Thursdays  are in the afternoon.

Have a great one

Miss Iiris and Miss Patricia

Jun 21, 2012

Week of June 18-22!

Dear Ositos Parents
Welcome to our Summer Camp 2012!
Our theme this first week is “Summer is here” and our children will make different arts, such as murals and painted shells.

We will have various games related to the theme and we will make lemonade during the cooking class.
Special activities during this week:
Tuesday- sunglasses day
Wednesday-hat day
Friday- hawaiian Aloha shirt or dress

The words of this week are:
El Verano=summer
El campamento-camp
Las gafas-sunglasses
El sombrero-hat
Las conchas-shells
La playa beach

Our splash days are on Monday and Wednesday in the morning and Thursday in the afternoon.

Please make sure to bring all your child’s items labeled:
*extra clothing
*swimwear, towel and shoes that may get wet
*blanket for nap
* And please make sure to apply sun block in the morning before coming to Spanish for fun!  We will reapply it in the afternoon.

Have a great week
Miss Iris

Jun 11, 2012

Week of June 11-15!!

Dear Ositos Parents

It is our last week of this school year; and we will be working on the theme “Let’s get active”.   We will make emphasis in good nutrition and exercise.

The words of this week are:

comer sano-eating healthy
Mi plato- My plate
Los ejercicios-exercises

As a special activity, children will make crafts for their fathers to celebrate their special day.

Special words:
Feliz dia del padre-Happy Father's day
Te amo papa-I love you dad

Summer Camp starts on Monday June 18; our classroom will have splash days on Mondays and Wednesdays in the morning; also on Thursdays in the afternoon. Please make sure to bring bathing suit, towel, shoes that may get wet and clothes to change.
Miss Sandra’s last day will be Friday June 15. She will be working at our Raleigh location, we will miss her deeply.

Thank you very much for your support during this year.

Have a great week and Happy Father's Day!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Jun 4, 2012

Week of June 4-8th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we will be talking about the theme “Let's get active”.  We will give emphasis to different sports including swimming. Also we will talk to children about safety when we go to the beach, rivers, lakes or swimming pool.  At circle time we will identify the ball used for each sport.

The words of this week are:

la raqueta-the racket
el bate-the bat
el canasto- the basket
la pelota-the ball

Special activity
On June 8th  children can  wear their favorite team shirt and colors.

Happy Birthday to Isabela Bishop, Lucas Diaz and Dillon Demidovich on your special day.

Felicitaciones Ositos! You did a great job on graduation day, “big” thank you to our wonderful parents for your cooperation.

Have a great week
Miss Iris