Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Dec 20, 2011

Week of December 19-23th!!! Felices Fiestas!!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we are working the theme “Traditions and people around the world”, we will be talking about celebrations like: Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Chanukah and New Year’s Eve.

We words we will be using are:
Viajar-To Travel
Mudarse-To move

We are also working the letter T-t and the words that we will use are

La Taza-The cup
La Tortuga-The turtle
El tomate-The tomato
El teléfono-The telephone
La tiza-The chalk

Our ositos will be reading and writing words they have learned with the letters M-P-S and L and will be encouraged to write a little note to Santa.

In Art we will elaborate a Hanukah placemat.

Congratulations Elijah our student of the week!

Please remember to return your child’s report card. Thank you!
Thank you for your joining us at the Party, we hope you enjoyed our presentation.
Please congratulate your child for his/her effort.
Our ositos did an outstanding job!

Please note on your calendar Friday December 30th Sff! is closed due to Teacher Work Day. We will see you again on Monday January 2nd.

Happy Holidays!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Dec 12, 2011

Week of December 12-16!!

Dear Ositos Parents

We continue learning and working the theme “My culture, traditions and people around the world”.

The words we are working this week are:

El arbol-The tree
Los regales-The gifts
La fiesta- The celebration
Felices Fiestas-Happy Holidays
Cancion de Navidad-Christmas Carols
El venado-The reindeer
Los duendes-The elves

We are also working the letter L-l. In our notebooks we will be writing the numbers from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, and many art projets too.

Congratulations to Ellie Esposito our student of the week!

We are very excited to celebrate the Holidays here at Spanish for fun!
Our ositos are working very hard on our presentation. We hope to see you all there this Friday at 3pm at the Cary Senior Center in Bond Park. Don’t miss it!

If for any reason we miss you last week and you would like to discuss your child’s progress report card please let me know, other times and dates are available upon request.

After reviewing your child’s report card please make sure to RETURN it to your teacher as soon as you can. Thank you.

Please remember to congratulate your children for their efforts, our ositos are doing a fantastic job!

Thank you! 

Miss Iris

Dec 7, 2011

Week of December 5-9!!

Dear Ositos Parents

We continue learning and working about the theme “My culture, traditions and people around the world”.
Our words this week are:
Felices Fiestas-Happy Holidays
Árbol de navidad-Christmas Tree
Papa Noel-Santa Claus
Los regalos-The presents/gifts
Las luces-the lights

The coming weeks we will be working on our presentation for the Christmas show. For our presentation some of our children will be reindeers please have them wearing brown pants and brown t shirt; the others will be elves, please have them wearing green and red. Thank you! 

Congratulations to Thomas Mercado our student of the week!

We have received mail from Peru, all arts and letters received are exposed at the entrance of our classroom. Please come by and ask your child about this.

The letter of this week is the letter S-s, homework will be sent home so your child will can practice this trace.
This week you will receive your child's report card. If you have any questions or concerns, you can set up an appointment with your child's teacher; a signup sheet is available by the door, other times and dates may be available upon request.

Always remember that our best interest is your child's well-been.

After reviewing your child’s report card please sign it up and RETURN it to your teacher as soon as you can. Thank you.

As the weather is getting cold, we would like to remind you to take home the light clothes from your children's cubby and bring some appropriate for the season.

Thank you! 
Miss Iris

Nov 30, 2011

Week of November 28 - December 2!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week will be working with the letter P- p and practicing all the words we have learned when we talked about our Country- Mi Pais. We will have a great time cooking a cake (pastel in Spanish) and putting together phonetic sounds with PA-PE-PI-PO-PU. Other objects you could bring to school to show and tell related with our theme could be: Pez -fish, perro-dog, peluche-furry toy, paloma-pigeon, pala-shovel, papa (a picture of dad).

The words we are using this week

El Pais-The Country
El Pavo-The Turkey
Los Peregrinos-The Pilgrims
El Presidente- The President
La Capital-The Capital

Also we will be preparing and practicing for our holiday show.

Keeping you up to date with our Ausangate Project, last week we sent to Peru a package with pictures and arts our ositos did for the children in Peru, and this week we have received letters from them. Please ask your child about these exciting news.

Congratulations to Rowan Boyer our student of the week!!
And to Gabriel Leerberg who is turning 5 years old this week.

Thank you all for attending our thanksgiving celebration. I hope you all enjoyed our little play. Our Ositos did a great job!

Upcoming Events:
Report Cards will be sent home next week. Please let me know if you would like to meet with me to discuss your child’s progress or if you have any questions or comments. I am posting a signup sheet by our door for those interested. Meetings for our class will be held on Monday December 12 from 8 to 9am.
Have a great week
Miss Iris

Nov 21, 2011

Week of November 21-25!!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we continue working the theme “My Country”- Mi país.

The words we will be practicing are

Compartir-To share
El Pavo-the turkey
Dar gracias-Be thankful
Los indios-The Indians
Los peregrinos- The pilgrims

We will also review what we learned last week:
Colores: Azul- Rojo /Blue –Red
Mi País- My Country
La Bandera- The flag
El Presidente-The president
El Aguila-The Eagle

We will be working the letter M-m and now that our Ositos have reviewed all the vowels we will be putting them together (ma-me-mi-mo-mu) to begin our reading and writting process.

Objects that start with the letter M: muneca-doll; martillo-hammer (a toy could be brought to the school); mono-monkey; manzana-apple.

This week we remember Thanksgiving and for our celebration we will be representing a little drama for you. Please be here on time 8:30AM on Wednesday 23th.

Congratulations to Gabriel Leerberg and Thomas Mercado who are celebrating their birthdays!!

Upcoming Events:

Sff! is closed Thursday and Friday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Picture Day is on Monday November 28th, Lifetouch Portraits will be here to do individual pictures.

Have a great week

Miss  Iris

Nov 15, 2011

Week of November 14-18th!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we are learning about “My Country”- Mi país.
We will be talking about our President, where he lives, the colors of our flag and what they represent.

The words we will learn this week are
Estados Unidos
El presidente-The president
La Casa Blanca-The White House
La bandera-The flag
El águila-The eagle
La capital-The capital

This week we are working the letter U-u words in Spanish that start with letter u are: uvas (grapes), uno (number one), unicornio (unicorn), USA.

At home please help your child look for words that start with the letter U, it could be in the paper or in magazines.

Congratulations to our student of the week: Dillon Demidovich.

Thank you parents and children for making my birthday a very special day. I had a great time! Gracias.

Please remember our upcoming event will be on Wednesday November 23th.

Have a great week

Miss Iris

Nov 7, 2011

Week of November 7th-11th

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we continue working the theme: “My Community and Me” ;  the words we are learning this week are:
El piloto-The pilot
El avión- The plane
El aeropuerto-The airport
El hospital-The hospital
La enfermera- The nurse
La iglesia-The church
La Escuela-The School
El Parque-The playground
El supermercado-The grocery store

This week we are working the vowel O-o , our ositos may bring an object that starts with the letter O like Oso (bear), olla(pot).
Please remember that our Thanksgiving Celebration is coming up and our students are preparing a special activity.  Room parents will help coordinate for this event. Save the date for November 23rd.

Please mark your calendars on Nov 28th for Individual Picture Day; please make sure to turn in the parents notice with your selection for the background by Nov 25th.

Congratulations to Natalie Dougherty on her birthday and for being our student of this week.

 Have a great week!

Miss  Iris

Nov 2, 2011

Week of October 31 - November 4!!!

Dear Parents
This week we are working on a new theme: “My Community and Me”- “La comunidad y yo” and the words we will be learning are:
La Iglesia-The Church
El Aeropuerto-The airport
La Escuela-The school
El Supermercado-The grocery store
La Maestra-The teacher
El piloto-The pilot
El Cajero-the cashier
Enseñar-To Teach
Trabajar-to Work

This week we are working with the vowels specially the letter I-i and the number 4; our ositos may bring objects that start with this letter.
Congratulations to our student of the week: Milo Flores
Thank you for your support with our Costume Parade, our students had a so much fun!
Upcoming events:
Thanksgiving Celebration on November 23th
Individual Picture Day on November 28th
Have a great week!
Miss Iris

Oct 27, 2011

Week of October 24-28!

Hola Ositos Parents:
This week we continue working the theme “My Family”- “Mi Familia” and the words we will be learning are:

Mii Abuela- My Grandmother
Mi Abuelo-My Grandfather
Mi tio- My uncle
Mi tia- My aunt
Mi primo- My cousin
Mi prima-My cousin
La Granja-The Farm
La calabaza-the pumpkin
Las hojas-the leaves
El disfraz-The costume
Los dulces-Candy

Also we will be working the letter E and for circle time your child may bring a toy or an object that starts with this letter for example: Elefante (elephant), estrella (star), escoba (broom), edificio (building), erizo (hedgehog)

I hope you all had a great time at Hill Ridge Farms. I would like to thank you for coming to the field trip with us. It was very nice to get to spend time with you in such a fun environment. Learning new vocabulary and developing social and motor skills playing, was so much fun.
We really appreciate your attendance, thank you for your support.

Upcoming Events:
October 31st I’ts Costume Party time, we will be trick treating the classrooms, have your child wearing a costume and join us for a sweet celebration at 12:00pm. Please confirm if you are planning to attend.

Congratulations to our student of the week: “Preston Frez” we are looking forward to hearing more about you.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris

Oct 17, 2011

Week of October 17-21!

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we start working on a new theme, and for the next two weeks we will be learning about “My Family”- “Mi Familia” the words we will be introducing are:
El Paseo-Field trip
La Granja-Farm
Las calabazas-Pumpkins
Las Hojas-Leaves
Mi Mama-My Mom
Mi Papa-My Dad
Mi Hermano-My brother
Mi Hermana-My sister
El bebe- The baby
Mi Casa- Home

We will be working with the letter A and you may bring any object or toy to the class which name starts with the letter “A” for example “Arania” – Spider or “Armadillo”-Armadillo, our ositos will have to talk about the object they brought at circle time, letting the other ositos know things or facts about the object or toy they are showing like where do they live?, what do they do?, what color are they?, this will give our children more to talk about and share with their classmates.

Please remember we will be having our first Field Trip this Thursday October 20th, we are going to Hills Ridge Farm in the morning to pick up pumpkins and other fun activities.

October 24th for our Picture Day, children must wear their uniforms: red top and blue pants.
October 31st it’s Costume Party time, have your child wearing a costume and join us for a sweet celebration at 12:00pm
Please bring weather appropriate clothes for your child; we will appreciate your child’s items are labeled.

Congratulations to our student of the week: Isabel Garcia
Congratulations to Rowan Boyer for his new baby brother.

Thank you

Miss Iris

Oct 11, 2011

Week of October 10-14th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents:
We continue working with the theme “My feelings” – “ Mis sentimientos” and the words we will be learning are:
El Circulo-The circle
Yo me siento – I am feeling
Feliz - Happy
Triste - Sad
Enojado –Angry
Asustado –Scared
Estas Bien?-Are you ok?

This week we are also talking about Columbus Day and why we remember in the United States the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas.

We will learn about the words:

El Barco-The boat
Los indios- The indians
Descubrir- Discover
Cristobal Colon- Christopher Columbus

Save the dates:

October 20th for our first Field Trip, we will be going to Hills Ridge Farm in the morning to pick up pumpkins and other fun activities.

October 24th for our Picture Day, children must wear their uniforms: red top and blue pants.
October 31st it’s Costume Party time, have your child wearing a costume and join us for a sweet celebration at 12:00pm
Please bring weather appropriate clothes for your child; we will appreciate your child’s items are labeled.

Congratulations to our student of the week: Gabriel Leerberg.

Have a great week

Miss Iris, Miss Sandra and Miss Patricia