Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jan 30, 2012

Week of January 30th-February 3rd!

Dear Ositos Parents

Happy Monday!
We continue working the theme “El Universo y Yo” – The Universe and me” and this week we will also learn about the Elements that are part of our planet like:

La Tierra-The Earth
El agua-Water
El Fuego-Fire
El Aire-Air/Wind

We will experience with the air and the states of the water.

For our field trip this week we will be going to Reedy Creek Elementary School located at 940 Reedy Creek Rd. We will meet at 9:30A.M. at the school’s lobby, please be on time!

The letter of the Week: is the letter V-v, some words that begin with this letter are:
La vaca-The cow
La vela-The candle
El violin-The violin
El vaso-The cup
La ventana-The window
El ventilador-The fan

From February 6th to February 10th: the letter of the week will be : G-g.

Thank you Sandra French for the books donated to our Ositos classroom. Gracias!
Special thanks to Susannah Bishop for your efforts in making possible our Field trip to Reedy Creek Elementary School.

This week The Scholastic Book Fair is visiting our school, we encourage you to pick up items for your child and our classroom, if you would like to donate books for our classroom; you will find a wish list at our door with the titles we have selected; we appreciate your support. Thank you for your donations!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris.

Jan 26, 2012

Week of January 23-27!

Dear Ositos Parents

Continuing with the theme “El Universo y Yo” – The Universe and me” this week we will focus in our planet: The Earth- La Tierra; and the words we will be learning are:

La Tierra-The Earth
Los oceanos-The oceans
Los paises-The countries
El dia-Day
La noche-Night

We will talk about our planet,  and will experience how a day turns into night and the opposite again. We will talk about the sun and were it goes when it is night.

The letter of this week: B-b

Please remember our field trip is schedule next Tuesday January 31st, at 9:30 am at Reedy Creek Elementary School. Our Ositos will have the opportunity to spend a few hours in a  kindergarten classroom.

Don’t miss it.

Have a wonderful week.

Miss Iris

Jan 19, 2012

Week of January 17-20!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we continue working the theme “El Universo y Yo” – The Universe and me” and the words we will be learning for the next two weeks are:

El astronauta- The astronaut
El cohete-The rocket ship
El espacio-The Space
El Cometa-The Comet
El Telescopio-The telescope

We will talk about the astronaut, his job and his mean of transportation to travel through space. We will experiment how rocket ships fly. Since we are working the letter C, you may consider bringing books or toys about comets, and rocket ships, you may also bring other items like:
La Casa-House
El Cerdo-Pig
El Carro-Car
El Corazon-Heart
La Cuchara-Spoon
La Capa-Cape
El Cepillo-Toothbrush, Hairbrush  

The letter for next week is: B-b. Words that start with the letter B:
El Barco-Boat
El Banco-Bench/Bank
La Bandera-Flag
El Bombero-fireman
La Ballena-whale
La Bailarina-dancer
El Bosque-forest

We hope you are having a great week already.

Miss Iris.

Jan 9, 2012

Week of January 9-13!

Dear Ositos Parents

Happy New Year 2012!
To start the year we will be working on the theme “El Universo y Yo” – The Universe and me” and the words we will be learning for the next two weeks are:
El sistema solar- The solar system
Los planetas-The planets
El sol- The sun
La luna-The moon
Las estrellas-The stars
El cometa-The comet

This week we will work the letter D-d and the numbers up to 20. We will talk about the 8 planets in our Solar System. We will review all the letters we have learned so far and that are in: Mercurio, Marte, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno. In art we will create a solar system. And we will learn about Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream.

Congratulations to the student of the week: Alejandro Valdes.

The letter of next week: C-c

To keep your child warm at the playground don’t forget to bring: a hat, gloves, a jacket and also a cozy blanket for nap time.

Please return your child’s report card.

Please note next Monday the school will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Have a great week!

Miss Iris.