Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Sep 27, 2013

Week of September 30 - October 4th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a nice week!
We are very proud of the good work done by the children about the theme The Senses!
Next week we will be talking about the theme, Mis Sentimientos/My Feelings.  We will do different activities such as game faces, crafts and gestures representation of different feelings.

Words of the week are:
·         Me siento-I feel
·         feliz-happy
·         triste-sad
·         enojado-angry
·         asustado-afraid
·         sorprendido-surprised
·         entusiasmado-enthusiastic

 The children will practice tracing and writing the vowel Oo(part of Language and
   Writing of your child notebook)

Thanks for your help with the art of September!
   The last three weeks of October we will be talking about the family, for that reason the art is to make a Family Tree.  Each child with his/her parents will make The Family Tree according to their creativity.  Any questions, please let us know.

*Congratulations to Noah who is our child of the week, Felicidades!!!


*October 14-Christopher Columbus Day, the children will dramatize the story of 
Christopher Columbus and The Discovery Of America. Activity starts at 10:00am. Parents are welcome to join us.

*October 25-First field trip, Hill Ridge Farm in Youngsville (9:00 am to 12:00 pm)

*Please do not leave plastic bags in the cubby of your child or another child.
*The weather is changing, so please make sure to send your child with
   Appropriate clothing and remember to label all their belongings.

*We are pleased to inform you that our room parent is Celina Mount, mother of Madeleine mount.  Thank you so much for your help. Muchas Gracias!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Iris and Miss Kenia

Sep 20, 2013

Week of September 23rd- 27th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a wonderful week!
Next week we will continue talking about the senses and on this occasion we will emphasize the senses of touch and taste.  We also reviewing the studied senses, sight, hearing and smell and how work the senses with the brain.

Special activities of the theme:

*Cooking class- We will make cookies
*We will do a book of the textures.

The words of the week are:
·         el tacto- the touch
·         las manos- the hands
·         el gusto- the taste
·         la lengua- the tongue
·         agrio- sour
·         acido- acid
·         dulce- sweet
·         picante- spicy
·         el cerebro- the brain

Special Events:
*Congratulations to Vivian, our child of the week. Felicidades!
*Congratulations to Josephine for her birthday, Feliz cumpleanos!
*Congratulations to Caleb's family for the birth of a new family member!
Upcoming Events:
·         October 14th          Columbus Day Celebration at Sff!
·         October 25th          Field trip (more information below)
·         October 31st          Costume Parade

 We will continue reviewing the vowels and we will give emphasis to writing.
Thanks to the parents who brought images and objects with the vowel Uu.

Wednesday, September 25, take home your child’s notebook and please help your child to do the task about the senses.   The home will be in the part of science of your child notebook.
*We want to let you know that many children are improving their writing skills.  THANKS for your valuable help. GRACIAS!

Have e great weekend!!!

Miss iris and Miss Kenia

Sep 13, 2013

Week of September 16th - 20th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!
The next week we will be talking about the theme “Mis sentidos/My senses” Through various activities, the children will identify the senses of sight, smell and hearing.

The words of the week are:
·         la vista-the sight
·         el oido-the ear
·         el olfato-the smell

The vowel of the week : Uu
·         uno-one
·         uvas-grapes
·         una-nail
·         uniforme-uniform
·         Ulises(male name)
Thanks parents for bringing objects with the vowel Oo.

We are reviewing the recognition of vowels and also the children are practicing writing the vowels.  We are working hard for the children to have a good fine motor development.  Thanks for any help you can give us at home to achieve one of our goals.

Special events:
*Congratulations to Ella, our child of the week, Felicidades!!
*Congratulations to Lily for her birthday, Feliz Cumpleanos!!
*September 20-Picture Day

*We have begun working with our Ositos their notebook and we have divided the notebok into 4 parts:

Every Wednesday your child will have homework and take home his/her notebook.  Bring it back Friday or Thursday if the task is finished.

*Please do not leave plastic bags, food or drinks in your child cubby.
Thank you very much to the Grandparents who joined us on Friday, a special morning  dedicated to them.

Thanks parents for your support and have a great weekend!

Miss iris and Miss Kenia

Week of September 16th - 20th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!
The next week we will be talking about the theme “Mis sentidos/My senses” Through various activities, the children will identify the senses of sight, smell and hearing.

The words of the week are:
·         la vista-the sight
·         el oido-the ear
·         el olfato-the smell

The vowel of the week : Uu
·         uno-one
·         uvas-grapes
·         una-nail
·         uniforme-uniform
·         Ulises(male name)
Thanks parents for bringing objects with the vowel Oo.

We are reviewing the recognition of vowels and also the children are practicing writing the vowels.  We are working hard for the children to have a good fine motor development.  Thanks for any help you can give us at home to achieve one of our goals.

Special events:
*Congratulations to Ella, our child of the week, Felicidades!!
*Congratulations to Lily for her birthday, Feliz Cumpleanos!!
*September 20-Picture Day

*We have begun working with our Ositos their notebook and we have divided the notebok into 4 parts:

Every Wednesday your child will have homework and take home his/her notebook.  Bring it back Friday or Thursday if the task is finished.

*Please do not leave plastic bags, food or drinks in your child cubby.
Thank you very much to the Grandparents who joined us on Friday, a special morning  dedicated to them.

Thanks parents for your support and have a great weekend!

Miss iris and Miss Kenia

Sep 6, 2013

Week of September 9th-13th !!!

Hola ositos parents:

We hope you had a wonderful week!

Next week we will finish the theme:”Mi cuerpo/My body”

and we will be talking about the inside of our body.  We will show our Ositos 

images about the respiratory system and digestive system.  Also we will do

an experiment related on how the heart pumps blood.

The words of the week are:
·         el corazon-the heart
·         la sangre-the blood
·         los pulmones-the lungs
·         el estomago-the stomach
·         los intestinos-the intestines
·         el cerebro-the brain
·         El sistema respiratorio-The respiratory system
·         El sistema digestivo-The digestive system

Vowel of the week: Oo

Thanks to the parents who brought objects with the vowel Ii.

We have begun working with our Ositos their notebook and we have divided the notebook into 4 parts:





Every Wednesday your child will have homework make sure to take home his/her notebook.  Please bring it every Friday but your child can bring the notebook for Thursday if the task is finished.  If you have any questions, please let us know.

Student of the week:
*Congratulations to Xavier who is our child of the week!

Grandparent’s Special Activity
Please join us next Friday September 13th, to celebrate our Grandparents! Sff! will be serving a delicious breakfast for all grandparents starting at 8:00am in our lobby, then please join us for our circle time at 8:30am. We will love to see all grandparents for our special activity!

Have a nice weekend!!

Miss iris & Miss Kenia