Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 26, 2012

Week of March 26-30th!

Dear Ositos parents

Our theme of the month is The Animal Kingdom and this week we will be learning about the domestic animals and our children will identify their characteristics, food and habitat .
Also we will do an overview about The Animal Kingdom.  The children will classify animals according to their habitat.
The words we will learn this week are:
el perro-the dog
el gato-the cat
el pez-the fish
la tortuga-the turtle
el caballo-the horse
el pajaro-the bird
el conejo- the rabbit
suave- soft
docil- docile

canta- sing

Special activities:
march 27-Pet day please let me know if you would bring your pet

Upcoming Events:
April 13- International Party; we are preparing for this activity and this week we will deliver a letter about the details for this special event.

GRACIAS! parents for bringing plastic insects and books that helped me with the theme.

Have a great week

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Mar 20, 2012

Week of March 19-23th!!!

Dear Ositos parents
Our theme of this month is The Animal Kingdom and this week we will be learning about the insects.

The children will classify different insects and they will learn the life cycle of some of them.  Also they will make arts and during cooking class they will prepare spider-shaped cup cake.

The words of this week are:

la mariposa-the butterfly
la araña-the spider
la hormiga-the ant
el grillo-the cricket
la abeja-the bee
la mariquita-the ladybug
la mosca-the fly
el mosquito-the mosquito

Please remember March 19 to 23 is Art Fair and  our Ositos are excited about presenting their work. Great job Ositos!

Upcoming Events:

March 27- Pet day please let me know in advance if you would bring your pet.

 Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Mar 12, 2012

Week of March 12-16th!

Dear Ositos parents

Our theme of the month is the Animal Kingdom and this week we will be learning about the Wild Animals. The children will identify the characteristics of some animals, food and habitat.

In Art they will prepare a book about the wild animals. The words we will learn this week are:
El León-the lion
El mono-the monkey
Lajirafa-the giraffe
El elefante-the elephant
La cebra-the zebra

Special words:
San Patricio-Saint Patrick

Special activities:
We are celebrating Chloe’s week. Congratulations!
This Friday, March 16th we are celebrating Saint Patrick's Day. The children and staff will come wearing green clothing or accessories.

In the morning we will make a short stop in each classroom and throughout the day various games.

 In the afternoon Milo's mom is visiting the classroom, she will narrate a story to our children.

 The letter of this week is the letter Z-z, some words with this letter are:
El zorro-fox
El zapato-shoe
La zanahoria-carrot
La tiza-chalk
La taza-cup

Upcoming events:

Art Fair week is coming and our children’s art will be displayed outside each classroom. March 19-23!

March 20th is picture Day. Notices will be sent today, please make sure you fill out and return it before Picture Day to let us know your preferences.

Have a great week

Miss Iris

Mar 7, 2012

Week of March 5-9th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents

Our theme of the month is the Animal Kingdom and this week we will be learning about the sea animals. The children will identify some sea animals and their characteristics.

Also they will prepare tanks with recyclable materials and a mural. The words we will learn this week are:
El mar- the sea
El tiburon- the shark
La ballena- the whale
El pulpo- the octopus
La mantarraya- the stingray
La medusa- the jellyfish
El pez- the fish
La tortuga- the turtle
nadar-  to swim

CONGRATULATIONS! to Zoe and Idris on their birthdays!  Idris is our student of the week.

The letter of this week is J-j, some words with this letter are:
jarra- jar
juguete- toy
jirafa- giraffe
jabon- soap

Upcoming events:
On March 16th is St Patrick's Day. The children and staff will come wearing green clothing or accessories.
Have a great week
Miss Iris