Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jul 31, 2012

Week of July 30th- August 3rd!

Dear OsitosParents!

This week we are talking about "Knights and Princesses", a special theme for the children!
They will have fun and enjoy with activities as creating a giant story book, about princesses, crowns and knights.

Specials activities for this week are :
Tuesday- Face Painting
Thursday- Dress up like a Knights and princesses.
Friday- Art Exposition and Angel's birthday celebration at the school.
The words of this week are:
El caballero- The Knight
La armadura- the armor
El caballo- the horse
El castillo-the castle
El dragon-the dragon
El escudo-the shield
La princesa-the princess


Please take home wet clothes and towels on splash days.

Miss Iris will be back on Thursday

August 10th school is open until 12:30p.m.
August 13th school is closed and Open House Night for Parents begins at 6:00 p.m.
August 14th is our first day of school.

Have a wonderful week!
Miss Patricia

Jul 20, 2012

Week of July 23-27th!

Dear Ositos Parents: 

This week we will be talking about "The Zoo". 
The children will identify animals that live in the zoo and their characteristics.
They will make different crafts, games and exercises related to this theme.

Specials activities for this week: 
Monday- Crazy hair day
Tuesday- The children will make bear masks
Wednesday- The children  will bring their favorite zoo animal
Friday- Animal masks festival

The words of this week are:

El elefante-the elephant
El oso-the bear
El mono-hte monkey
La jirafa-the giraffe
El hipopotamo-the hippo
El leon-the lion
La cebra -the zebra
El tigre-the tiger
La serpiente- the tiger
Feliz Cumpleanios Preston Frez!
Congratulations on your 5th Birthday!
Miss Iris is still on vacation until August 1st!

Have a great week!

Miss Karla and Miss Patricia

Jul 15, 2012

Week of July 16-20!

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we will be talking about “The Olympics” and we will give emphasis to sports like basketball, football, baseball, cycling, athletics and tennis.

Special activities for this week are as follows:
Tuesday- Dress as an athlete.
Wednesday-Bike ride at the parking lot, please bring bike, skateboard or tricycle and helmet for your child.
Thursday-We will make torches and medals, please bring paper towel cardboard rolls. Also dress in the colors of your favorite team. (Jersey Day)
We will have a Sff! Olympics and the Ositos Team will wear a Blue T-SHIRT.
The words of this week are:

juego de pelota-baseball
el casco-helmet

I will be on vacation starting the 18th of July and I will back on August 2nd.

Have a great week!
Miss Iris

Jul 9, 2012

Week of July 9-16th!!

Dear Ositos Parents
This week we will talking about The Dinosaurs and the children will do different activities every day, such as:

Monday-Dinosaur puppet
Tuesday-The children will make a paleontologist’s hat
Wednesday-We will do shadow theater with dinosaurs
Thursday-The children will bring their favorite dinosaur to school to play and share
Friday-Excavating  fossils in the sand

The words for this week are:

los dinosaurios-the dinosaurs
el tiranosaurio-the tyrannosaurus
el pterodactilo-the pterodactyl
el diplodocus-the diplodocus
el triceratops-the triceratops
el paleontologo-the paleontologist
la pala-the shovel

Also congratulations to Chloe on her birthday! Feliz Cumpleanios Chloe

Have a great week

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia