Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 30, 2015

Week of November 2nd-6th

Ositos Class
Miss Amparo & Ms. Luz
Week of November 02nd – November 06th
Theme of the week: “Mi comunidad y yo /My Community and Me”

Dear Ositos Parents,
It is very important to talk to our children about the world around us and the people that help us. This week we will explain to our Ositos how a community can be small with only a few buildings and homes, or large with many buildings and homes. We will also teach them how the people in the community help each other by offering goods and services. At the same time, we will encourage our Ositos to show respect for the work they perform in each of their areas.
Our objectives by areas this week, are:
 Socio-emotional: Show solidarity with others.
Cognitive: Recognize and names of community helpers and the work they perform.
Psychomotor: Identify right/left in their bodies (gross motor). Cut shapes (fine motor).
Language: Say personal information (Name, age, address, parent’s name, and job).
Literacy Activity: Letter of the week “Mm”.

·         Explain to your child what kind of job you have and how this job helps others.
·         Encourage your child to name the jobs of the community helpers (policeman, firefighter, doctor, nurse, constructor, grocer, etc.) and how they help other people.

Conozco mucha mucha gente en mi vida,
Que siempre ayuda con mucha alegría
Y si tú quieres conocer sus oficios
Jugando vamos a nombrarlos en un ratito.
Es la enfermera, es el cartero
Es la maestra de Sff
El policía y el bombero
Son los amigos que te cuidaran.
Conozco mucha……….
Es el dentista y el granjero
El cocinero…delicias te hará
El carpintero y el arquitecto
Son los amigos que te ayudaran.

Son muchas las personas
Que trabajan en mi comunidad,
Lo hacen con mucho esmero
Siempre listos a ayudar,
Doctor, policía, bombero,
Profesor y  muchos más,
Cartero, basurero, jardinero
Son parte de mi comunidad.

El cocinero mezcla los sabores
Tiene su cocina de ricos olores
El veterinario cura perros y pajaritos
Siempre está rodeado de animalitos.
Pinceles pomos y telas usa el pintor
Hizo un cuadro de mucho color

El semáforo en la calle
Debemos de mirar
Si esta rojo no pasamos
Pues tenemos que esperar
De pronto se pone ¡!verde!!
Es momento de pasar.

Con pinturas de colores
Con rodillo y pincel
Pinta paredes y puertas
Adivina ¿Quién es el?
El pintor
Con canciones y  con cuentos
Me gusta enseñar
En la escuela a los niños
De Spanish for fun
La maestra.

Erre con rr guitarra
Erre con rr carril
Rápido corren los carros
Rápido el ferrocarril

  • Praxias anteriores
  • Realizar chasquido (trote del caballo)
Homework of the week
Make sure to take your child’s notebook home this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in on class (LETTER Mm). Please bring them back on Monday.
Remember, kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
Our Student of the Week is CAMILA DEREAVER, we are so excited to know everything about you (favorite activity to do, toy, book, food, dessert, places to go, etc.)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to VICTORIA HERNANDEZ. She will turn four on Sunday, have fun!
Friendly Reminders:
·         Our Ositos will send a letter to be delivered by the mail man to Mommy and Daddy. Please bring on Monday an envelope with your address and a stamp for your child’s activity. Thank you.
·         TOTE BAGS: Many parents have brought tote bags these past weeks, but we still are missing some. Please help us to keep our cubbies organized by bringing a tote bag for your child’s belongings. Thank you for your cooperation.
·         If you have a picture of you performing your work, please bring it to help our children understand the theme of the week.
·         We are very pleased to host our Ositos’ family members for Story Time. Let us know if you would like to join us at 11.45 am, any day of the week.

Important Upcoming Dates:
November 5: Policemen visit Sff!
November 6: Firefighters visit Sff!
November 9: Report Cards will be sent home.
November 23: Parents/Teacher conference
November 26 & 27: Sff! closed
Thank you notes:
Thank you to our wonderful parents who helped us with the Costume parade and the Trunk or Treat.  The children looked so cute in their costumes and everybody had so much fun.

Miss Amparo - Miss Luz

Oct 23, 2015

Week of October 26th-30th

Ositos Class
Miss Luz & Ms. Amparo
Week of October 26th – October 30th
Theme of the Week: “Mi Familia / My Family”

Hola Ositos Parents,
This week, we will continue learning and focusing on the theme: “Mi Familia/ My Family.”
We will focus on different types of housing, members of a family, and we will finally have our Costume Parade & Trick or Treat 2015! Children have been looking for this activity!
Our goal this week is for our Ositos to recognize different types of families around the world, including: their traditions, dress, and housing conditions.
At home you can observe and describe your house and some household items with your child. Even though all families around the world are different, there are aspects that are the same for everyone.

The value will be working: Unity

Note:  Help us by sending pictures of your child doing different fun family activities, this is for our project called “My Fun Family”

v  Identifies the members of a family.
v  Identifies the roles of the members of a family.
v  Identifies the activities that families engage in.

Homework of the week
Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in class. Please bring them back on Monday.

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):

The student of the week is Milena Maldonado, we can’t wait to know everything about you (favorite toy, book, food, places to go, etc.).

Friendly Reminders:
·         The weather is getting cold, please bring appropriate clothes for your child (long sleeve shirt, long pants, and jacket) and a cozy blanket for nap time.
·         Make sure your child washes his/her hands when arriving and leaving the classroom.
·         Label all your child’s belongings.
·         Please sign up “The Student of the Week.” Our sign-up sheet is outside the classroom.
·         Our Ositos enjoy story time with their family members so much. Please don’t forget to sign up for this activity. We have story time every day at 11.45 am.

Important Upcoming Dates:
·         October 30: Afternoon Costume Parade and Trick and Treat. Donations for healthy snack and treats for children (appropriate for their age) are welcome. Sign-up sheets will be posted outside each class. You will receive more information soon regarding this activity. Parent participation is encourage.
·         November 9: Report cards will be sent home
·         November 16 – 20: Parent conference more details coming very soon.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Amparo

Oct 16, 2015

Week of October 19th-23rd

Ositos Class
Miss Amparo & Ms. Luz
Week of October 19th – October 23rd
Theme of the Week: “Mi Familia / My Family”

Dear Ositos Parents,
Fall is a wonderful season that brings lots of colors while the leaves change. Children have many opportunities to discover and learn while they explore this season. Our theme this week is "My Family". Our Ositos will have the opportunity to talk about the people most important to them. This theme also will help them to realize that family(The people we live with) is something we all have in common, regardless of how our families look. This knowledge will help to stimulate your child's self-esteem, security, love, understanding, and respect for each family member.

Our objectives, by area, this week are:
Socio-emotional: How to develop social skills as a member of a family.
Cognitive: Seriation, classification, measurement.
Psychomotor: Develop fine motor skills.
Language: Phonological awareness.
Literacy Activity: Learn the letter “Oo”.

·         Talk to your child about the different types of families.
·         Encourage your child to be an active member of the family by giving him/her some responsibilities (help to set the table, clean the toys, fold the clothes, etc.).
·         Talk to your child about family values.

Tengo una familia y es fenomenal
Mi papa me ama mi mama igual
Con mis hermanitos yo puedo jugar
Y mis abuelitos bailan sin cesar.(x2)
Con este chachacha
La familia aprenderás
Respeto a papa amo mi mama
Mi abuelo y mi abuela felices están
Esta es mi familia, es mi dulce hogar.
Chachachacha amo a mi mama
Chachachacha amo a mi papa (x2)

Viva mi familia
Que felicidad
Vivo junto  a ellos
Es fenomenal
Todos los niños y niñas
Necesitan un hogar
Una casita encantada
Un lugar para soñar

Empieza con “A”
 Y muchos cariños me da.
 Me cuida , me mima
 Y es la mamá de mi mamá
            Mi abuelita.

 Mi tía Pancha plancha
 Con dos  planchas
 Con dos  planchas
 Plancha mi tía Pancha.

  • Praxias anteriores
  • Realizar chasquido (trote del caballo)

Homework of the week
·         Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in class. Please bring them back on Monday.
·         Remember, kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows them that what they do is important.

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
Our Student of the Week is SOPHIA DE AMAT, We can’t wait to know everything about you (favorite toy, book, food, dessert, places to go, etc.
Friendly Reminders:
·         TOTE BAGS: As you have noticed, the cubbies in our classroom are not big enough to have all your child’s belongings, especially now when the weather is getting colder and we have extra clothes (blanket, jacket, gloves, hat, scarf, etc.) Because of sanitation rules, we can’t let the jackets touch each other when they are hanging. That is the reason we kindly are asking you to bring a labeled tote bag (not plastic) so we can only store your child’s jacket and other winter clothes if it is necessary. The tote bag will remain at school. We will really appreciate your help.
·         Please sign up our “The Student of the Week” sheet that is outside the classroom.
·         We would be very pleased to have our Ositos’ family members for Story Time. Let us know if you would like to join us at 11:45 am, any day of the week.
·         There will be a signup sheet outside the classroom for your donation to our Trick or Treat. The treats must be nut free (please avoid hard candy or any choking hazard item). Some examples of treats are: juice boxes, crackers, stickers, tattoos, play dough, bubbles, etc.
·         For our pretend play family activities (as Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, etc.), we will need old fashion men’s and woman’s clothes, toy jewelry, toy phones, glasses, a doll house (if it is possible). Please bring them on Monday and we will return all these things at the end of the week. Thank you for your support.
Important Upcoming Dates:
October 23: Parent’s Night Out (6.00 pm – 9.00 pm)
October 30: Costume Parade – Trunk and Treat, at 3.30 pm

Thank you notes:
Thank you to all of you for joining us in our first field trip to Phillips Farm. Everybody had so much fun! Please check our Facebook page for pictures of this wonderful activity!
Miss Amparo - Miss Luz

Oct 9, 2015

Week of October 12th-16th

Ositos Class
Miss Luz & Ms. Amparo
Week of October 12th – October 16th
Theme of the Week: “Nos Ponemos Activos / Being active"
Hola Ositos Parents,
Exercise at an early age is an important part of building a healthy lifestyle. Eating nutritional food goes hand-in-hand with this type of activity and, together, these habits can help us to prepare for the tasks that life presents to us.  Source: http://www.importancia.org/deporte-en-los-ninos.php
Our goal this week is for the children to become aware of practicing sports and the benefits that these habits can have, in an atmosphere of camaraderie and teamwork.
At home you can encourage your child to practice any sport, either competitive or recreational, and encourage your child to choose and support the one that they like best.
Our value of focus is teamwork.
Note: On Wednesday the children will have a Marathon in the parking lot, please bring blue t-shirt.

Our objectives by areas this week, are:
·         Socio-emotional: Interacts with peers in a positive way.
·         Cognitive: Identifies dimensions, including thick, thin
·         Psychomotor: Dunk and kick balls.
·         Language: Traces his/her name with a pencil
·         Literacy Activity: Learn the letter “Ii.”

Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
Mueve mueve mueve  mueve bien los pies
Mueve mueve mueve la cabeza ya
Mueve mueve mueve las rodillas bien
Ponte siempre activo vamos a jugar (2)
Y corre corre corre corre
Y Salta salta salta salta
Gira gira gira  gira sin parar (2)
Manos arriba
Piernas cruzadas
Gira tu cuerpo
Ven a jugar (2)

Ya es hora de los deportes
Pronto va a comenzar
Ya estoy esperando la partida
Para correr, jugar y ganar

Ahí van mis amiguitos
Para jugar con mucha ilusión
Intentamos todos correr rapidito
Cualquiera puede ser el campeón.
Soy de color anaranjado
Crezco en la tierra
A los conejos les gusto
 y para la vista soy buena.
      La zanahoria

Si yo como como poco
Si tu comes
¿Comes poco?
  • Barrer el paladar con la punta de la lengua
v  Identifies sports
v  Participates in group games.

Homework of the week
Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in class. Please bring them back on Monday.

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):

The student of the week is Benjamin Brown, we can’t wait to know everything about you (favorite toy, book, food, places to go, etc.).
October 14th- Happy Birthday Quincy!!! Enjoy your day

Friendly Reminders:
·         Please don’t forget to fill out the permission slip form for our first field trip.
·         The weather is getting cold, please bring appropriate clothes for your child (long sleeve shirt, long pants, and jacket) and a cozy blanket for nap time.
·         Make sure your child washes his/her hands when arriving and leaving the classroom.
·         Label all your child’s belongings.
·         Please sign up “The Student of the Week.” Our sign-up sheet is outside the classroom.
·         Our Ositos enjoy story time with their family members so much. Please don’t forget to sign up for this activity. We have story time every day at 11.45 am.

Important Upcoming Dates:
·         October 14th: On Wednesday the children will have a Marathon in the parking lot, please bring blue t-shirt.

·         October 16th: We are going to Phillips Farms in Cary. Permission slips will be sent home starting next week. Make sure to return them and let us know if your child is participating of this activity or staying at Sff! so we can plan accordingly. This is an activity for all classrooms.

·         October 23rd: “Parent’s Night Out” from 6 – 9pm. Please check our Friday news for prices and more information. This parent’s night out is a fundraising for our upcoming Holiday Party in December. Thanks for your support!

·         October 30th: Afternoon Costume Parade and Trunk and Treat. Donations for healthy snack and treats for children (appropriate for their age) are welcome. Sign-up sheets will be posted outside each class. You will receive more information soon regarding this activity. Parent participation is encouraged.

Thank you:
Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Luz and Ms. Amparo