Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Dec 27, 2012

Weeks of December 26- January 4th!!

Dear Ositos parents:

I  am very proud of the excellent job our Ositos did at the Christmas Party.
Thank you very much parents for your support!!!
This and next week we are talking about New Year's Eve Celebration, we will also  talk about Chinese New Year Celebration and Dia de Reyes.

The words for this week are:
Despedida de anio-New Year's Eve
Anio Nuevo-New Year
Anio nuevo Chino-Chinese New Year
cuenta regresiva-countdown

This and next week we are working with the letter Dd and you can bring objects, photos or images from magazines that begin with the letter Dd, for example


School will be closed next Monday December 31st and Tuesday January 1st in observance to New Year Holiday!!!

On January 2nd School is closed due to Teachers workday

We will resume activities on Thursday January 3rd. Enjoy this little winter break

January 4th is Pajama Day.

Thank you parents for your wonderful presents .

Have a great week!
Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Dec 17, 2012

Week of December 17-21st!

Greetings Ositos parents:
This week we are talking about Holiday celebrations around the world, emphasizing Kwanzaa and Hanukah.

The words of this week are:
diferentes etnicidades-different ethnicities

Special events:
*Willy the bear will be visiting Arabella's home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
*Our Christmas party is this Friday at  Cary Senior Center in Bond Park, 120 Maury O'Dell Place in Cary.
Our children will play a skit called "Christmas Presents". In the play each child will need to dress up as a toy.

This week we are working with the letter “R-r” and you can bring objects, photos or images from magazines, that begin with the letter Rr, for example

Thank you Badia Family for bringing images with the letter Nn.

Have a great week and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Dec 10, 2012

Week of December 10-14th!

Dear Ositos parents:
This week we will continue talking about the theme My culture and traditions. We will compare the celebration of Christmas in the United States and some other countries. Also we will be talking about the family tree.

The words for this week are:
El hombre de nieve- The snowman
Felices Fiestas-Happy Holidays
El arbol genealogico- The family tree

Special events:
Willy the bear will be visiting Angel's home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
Congratulations to Santiago our Student of the week.
Welcome Kai Allen to our class.

Upcoming events:
Our Christmas Party will be on December 21st. and our children will play a skit called “Christmas Presents”. In the play each child will need to dress up as a toy.
A ballerina-Sophia and Arabella
A doll-Angel
A robot-Tyson and Calvin
A train-Santiago
A unicorn-Tess
A car-Truman
A Minnie Mouse-Mirella
A puppy-Madeline
Santa Claus-Cameron
The fairy godmother-Isabella

This week we are working with the letter Nn. You can bring objects, photos or images from magazines, that begin with the letter N, for example

Thanks to the parents who came to the conference.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Dec 2, 2012

Week of December 3-7th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we are talking about the theme “My culture and traditions”. 
We will give emphasis to Christmas Celebration in The United States.
Also we will be talking about Santa Claus and the Christmas tree.

The words for this week are:
Mi cultura-My culture
Mi tradicion-My tradition
La Navidad- The Christmas
el reno-the reindeer
el venado-the deer
los regalos-the gifts
El arbol de navidad-The Christmas tree
Los adornos-ornaments
Las luces-the lights

Special Events:
Willy the bear will be visiting Sophia's home.  Enjoy this week with Willy!

Wednesday December 5th is Parent Teacher Conference Day; a sign up sheet is at the door, if you would be interested in meeting with me to review your child’s progress.

Christmas Activity:
We are preparing for the big Christmas Party coming up December 21st.  The children will play a skit about Christmas Toys.
Below is the list of how children will dress up for it:

ballerina:Sophia and Arabella
robot-Tyson and Calvin
Minnie mouse-Mirella
Santa Claus-Cameron
The fairy godmother-Isabella
Please let me know if you may have any question

Have a great week!
Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Nov 30, 2012

Week of November 26-30th!

Dear Ositos parents:

This week we are talking about the national symbols of United States, and we are also talking about North Carolina and some cities such as Raleigh, Cary and Durham. The children will make crafts such as the bald eagle and a bear with the US flag.

The words for this week are:

El presidente-The president
La bandera-The flag
El aguila calva- The bald eagle
La casa blanca-The white house
El dolar-The dollar
El estado-The state
La ciudad-The city
El himno-The anthem

This week we are working with the letter L l
THis week we will give the report card of your child. Please review, sign and return by Monday December 3rd.

Thank you parents for your cooperation with our Thanksgiving activity. Special thanks to my Ositos who with only two days of rehearsals did a great job during the dramatization of the pilgrims and the indians.
We are very proud of you, Ositos!

Have a great week

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Nov 19, 2012

Week of November 19-23rd!

Dear Ositos Families:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support and generosity during these difficult times for me. I am glad to be back in my classroom again and continue working with my Ositos. Gracias!

This week we will be talking about the theme “My country” (EU) and we will give emphasis to the geography and history.

The words for this week are:

Estados Unidos-United State
mi pais-my country
el continente-the continent
la geografia-the geography
la historia-the history

Special events:

*Willy the bear will be visiting Sophia"s home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
*Thanksgiving activity:
The children will dramatize the story “The Pilgrims'First Thanksgiving

Special words:
Accion de Gracias-Thanksgiving
los peregrinos-the pilgrims
los indios-the Indian
la comida-the food
el pavo-the turkey

School is closed November 22-23rd.

This week we are working with the letter Ss. You may bring objects or images that represent

Happy Thanksgiving!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Nov 12, 2012

Week of November 12-16th!

Dear Ositos Parents
Our theme of the Week is: “My Community and Me”/ “Mi Comunidad y Yo”

Words of the week (Palabras que se van a utilizar esta semana):

Places/Lugares: the park/el parque, the grocery store/el supermercado, the stores/las tiendas, the church/la iglesia, the school/la escuela, the post office/la oficina de correo.

Community Helpers/Servidores de la comunidad: policeman/El policia, doctor/ el doctor, teacher/la maestra, firefighter/el bombero, nurse/la enfermera, constructor/el constructor, chef/el cocinero, garbage collector/el recogedor de basura, letter carrier/el cartero.

Transportation vehicles/medios de transporte: police car/carro de policía, fire truck/carro de bombero, bus/el autobús, car/el carro, train/el tren, airplane/el avión, ship/el barco.
Words: I am sorry/lo siento, again/otra vez, help/ayuda, forward/adelante,back/atras.
Color/color: blue/azul.

Numbers/numeros: one/uno, two/dos, three/tres, four/cuatro.

Reminders (Recordatorios a los Padres de Familia):
Please don’t forget to label your children’s jackets and all their belongings.

Homework this week (Tarea de esta semana):
This will be a very busy week. Our Ositos will make art, listen to stories about the job of our community helpers.

Have a great week!

Miss Patricia

Nov 5, 2012

Week of November 5th-16th!

Dear Ositos parents:

This week we are talking about the theme “My community and me/ Mi comunidad y yo”. We will give emphasis to places such as the museum, the park, the airport and other. The children will name the places they have visited and they will describe these. We will show them the image of the place accompanied with the word and encourage reading.

Special activity:
We will transform the dramatic play area in a supermarket.

The words for this week are:
el Museo-the museum
el Parque-the park
el Aeropuerto-the airport
la Bilblioteca-the library
el Supermercado-the supermarket
la Tienda-the store
la Escuela-the school
la Iglesia-the church


Special events:
*Willy the bear will be visiting Kai's home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
*Andres is our child of the week, congratulations!
*Happy Birthday Arabella and Kai. FELIZ CUMPLEANIOS!

Please make sure that your child's jacket is labeled and separated from the jacket hung by another child.
You can put your child's jacket in his/her cubby if space is available or you can use the hooks of the cubbies that are near the closet.

Please bring objects or picture from magazines with this letter Mm, for example:

el museo-museum
la mariposa-butterfly
la miel-honey
el murcielago-bat
el martillo-hammer
la munieca-doll
la motocicleta-motorcycle
la mesa-table
la foto de mama-picture's mom

Upcoming events:

On Wednesday, our school will be visited by Cary Fire Department to talk our children about fire prevention and safety.

Next week we will be talking about community helpers. Parents who want to share with us and talk about their job with the children may come at circle time to do a little demonstration. Please let me know.

The children enjoyed the Costume party. Thank you very much parents for your support and cooperation. GRACIAS!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 30, 2012

Week of October 29th - November 2nd!

Dear Ositos parents:

At the beginning of this week we will be reviewing the pumpkin’s life cycle. We will make a poster about our visit to the farm using photos.  Children who may wish to bring their pumpkins please do so on Thursday November 1st. On November 2nd we will be doing a review of previous themes.

The words for this week are:
La calabaza- pumpkin
El Ciclo de vida- Life cycle
La granja- farm
El tractor- tractor

Special activities:
*Willy the bear will be visiting Truman's home.  Enjoy this week with Willy!
*October 31st Is costume party, the children will parade in their costumes.  Also we do different activities in the classroom  such as crafts, a Jack o lantern; and cookies.

*October 31st is also Pajama day- your child will use her/his pajama during naptime.

* November 1st Children may bring their pumpkin collected at the farm for comparison according to size and weight

Special words:
La Fiesta de disfraces- Costume party
El desfile- parade
Los dulces- candies

Next week we will work with the letter Mm.  You can bring objects or picture from magazines with this letter
for example:
La manzana-apple
La mariposa-butterfly
La miel-honey
El murcielago-bat
El martillo-hammer
La muneca-doll
La motocicleta-motorcycle
other things

Homework- All art together
The children will make  a drawing  or any art related to the previous themes for example
My Spanish for fun! and me
My body
My senses
My family
note: only one theme

Thank you parents for going to the field trip! We had so much fun!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 22, 2012

Week of October 22-26th!

Dear Ositos Parents:

This week we continue working the theme “ My family”/ “Mi familia” and we will talk about the people who are part of our family and who may not live in our home,
such as uncles and cousins.

Words for this week:

Mi tio-My uncle
Mi tia-My aunt
Mi primo-My cousin
Mi prima-My cousin

Special events:

* October 22- Happy Birthday Calvin. And congratulations Willy the bear, our pet will be visiting your home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
* Congratulations to Madeline our student of the week!
* October 26- Field trip- Please make sure your permission slip has been returned.

Special Words:

la granja-the farm
la calabaza-the pumpkin
el maiz-the corn
el algodon- the cotton
La semilla-The Seed
La planta- the plant
La flor- The flower
Calabaza verde- Green pumpkin
Calabaza anaranjada- Orange pumpkin

Costume Party:

October 31- We have posted a wish list of items we would like to have for our party. You will find our signup sheet by the door. We thank you in advance for your donations and appreciate you bring these items by Monday or Tuesday to have enough time to prepare the goody bags.

You may bring tattoos, pencils, stickers, bubbles, face paint, art material, gummies among others.

Congratulations Flores family on the birth of your new family member!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 15, 2012

Week of October 15-19th!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we begin a new theme “My family/Mi familia”.  

During this week the children will talk about their family. Also we will talk about the chores they can perform at home and also of love and respect that they should always have for their family.

In art, they will draw their family.

The words for this week are:
Mi mamá-my mother
Mi papá-my father
Mi hermana-my sister
Mi hermano-my brother
Mi abuelo-my grandfather
Mi abuela-my grandmother
Mi casa-my house

Special events:
Our Pet Willy the bear will be visiting Cameron's home. Enjoy this week with Willy.

October 19th Grandparents Day: we invite our Osito’s grandparents to come, read and spend some time with us in your grandchildren’s classroom. Please sign up a sheet with the time Grandparents would like to share with us. The signup sheet is posted inside the classroom, near of the door. Thank you!

Upcoming events:
Field trip on October 26th. Please make sure your permission slip has been returned.
Costume party on October 31st. We are planning a fun day, if you would like to bring goodies to share please make sure they do not contain nuts, or could be a choking hazard for our children. We welcome tattoos, pencils, stickers, bubbles, face paint, art materials, gummies. Thank you!

Continue practicing writing the numbers 1 to 5 and the vowels Aa- Ee

Thank you Ositos for your participation during a skit about The Story of Christopher Columbus.

Great job!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 8, 2012

Week of October 8th-12th!!!

Dear Ositos parents:
This week we will review more about the theme My feelings/Mis sentimientos talking about emotions like being scared,surprised, excited, nervous and anxious.  The children will talk about some of this feelings and
they will associate each one with the written word.  Also they will make arts. At the entrance of the classroom we are showing pictures of your child representing happy, sad and angry.  The children really enjoyed this activity.

The words for this week are: 
Asustado-To be scared 
Sorprendido-To be surprised 
Entusiasmado-To be excited
Nervioso-To be nervous
Ansioso-To be anxious

Special events:
*Our pet Willy the bear will be visiting Madeline's home.  Enjoy this week with Willy!
*The children will make art related to Fall.
*October 12- The children will do a skit about "The Story of Christopher Columbus"

Special words:
el otono- the fall
las hojas-the leaves

Upcoming events:
*October 19- Grandparent's day. We cordially invite you to visit our classroom! and read stories to our children.

Practice at home writing the numbers 1 to 5 and the vowel Aa

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 1, 2012

Week of October 1-5th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents:

This week we begin a new theme: "My feelings - Mis Sentimientos".

During this week we will give emphasis to sad, happy and angry. 
Each child will express how he/she feels and will answer the questions

What makes you happy? ( sad and angry ). We will share a story about our friend Tucker the turtle and how he handles anger; it will be a great opportunity to teach our children the steps to handle a difficult situation and come up with a possible solution.
Also they will do art representing feelings.

The words for this week are:
Mis sentimientos-My feelings
Yo me siento-I feel

Special events: 

* Our first child of the week is Madeline Dougherty, Felicidades!
* Our pet Willy the bear will be visiting Tess' Home.  Enjoy this week with    Willy!
* Welcome Arabella Flores to our Ositos classroom. Bienvenidos!

We are associating numbers and quantity, at home ask your child how many..??
We are practicing different traces in our notebooks. Please remember to congratulate your child for his/her efforts.

Thank you parents for your support with our first All art together.
Remember you are your child's first teacher and your support is very  important. GRACIAS!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Sep 24, 2012

Week of September 24-28th!!

Dear Ositos Parents:

This week we will continue learning about the theme "The senses/Los sentidos" We will be talking about "touch and taste". Also, we will review the senses of the sight, hearing and smell. The children will identify different textures and taste various foods to identify those that are sweet, salty and sour.

The words for this week are:

el tacto-touch
el gusto-taste
salado salty

Special events:

*From September 24th  to October 1st, Willy the bear will visit Andres’s Home. Our pet visited already Mirella and Isabela’s house and is having lots of fun!
Thank you for sharing with Willy.
*September 28 is Pajama day

Please help us keep your child's cubby clean and organized by taking home your child’s work.

We will begin the activity All art together. This art project is related to the theme of this month.

In your child’s cubby you will find a folder with pictures and body parts.
The child will see different images about the senses, and will paste to the side the body part that relates the sense that is being used.

Please return this art project by September 28th  or before if the project is ready.

Thank you parents for your support!

Have a great week

Miss iris

Sep 17, 2012

Week of September 17-21st!

Dear Ositos parents:

This week we begin to talk about the theme "The Senses / Los sentidos".

During this week we will give emphasis to the sense of sight,
hearing and smell.   The children will learn how the senses work together with the brain.  We will make games, songs and show
them pictures of the inside of the eye, ear and nose.

The words for this week are:

el oido- hearing
la vista- sight
el olfato- smell
ver-to see
oler-to smell
oir-to hear/listen
los sonidos-the sounds
las formas-the shapes
el olor-odor

Please remember to take home your child's blanket every Friday for washing  and bring it  back on Monday.

Thank you for your support

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Sep 9, 2012

Week of September 10-14th!!

Dear Ositos Parents:

We will be learning more about "MY BODY" this week.

Children will do arts and also they will learn how some organs work; 
like the heart, brain, lungs and digestive system. 

The words for this week are:

el cerebro-the brain
el corazon-the heart

la sangre- the blood
las venas-the veins
Las arterias-the arteries
El sistema respiratorio-Respiratory system
los pulmones-the lungs
el aire-the air
El sistema digestivo-Digestive system
el estomago-the stomach
los intestinos-the intestines

Please remember to sign up for the week you would like to have our traveling friend Willy the bear visiting your home.

Also we would like to know more about your child and his/her family, please remember to sign up for your student of the week activity.

Last week children began working  in their notebook, please make sure you review their progress. We appreciate you leave the notebook in the cubbie after you read it.

Please remember to congratulate your child for his/her efforts.

Felicidades Badia Family on the birth of your new family member, Congratulations!
Feliz Cumpleannios! Also to Andres Chiang. Happy Birthday!

Friday is due date for all sold and unsold Citipass books.
Please make sure to turn in your orders.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Sep 4, 2012

Week of September 4th-7th!

Dear Ositos parents:

We begin this week talking about the theme My Body.  We will do a review of the known body parts and give emphasis to those parts children are not familiar daily.  We will use different songs and games and the children will identify body parts.
We will show them images and words to promote reading.

The words for this week are:

el hombro-the shoulder
el brazo-the arm
el codo-the elbow
la oreja-the ear
la mejilla-the cheek
las cejas-the eyebrows
el tobillo-the ankle
la barbilla-the chin
las pestanas-the eyelashes


Please sign up sheet the week you would like to have our traveling friend in your home. The sign up sheet is posted by the classroom door.  

Also make sure you sign up the student of the week sheet.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Aug 26, 2012

Week of August 27th - 31st!

Dear Ositos parents:

This is the last week of our theme " My Spanish for fun! and Me".

We are very proud of our Ositos for their adaptation to the their new teachers, routine and classroom, they are doing great! 

The words for this week are:
las reglas del salon-classroom rules
Las reglas de seguridad- Safety rules
Palabras de cortesia- Kind Words
El cartel-poster
Quien soy yo- Who I am

Special events:
The teachers will prepare posters with their pictures and will talk about their favorites. They will be the student of this week.

August 28- Congratulations Tess on your birthday, Feliz cumpleanos!
August 31- Pajama day. Please wear your pajamas

September 3rd-Sff! will be closed due to Labor Day Holiday
September 4th- Willy the bear will begin visiting our Ositos homes.  Please sign up for the week you would like to have our traveling friend in your home.
The sign up sheet will be posted by the classroom door.

Room parents
We are pleased to announce that our room parents are Renee Allen (Kai's mom) and Maria Mercado (Isabella's mom). Thank you for volunteering for this important task.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Aug 17, 2012

Week of August 20th- 24th!

Dear Parents

Our first week has been really productive, I would like to congratulate our Ositos for doing a great job, they are doing well with the transition to a new class and teachers. Way to go Ositos!
This week our theme continues: "Spanish for fun! and me"
During this week we will continue talking about my Spanish for fun school and me.  We are giving emphasis to the classroom rules and routine and so far the kids are doing a great job!  We also taking the opportunity to observe each
child to know what are his/her strengths and weaknesses.
Special activity:
Children will wear the bear masks they have created and we will do a tour around the school visiting every classroom, the kitchen and the office,
we will go around singing  the song "We are Ositos"
The words of this week are:
el recorrido- the tour
los salones-the classrooms
la oficina-the office
La directora-The director
La Asistente de Directora-The assistant director
el escritorio-the desk
la cocina-the kitchen
el cocinero-the cook
Congratulations to Madeline for her birthday!!!!
Have a great week 
Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Aug 14, 2012

Week of August 14-17!

Welcome Back !

Dear Ositos Parents

Ositos Classroom: Miss Iris and Miss Patricia
Week of August 14-17
Theme: " Spanish for fun and Me"

Words of this week:
My name is- Mi nombre es
my classroom-mi salon
my teacher- mi maestra
my friends-mis amigos
Las reglas del salon-The rules of the classroom
la rutina-the routine

Activities this week:

Welcome to our "Ositos Classroom" this week we are talking about the theme"Spanish for fun! and Me." We will encourage kids to talk about themselves and introduce them to new friends.
We will give emphasis to know each child's profile like, full name and age.  Please practice at home. Also how they feel in the ositos classroom. Identify the rules of the classroom and routine using pictures.

Please be advised of our new passcode to access the camera web site.

ID                    :  ositos
Password         :  iris
It is a pleasure to have you in our Ositos Classroom!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Aug 2, 2012

Week of August 6-10th!

Dear Ositos Parents

I am very happy to be  back in my classroom after a vacation  to see my children.
Next week  is our last of this year's summer camp; and our theme is  "The Circus".
Below please find the activities that we have planned for the week:

Monday- Pijama day
Wednesday- Children and staff will come dressed as clowns.
Friday- We will have a great summer closing party where the children will  recreate a circus.

The words of the week are:
El circo-the circus
Los animales-the animals
Los trapecistas-the trapeze artist or aerialist
Los malabaristas-the jugglers
Eel domador-the trainer

Special words
cierre de verano- end of summer

To my Ositos good luck in kindergarten! I will miss you and my best wishes to those
children who spent the summer camp with us.

Parents thank you! it was a pleasure to have met you and worked with you this year.

Miss Iris

Jul 31, 2012

Week of July 30th- August 3rd!

Dear OsitosParents!

This week we are talking about "Knights and Princesses", a special theme for the children!
They will have fun and enjoy with activities as creating a giant story book, about princesses, crowns and knights.

Specials activities for this week are :
Tuesday- Face Painting
Thursday- Dress up like a Knights and princesses.
Friday- Art Exposition and Angel's birthday celebration at the school.
The words of this week are:
El caballero- The Knight
La armadura- the armor
El caballo- the horse
El castillo-the castle
El dragon-the dragon
El escudo-the shield
La princesa-the princess


Please take home wet clothes and towels on splash days.

Miss Iris will be back on Thursday

August 10th school is open until 12:30p.m.
August 13th school is closed and Open House Night for Parents begins at 6:00 p.m.
August 14th is our first day of school.

Have a wonderful week!
Miss Patricia

Jul 20, 2012

Week of July 23-27th!

Dear Ositos Parents: 

This week we will be talking about "The Zoo". 
The children will identify animals that live in the zoo and their characteristics.
They will make different crafts, games and exercises related to this theme.

Specials activities for this week: 
Monday- Crazy hair day
Tuesday- The children will make bear masks
Wednesday- The children  will bring their favorite zoo animal
Friday- Animal masks festival

The words of this week are:

El elefante-the elephant
El oso-the bear
El mono-hte monkey
La jirafa-the giraffe
El hipopotamo-the hippo
El leon-the lion
La cebra -the zebra
El tigre-the tiger
La serpiente- the tiger
Feliz Cumpleanios Preston Frez!
Congratulations on your 5th Birthday!
Miss Iris is still on vacation until August 1st!

Have a great week!

Miss Karla and Miss Patricia

Jul 15, 2012

Week of July 16-20!

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we will be talking about “The Olympics” and we will give emphasis to sports like basketball, football, baseball, cycling, athletics and tennis.

Special activities for this week are as follows:
Tuesday- Dress as an athlete.
Wednesday-Bike ride at the parking lot, please bring bike, skateboard or tricycle and helmet for your child.
Thursday-We will make torches and medals, please bring paper towel cardboard rolls. Also dress in the colors of your favorite team. (Jersey Day)
We will have a Sff! Olympics and the Ositos Team will wear a Blue T-SHIRT.
The words of this week are:

juego de pelota-baseball
el casco-helmet

I will be on vacation starting the 18th of July and I will back on August 2nd.

Have a great week!
Miss Iris

Jul 9, 2012

Week of July 9-16th!!

Dear Ositos Parents
This week we will talking about The Dinosaurs and the children will do different activities every day, such as:

Monday-Dinosaur puppet
Tuesday-The children will make a paleontologist’s hat
Wednesday-We will do shadow theater with dinosaurs
Thursday-The children will bring their favorite dinosaur to school to play and share
Friday-Excavating  fossils in the sand

The words for this week are:

los dinosaurios-the dinosaurs
el tiranosaurio-the tyrannosaurus
el pterodactilo-the pterodactyl
el diplodocus-the diplodocus
el triceratops-the triceratops
el paleontologo-the paleontologist
la pala-the shovel

Also congratulations to Chloe on her birthday! Feliz Cumpleanios Chloe

Have a great week

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Jun 29, 2012

Week of July 2-6!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we will talking about “ Independence Day “.
The activities for this week are:
 Monday- Our children will make different hats and banners to put on our Parade on Tuesday.
Tuesday- Independence Parade
Wednesday-school is closed to celebrate Independence Day
Thursday-picnic day
Friday- Fun Festival

The words for this week are:
La Independencia- Independence
Los Estados-The States
El Presidente-The President
La Casa Blanca-The White House
La Bandera-The Flag
El himno-The Anthem

Congratulations to Rowan on his Birthday!

Have a great week and Happy 4th of July!

Miss Iris And Miss Patricia

Jun 28, 2012

Week of June 25-29!

Dear Ositos Parents

It has been a great week so far, we have been talking about the topic “Let’s go camping, and we have done among other activities:

*Monday- we will do a walk around the playground for insects, rocks and flowers.

*Tuesday- we will make a fire with sticks and paper(pretend there is fire)

*Wednesday-Picnic day

*Thursday- Pajama day, if you have you can bring sleeping bag.

*Friday-Day of camp, we will have a tent and some food for the children.

The words for this week are:
la carpa-the tent
la linterna-the flashlight
la cantimplora-the canteen
la mochila-the backpack
la bolsa de dormir-the sleeping bag
los primeros auxilios- first aid
los alimentos-the food
los insectos-the insects

Splash days, Mondays and Wednesdays are in the morning and Thursdays  are in the afternoon.

Have a great one

Miss Iiris and Miss Patricia

Jun 21, 2012

Week of June 18-22!

Dear Ositos Parents
Welcome to our Summer Camp 2012!
Our theme this first week is “Summer is here” and our children will make different arts, such as murals and painted shells.

We will have various games related to the theme and we will make lemonade during the cooking class.
Special activities during this week:
Tuesday- sunglasses day
Wednesday-hat day
Friday- hawaiian Aloha shirt or dress

The words of this week are:
El Verano=summer
El campamento-camp
Las gafas-sunglasses
El sombrero-hat
Las conchas-shells
La playa beach

Our splash days are on Monday and Wednesday in the morning and Thursday in the afternoon.

Please make sure to bring all your child’s items labeled:
*extra clothing
*swimwear, towel and shoes that may get wet
*blanket for nap
* And please make sure to apply sun block in the morning before coming to Spanish for fun!  We will reapply it in the afternoon.

Have a great week
Miss Iris

Jun 11, 2012

Week of June 11-15!!

Dear Ositos Parents

It is our last week of this school year; and we will be working on the theme “Let’s get active”.   We will make emphasis in good nutrition and exercise.

The words of this week are:

comer sano-eating healthy
Mi plato- My plate
Los ejercicios-exercises

As a special activity, children will make crafts for their fathers to celebrate their special day.

Special words:
Feliz dia del padre-Happy Father's day
Te amo papa-I love you dad

Summer Camp starts on Monday June 18; our classroom will have splash days on Mondays and Wednesdays in the morning; also on Thursdays in the afternoon. Please make sure to bring bathing suit, towel, shoes that may get wet and clothes to change.
Miss Sandra’s last day will be Friday June 15. She will be working at our Raleigh location, we will miss her deeply.

Thank you very much for your support during this year.

Have a great week and Happy Father's Day!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Jun 4, 2012

Week of June 4-8th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we will be talking about the theme “Let's get active”.  We will give emphasis to different sports including swimming. Also we will talk to children about safety when we go to the beach, rivers, lakes or swimming pool.  At circle time we will identify the ball used for each sport.

The words of this week are:

la raqueta-the racket
el bate-the bat
el canasto- the basket
la pelota-the ball

Special activity
On June 8th  children can  wear their favorite team shirt and colors.

Happy Birthday to Isabela Bishop, Lucas Diaz and Dillon Demidovich on your special day.

Felicitaciones Ositos! You did a great job on graduation day, “big” thank you to our wonderful parents for your cooperation.

Have a great week
Miss Iris

May 30, 2012

Week of May 29- June 1st!

Dear Ositos Parents:
Our theme of the month is "how things work" and this week we are talking about Means of Communication. The children will know about the television, telephone and computer.

The words of this week are:

la television-the television
el telefono-the telephone
la computadora-the computer
la carta-the letter

Special activity this week:
Please remember our Graduation Ceremony will take place this week on Saturday June 2nd at 3:30pm. We will meet at Young C Herbert Community Center
Address: 101 Wilkinson Ave.
Directions: Located on Wilkinson Avenue at the corner of North Academy Street and Chapel Hill Road, adjacent to the Town Hall Campus.
Telephone: (919) 460-4965 
Special words this week:
la graduacion-the graduation
la ceremonia-the ceremony
This week we are practicing for the big day.
Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

May 22, 2012

Week of May 21-25!!!

Dear Ositos parents

Our theme this month is “How things work” and this week we will be talking about the great inventions, electricity, gravity, the airplane, the rocket ship, the wheels, etc.

The children will learn the different sources of electricity, how gravity works and fun facts about greatest inventions of all times like the wheels, airplane and more.

The words of this week are:
Los descubrimientos-The discoveries
Los inventos-The inventions
La electricidad-The electricity
La gravedad-The gravity
El avion-The airplane
El cohete- The rocket
Las ruedas- The wheels

Special activities:

May 24-25 Science Fair
May 25- Party Bubble

Student of the week: Zoe Rivera, Congratulations!

Special words:
Las burbujas-The bubbles
Feria de ciencia-Science fair

Have a great week

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

May 14, 2012

Week of May 14-18!!

Dear Ositos parents

This week we will continue talking about growth and change and we will give emphasis to good nutrition to grow healthy.
The children will identify the foods they like to eat according to the following food groups: Milk or substitute, fruits and vegetables, poultry and cereals.

The words of this week are:
Los huesos-bones
fuerte -strong
El calcio-calcium
Las proteinas-protein
El hierro-iron
La vitamina c-vitamin c

The children are doing an excellent job and just need to strengthen their writing both numbers and letters, we will continue working with these objectives.

Thank you for coming this past Friday to see our little play, we hope you had a good time and wonderful Mother’s Day.

Have a great week
Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

May 9, 2012

Week of May 7-11th

Dear Ositos parents:

The theme of this week is “How we grow and change” and we will be talking about the stages of human growth.

The words of this week are:
crecer- to grow
cambiar- to change
el bebe-the baby
el Niño-the child
el adolescente- the adolescent
el adulto-the adult
el viejo-the old

Special activity for Mother's day, Friday May 11 at 4:30 pm

The children will dramatize the story: Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
We hope you all may attend.

Special Words:
Dia de la Madre- Mother's day

Homework: Please bring a picture of your child as baby and\or some clothes that your child wore when he was baby. If possible please send with your child a picture of Mom to finish their art.

Thank you.

Have a great week and Happy Mother's Day

Miss iris and Miss Sandra

May 2, 2012

Week of April 30th - May 4th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents:

We will end the theme Plastic Arts talking about Drama and Literature.  
This week we will be telling stories such as Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Pinocchio, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, and The Three Little Pigs.  
The children will dramatize stories and they will make books.

The words of this week are:

The children will practice writing their full name and they will continue practicing tying shoes.

Have a great week!
Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Apr 22, 2012

Week of April 23-27!

Dear Ositos Parents:
Our theme this week is Plastic Arts and we will focus talking about Painting and Sculpture. 

This week we will be talking and learning about some of the most important painters  of the history of western painting.
The children will make different arts using tempera, finger paint, and water color, they will also mold clay to make sculptures.  
We will celebrate Earth’s Birthday on Friday April 27 planting flowers in our playground.

The words of this week are:
La pintura - painting
La escultura - sculpture
pintura dactilar - finger paint
La tempera - tempera
El pincel - brush
moldear - mold
Reciclar - recycle
Cuidar/proteger -take care
Plantar-to plant

The children will practice tracing their full name and also they will practice tying shoelaces.

Have a great week
Make Earth Day Every Day!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Apr 16, 2012

Week of April 16-20th!

Theme of the month: Arts and Latin Folklore

Dear Ositos parents
This week we will be talking about what happened at the International Party. The children will make drawings, books and various arts, they will also write  the names of some of the countries we had at our Festival.

The words of this week are:
Los paises - countries
folklor - folklore
La fiesta internacional - international party
El vestuario - clothing
Las banderas - flags
Los alimentos - food

Thank you parents for your support and participation at the Party. We are very proud of our OSITOS! and their performance.
Great Job!
Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Apr 9, 2012

THEME OF THE MONTH: ¨Arts and Folklore¨

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we will continue talking about Latin America music and dances, especially from Puerto Rico and Colombia.

Words of the week:

Pais - Country
Folklor - Folklore
Fiesta International - International Party
Vestuario - Clothing
Instrumentos - Instruments
Ensayo - Rehearsal

We are almost ready for our great event; we have the girl’s dresses ready and we will appreciate if you bring the boys t shirts before Friday so we can be all set. Please remember to pick up your child before 2:30pm on Friday the 13th; the school will close in the afternoon for the party.

Thank you

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra