Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 30, 2012

Week of October 29th - November 2nd!

Dear Ositos parents:

At the beginning of this week we will be reviewing the pumpkin’s life cycle. We will make a poster about our visit to the farm using photos.  Children who may wish to bring their pumpkins please do so on Thursday November 1st. On November 2nd we will be doing a review of previous themes.

The words for this week are:
La calabaza- pumpkin
El Ciclo de vida- Life cycle
La granja- farm
El tractor- tractor

Special activities:
*Willy the bear will be visiting Truman's home.  Enjoy this week with Willy!
*October 31st Is costume party, the children will parade in their costumes.  Also we do different activities in the classroom  such as crafts, a Jack o lantern; and cookies.

*October 31st is also Pajama day- your child will use her/his pajama during naptime.

* November 1st Children may bring their pumpkin collected at the farm for comparison according to size and weight

Special words:
La Fiesta de disfraces- Costume party
El desfile- parade
Los dulces- candies

Next week we will work with the letter Mm.  You can bring objects or picture from magazines with this letter
for example:
La manzana-apple
La mariposa-butterfly
La miel-honey
El murcielago-bat
El martillo-hammer
La muneca-doll
La motocicleta-motorcycle
other things

Homework- All art together
The children will make  a drawing  or any art related to the previous themes for example
My Spanish for fun! and me
My body
My senses
My family
note: only one theme

Thank you parents for going to the field trip! We had so much fun!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 22, 2012

Week of October 22-26th!

Dear Ositos Parents:

This week we continue working the theme “ My family”/ “Mi familia” and we will talk about the people who are part of our family and who may not live in our home,
such as uncles and cousins.

Words for this week:

Mi tio-My uncle
Mi tia-My aunt
Mi primo-My cousin
Mi prima-My cousin

Special events:

* October 22- Happy Birthday Calvin. And congratulations Willy the bear, our pet will be visiting your home. Enjoy this week with Willy!
* Congratulations to Madeline our student of the week!
* October 26- Field trip- Please make sure your permission slip has been returned.

Special Words:

la granja-the farm
la calabaza-the pumpkin
el maiz-the corn
el algodon- the cotton
La semilla-The Seed
La planta- the plant
La flor- The flower
Calabaza verde- Green pumpkin
Calabaza anaranjada- Orange pumpkin

Costume Party:

October 31- We have posted a wish list of items we would like to have for our party. You will find our signup sheet by the door. We thank you in advance for your donations and appreciate you bring these items by Monday or Tuesday to have enough time to prepare the goody bags.

You may bring tattoos, pencils, stickers, bubbles, face paint, art material, gummies among others.

Congratulations Flores family on the birth of your new family member!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 15, 2012

Week of October 15-19th!!

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we begin a new theme “My family/Mi familia”.  

During this week the children will talk about their family. Also we will talk about the chores they can perform at home and also of love and respect that they should always have for their family.

In art, they will draw their family.

The words for this week are:
Mi mamá-my mother
Mi papá-my father
Mi hermana-my sister
Mi hermano-my brother
Mi abuelo-my grandfather
Mi abuela-my grandmother
Mi casa-my house

Special events:
Our Pet Willy the bear will be visiting Cameron's home. Enjoy this week with Willy.

October 19th Grandparents Day: we invite our Osito’s grandparents to come, read and spend some time with us in your grandchildren’s classroom. Please sign up a sheet with the time Grandparents would like to share with us. The signup sheet is posted inside the classroom, near of the door. Thank you!

Upcoming events:
Field trip on October 26th. Please make sure your permission slip has been returned.
Costume party on October 31st. We are planning a fun day, if you would like to bring goodies to share please make sure they do not contain nuts, or could be a choking hazard for our children. We welcome tattoos, pencils, stickers, bubbles, face paint, art materials, gummies. Thank you!

Continue practicing writing the numbers 1 to 5 and the vowels Aa- Ee

Thank you Ositos for your participation during a skit about The Story of Christopher Columbus.

Great job!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 8, 2012

Week of October 8th-12th!!!

Dear Ositos parents:
This week we will review more about the theme My feelings/Mis sentimientos talking about emotions like being scared,surprised, excited, nervous and anxious.  The children will talk about some of this feelings and
they will associate each one with the written word.  Also they will make arts. At the entrance of the classroom we are showing pictures of your child representing happy, sad and angry.  The children really enjoyed this activity.

The words for this week are: 
Asustado-To be scared 
Sorprendido-To be surprised 
Entusiasmado-To be excited
Nervioso-To be nervous
Ansioso-To be anxious

Special events:
*Our pet Willy the bear will be visiting Madeline's home.  Enjoy this week with Willy!
*The children will make art related to Fall.
*October 12- The children will do a skit about "The Story of Christopher Columbus"

Special words:
el otono- the fall
las hojas-the leaves

Upcoming events:
*October 19- Grandparent's day. We cordially invite you to visit our classroom! and read stories to our children.

Practice at home writing the numbers 1 to 5 and the vowel Aa

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia

Oct 1, 2012

Week of October 1-5th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents:

This week we begin a new theme: "My feelings - Mis Sentimientos".

During this week we will give emphasis to sad, happy and angry. 
Each child will express how he/she feels and will answer the questions

What makes you happy? ( sad and angry ). We will share a story about our friend Tucker the turtle and how he handles anger; it will be a great opportunity to teach our children the steps to handle a difficult situation and come up with a possible solution.
Also they will do art representing feelings.

The words for this week are:
Mis sentimientos-My feelings
Yo me siento-I feel

Special events: 

* Our first child of the week is Madeline Dougherty, Felicidades!
* Our pet Willy the bear will be visiting Tess' Home.  Enjoy this week with    Willy!
* Welcome Arabella Flores to our Ositos classroom. Bienvenidos!

We are associating numbers and quantity, at home ask your child how many..??
We are practicing different traces in our notebooks. Please remember to congratulate your child for his/her efforts.

Thank you parents for your support with our first All art together.
Remember you are your child's first teacher and your support is very  important. GRACIAS!

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Patricia