Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Feb 27, 2012

Week of Feb 27th- Mar 02!

Dear Ositos Parents

Our theme of the month is The Plant and Vegetable Kingdom and this week we
will be learning about the vegetables. Our ositos will make crafts,
classify fruits and vegetables and also they will prepares a vegetable
salad.  We will a review the concepts we have learned so far about the
plants and the children will talk about the growth of beans.

The words we will learn this week are:
la lechuga- the lettuce
el tomate-the tomato
el pepino- the cucumber
la papa- the potato
el  pimiento rojo- the red pepper

Special Events this week we are celebrating Layla student ot the week.

Please remember to take home toys and crafts that your son has in his/her

Letter of this week: H -h, some words with this letter are:   hojas-
leaves     huevo- egg     hipopotamo- hippo.

Thank you very much again, We had a great teacher appreciation week, thank

Have a great week!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Feb 24, 2012

Week of February 20-24!!

Dear Ositos Parents
Thank you for the wonderful Appreciation Week you carefully dedicated to
our teachers, we are very grateful to have children so wonderful and for
all their cards, hugs, kisses, flowers,  candies, chocolates and
special things provided during this exceptional week. Gracias!
Theme of the Month: The Plant and vegetable Kingdom.
This week we will be talking about the fruits. The children will make
crafts and classify the fruits according to fruits growing on plants and
Words of the week:
La manzana-The apple
La naranja-The orange
El platano-The banana
La fresa-The strawberry
La pina-The pineapple
La sandia-The watermelon
La pera-The pear
Las uvas-The grapes
Special Events:
*Alejandro's Birthday, Congratulations!
*Susannah Bishop, Isabel's mom will come to our classroom to narrate a
story to our children.
Letter of the this week: F-f,some words with this letter are: 
frutas-fruits     foca- seal     foto-picture     delfin-dolphin    
Have a great week!
MIss Iris and Miss Sandra

Feb 13, 2012

Week of February 13 - 17th.

Hola Ositos Parents

This month we are working on the theme
"The Vegetable Kingdom"- El Reino Vegetal
This week we will learn about the Photosynthesis and its importance.
The words we will learn this week are:
The sun- el sol
The water- el agua
The light- la luz
The garden- el jardin
grow up-crecer

On Tuesday February 14th, as a special part of our day our ositos may
dress up in Red or pink. Our morning activities for this special day will
include crafts, decorate cookies and cards interchange. In the afternoon,
games and puppet show.

Special words:
The heart- el corazon
I love you- te amo
friends-los amigos
The card- la tarjeta
a hug- un abrazo

The letter Y-y is the letter of the week, some words with this letter are:
yacht- yate
yoyo- yoyo
clown- payaso

We wish you a happy Valentines Day!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Feb 8, 2012

Week of February 6 - 10

Dear Ositos Parents
This week we begin working the theme “The Vegetable Kingdom”- El Reino
Vegetal; and we will learn about the plants and its parts, we will also
learn how to take care of them, and what elements must be present for them
to grow, we will have fun experiencing with bean seeds.
The words we will learn this week are:
Las plantas-The plants
Las flores-The flowers
La semilla- The seed
El Tallo-The stem
Las raices- The roots
Las hojas-The leaves
El fruto-The fruit
El polen-Pollen
Special events coming up:
Next Tuesday is Valentine’s Day and we will have tons of fun celebrating
it in our classroom.
The letter G-g is the letter of the week; some words with this letter are:
El Gato-cat, El Gusano-worm, La Guitarra-the guitar.
Special thanks to:
Medina Sampson for providing a class about cleaning our teeth and keeping
a good oral health.
Thank you Susannah Bishop for supporting our field trip to Reedy Creek
Elementary School. We had a great time!
Also thank you for your book donations towards our Ositos class library. We
are very happy with our new additions.
Last day of Scholastic Book Fair is Friday February 10th.
Have a good one already!
Miss Iris