Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Nov 26, 2014

Week of December 1st-5th

Class and Teacher (Salon y Profesoras): Ositos- Ms Iris Y Ms Luz 

Week of ( Semana del ) December 1-5 
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/ Semana):Mi comunidad y yo/My community and me 
Salutation and highlights of  week:  
Hola ositos parents, we hope you have had a wonderful week. Children enjoyed talking about their family and their favorite activities. Next week we will be talking about the theme Mi comunidad y yo/My community and me. We will some professions, workplace and their functions. Parents, if any of you want to come and talk about your profession, please let us know. 

Objectives we will be working are as follows: 

      *To name servers in the community 
       *Associate letters with phonemes (reading) 
      *Recognizes the functions of the servers in the community. 
       *Recognizes the utility of the areas of the community 
       *Recognize and write the number 3 
       *Identify shapes and colors (Bingo game) 
        * Recognize right and left on her/his body 
         *Tracing curved lines open 
   *Enjoy song, poem and riddles  
Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
Conozco mucha mucha gente en mi vida,
Que siempre ayuda con mucha alegria,
Y si tu quieres conocer sus oficios,
Jugando vamos a nombrarlos en un ratito.
Es la enfermera, es el cartero,
Es la maestra de Sff,
El policia y el bombero,
Son los amigos que te cuidaran.
Conozco mucha……
Es el dentista y el granjero,
El cocinero delicias te hara,
El carpintero y el arquitecto,
Son los amigos que te ayudaran.

Poem of the week 1/Poesia 1
Son muchas las personas
Que trabajan en mi comunidad
Lo hacen con mucho esmero
Siempre listos a ayudar.
Doctor, policia, bombero,
Profesor y muchos mas.
Cartero, basurero, jardinero,
Son parte de mi comunidad.

Con pintura de colores,
Con rodillo y pincel,
Pinta paredes y puertas
Adivina Quien es el?
            Respuesta: El pintor

Erre con rr guitarra
Erre con rr carril
Rapido corren los carros
Rapido el ferrocarril

Oral excercise
Make pressure with the tongue on the cheeks.

Star words of the week: 
El policia- The police 
La estacion de policia-The police station 
El bombero- Firefighter 
La estacion de bombero-The station firefighter 
El cartero- The postman 
La oficina postal-The post office 

Homework of the week: 
Trace left hand with blue color and red right hand ( Notebook) 
Letter of the week: Tt 
Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Mm, for example, 
taza- cup 
and other 

Special Events and Birthdays: 
(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas/ Estudiante de la Semana) 
*Our student of the week is Kieran Manfre. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends. 

Friendly Reminders: 
*Family project 
This month the project will be to prepare Gingerbread (gingerbread template provided) 
Soon we will play to the grocery store, please bring empty food containers such as cereal, juice bottles and other. Thank you very much to parents who brought their Family Tree. You did a nice job!! 

Important Upcoming Dates: 
*December 29- Holiday Party!!!! Please let me know if your child will attend the activity because we are preparing something for that day. The sign-up sheet will be near of the door. We are ready to prepare our Ositos!!!! Next week a letter will be sent home with important information about our first great activity!!!! 

Thank you notes: 
*Thank you for bringing objects with letter L l and for attending and collaborate with our Thanksgiving Celebration!! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 
Ms Iris and Ms Luz  

Nov 21, 2014

Week of November 24th - 28th !!!

Class and Teacher (Salón y Profesoras): Ositos- Ms Luz y Ms Iris

Week of (Semana) 24 – 26 November 2014

Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/ Semana): Mi familia/My family
Día de Acción de Gracias/Thanksgiving Day

Salutation and highlights of week:
Hola ositos parents, we hope you have had a nice week. Family activities are essential and very important to achieve communication, union, and understanding between families. For this reason and in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday, we will focus next week on giving thanks for our families.

Objectives we will be working are as follows:
*Express themselves clearly in Spanish and English
     *Phonic reading with the letter Ll
       *Pay attention by 20 minutes
       *Recognize and write the number 2
        * We will make a turkey with pine and hands
       *Enjoy song, poem and riddles
       *Identify family activities/Thanksgiving Day

Star words of the week:
Peregrino - Pilgrim
Indio - Indian
Gracias – Thank you
Pavo - Turkey
Otoño - Fall
Hojas - Leave

Homework of the week:
Draw a picture of a turkey
Letter of the week: Ll
Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Mm, for example,
Luna - moon
Loro - parrot
Linterna - lantern
limón - lemon
león - leon
letras - letters
and other

Song of the week/Cancion de la semana: Tengo una familia

Tengo una familia y es fenomenal
Mi papa me ama mi mama igual
Con mis hermanitos yo puedo jugar
Y mis abuelitos bailaran sin cesar (x2)
Con este chachacha
La familia aprenderá
Respeto a papa amo mi mama.

Mi abuelo y mi abuela felices están
Esta es mi familia, es mi dulce hogar.
Chachachacha amo a mi mama
Chachachacha amo a mi papa(x2)

Poesías de la semana/Poem of the week

Poesía 1

Todos los niños y niñas
Necesitan un hogar
Una casita encantada
Un lugar para soñar.

Poesía 2

Viva mi familia
Que felicidad
Vivo junto a ellos
Es fenomenal

Adivinanza de la semana/Riddles

Empieza con "A"
y muchos cariños me da.
Me cuida, me mima
y es la mama de mi mama.

         Respuesta/answer: Mi abuelita

Orofacial exercises:
We blow an imaginary globe.
We make bubbles.

Special Events and Birthdays:
(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas/ Estudiante de la Semana)
*Our student of the week is Meadow Perry. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends.
* Thanksgiving celebration day.

Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month the project will be to prepare family tree according to your creativity. You can use picture or drawings.

Important Upcoming Dates:
*Monday November 24- Parent/ Teacher conference, the sign-up sheet is at the entrance of the classroom.
*November 26 at 9:00 am- Thanksgiving celebration day coming soon!! Our ositos and sapitos will prepare something special for you. Also if you can bringing something to share breakfast together, the wish list will be near of the door. Thanks in advance!
*December 29- Holiday Party!!!! Please let me know if your child will attend the activity because I am preparing something for that day. The sign-up sheet will be near of the door.

Thank you notes:
*Thank you for bringing objects with letter Ll. We want to let you know that our Ositos are doing a good job. Some are reading simple words.
*I had a fantastic birthday!!! Thank you very much parents and my Ositos!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms Luz and Ms Iris.