Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jan 30, 2015

Week of February 2nd-6th

Ositos Class
Ms Luz  and Ms Alma 
Week of February 2nd-6th
Theme of the Week "Conociendo las plantas" / "Knowing plants"

Salutation and highlights of week:
Hola Ositos Parents. Our Goal this week is to introduce the children to the parts of plants and flowers through experiments, drawing, and projects to facilitate learning and comprehension of the objectives.

Please remember to bring a cloth bag for your child's jacket.

Thank you,

Objectives we will be working are as follows

·         We play with flash cards concerning the subject.
·         We identify plants and flower.

·         Dramatize with plants and flower.
·         Recognize and write the number 10. 
·         Identify different figures. 

·         Trace the letter Ll ll.
·         Trace your name.

·            Enjoy songs, poems, and riddles  

Song of the Week (Cancion de la semana):

Un día en el parque jugando estaba
Con mis amigos de Sff,
Mire hacia el suelo, vi algo pequeño
La semillita yo vi pasar
Yo la tome con mucho cuidado
Y en una taza con amor la sembré,
Con tierra y agua creció mi plantita
Y muchas flores yo vi nacer.
Cuida tú alrededor,
A las plantitas respeta,
Por un mundo mejor cuida la naturaleza.

 Poem of the week
Mi plantita es muy bonita
Yo la tengo que regar
Cada día crece un poco
Por la luz que el sol le da

Verde soy
Huelo muy bien
Crezco con flores, plantas
Y árboles también
 Las hojas

Pepe pela papas
para una ensalada
para una ensalada
Pepe pela papas.

Oral excercise
  • Praxias anteriores
  • Sonreír y pronunciar la vocal /i/ /a/
Star words of the week
La planta – the plant
La flor – the flower
La fotosíntesis – the photosynthesis
La semilla – the seed
El tallo – the stem
Los pétalos – the petal

 Homework of the week
Draw a plant and its parts (Notebook) 

 Letter of the weekLl ll
Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Ll ll for example, 

Llama - Llama
Llave - key
Llavero - key Ring
Lluvia - rain
Llano - flat
Llena - full
Llanta - rim

Special Events and Birthdays
*Traveling Pet Lily Kirkman.
* birthday.

1.      Clayton Hughston    02-16-10.

2.      Corinne Derr             02-20-10.

3.      Meadow Perry         02-12-10.

4.      Samuel Cummings 02-24-10.

 Friendly Reminders
Family project 

This month the project will be to make a heart. (Heart template provided) 

Important Upcoming Dates
Art Fair Week: February 23rd to 27th.

Parents Night Out

Spanish for fun! is organizing our first “Parents Night Out” as a fundraising effort for Ms. Iris, Ositos Lead Teacher, who is going through a difficult health situation. 

Date: February 6th. Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm Location: Sff! Cary 

We hope to count on all of our Ositos for this event.
The Sign-up sheet for this event is available at the front desk.

Thank you for bringing objects with letter Ll ll.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma  

Jan 23, 2015

Week of January 26th-30th

Ositos Class
Ms Alma  - Ms Luz
Week of January 26th-30th
Theme of the week “Conociendo los animals” “Knowing animals”
Greetings to all Ositos Parents.
We have been working through this month with the topic of animals. This will be the last week of this theme as we are closing with the subject of Insects.  We will explore and observe the habits and homes of insects as this is the largest group of living things.  Parents and teachers have the most influence on children’s attitudes toward learning this type of theme. Early experiences with creepy crawlies encourages calm interest rather than timidity. Awareness of spiders beautiful webs is a helpful ways to overcome fear.
For this reason I have prepared some educational material that is, at the same time, fun for the children using methods such as: reading books, observing living insects deposited under the magnifying glass, and creating our own spider with marshmallows, chocolate, and pretzels. This way children, instead of panicking, will have enthusiasm to learn about these creatures. 
Objectives we will be working are as follows
·        Literature – reading books concerning the subject.
·        Flash cards.

·        Opened-close questions about the topic.
·        Recognize and write the number 9. 
·        Reading pictures and describing objects. 

·         Tracing the letter Vv.
·         Tracing numbers.

·         Enjoy songs, poems, and riddles.

Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
Los animales que hay en la selva,
Tú los vas repetir,
Algunos gordos otros muy altos
Igual nos vamos a divertir.
El elefante que está muy grande
Y la jirafa que alta es
Y el monito que salta y salta
El cocodrilo… me va a morder
Los animales……
Es un león que esta enojón
Es la serpiente que es muy decente
Y la tortuga come lechuga
Y el ratón (donde está el ratón?)
Ya se escondió.

Poem of the week 1/Poesia 2
Un elefante no es elegante
No usa sombrero
Corbata ni guantes
La trompa muy larga
La panza gigante
Las patas muy gruesas
Y las orejas  muy grandes.

Soy verde
Me gusta saltar
Jugar en el charco
Y también croar
              (El sapo)

El hipopótamo hipo
Esta con hipo
Quien le quita el hipo
Al hipopótamo hipo

Oral excercise
·  Praxias anteriores / Previous Praxias
·  Poner la lengua ancha tocando las esquinas de los labios (comisuras) /  Make the tongue wide, touching the corners of the lips,

Star words of the week
Insectos – Insects
Hormiga - Ant
Cigarra- Grasshopper
Mariquita - Ladybug
Grillo - Cricket
Libélula - dragonfly
Mariposa - Butterfly

Homework of the week
Trace de letter Vv. 

Letter of the week: Vv

Your child may bring pictures from magazines that begin with the letter Vv; fo example: ventana – window, vaso – cup, venado - deer. This will help us to create our collage with them and if you are willing to bring objects with the letter Vv that would be helpful and educational.

Special Events
·         Traveling Pet: Josephine Wright

Friendly Reminders
·         Family project 
·         Warm clothes for the Field Trip on the 30th

Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, January 30th2nd Field Trip to Durham Life and Science Museum, 433 West Murray Avenue, Durham, NC 27704, at 9.30 a.m.

Make sure to return your child’s permission slip no later than Monday January 26th so the Spanish for fun! administration can plan accordingly.

Spanish for fun! is organizing our first “Parents Night out” as a fundraising effort for Ms. Iris, Ositos Lead Teacher, who is going through a difficult health situation. More information will be coming soon. Thank you in advance for your continuous support

Thank you notes
*Thank you for bringing objects and pictures with letter Vv .

Have a wonderful weekend! 
Ms. Alma and Ms. Luz  


Jan 16, 2015

Week of January 19th-23rd

Ms Luz  and Ms Alma 
Week of January 19 th- 23rd
Conociendo los animales/ Knowing animals
Salutation and highlights of week:
Hola Ositos parents. We will continue to talk about animals. During this week we will focus on sea animals. We invite your children to bring toys or stuffed sea animals.
Please remember to bring a cloth bag for your child's jacket.

Thank you,

Objectives we will be working are as follows

*We play with flash cards concerning the subject.
*We identify marine animals.

*Dramatize farm animals and wild animals.
*Recognize and write the number 8. 
*Identify different figures. 

*Trace the letter Aa.
*Trace your name.

*Enjoy song, poem and riddles  

Song of theWeek (Cancion de lasemana):

Los animales que hay en la selva,
Tú los vas repetir,
Algunos gordos otros muy altos
Igual nos vamos a divertir.
El elefante que está muy grande
Y la jirafa que alta es
Y el monito que salta y salta
El cocodrilo… me va a morder
Los animales……
Es un león que esta enojón
Es la serpiente que es muy decente
Y la tortuga come lechuga
Y el ratón (donde está el ratón?)
Ya se escondió.

Poem of the week 1/Poesia 2
Un elefante no es elegante
No usa sombrero
Corbata ni guantes
La trompa muy larga
La panza gigante
Las patas muy gruesas
Y las orejas  muy grandes.

Soy verde
Me gusta saltar
Jugar en el charco
Y también croar

   El sapo.

El hipopótamo hipo
Esta con hipo
Quien le quita el hipo
Al hipopótamo hipo

 Oral excercise
  • Praxias anteriores / Previous Praxias
  • Poner la lengua ancha tocando las esquinas de los labios (comisuras) /  Put the wide tongue touching the corners of the lips (corners)
Star words of the week
Ballena / whale
Tiburón / shark
Pez / fish
Pingüinos / penguins
Delfin / dolphin

 Homework of the week
Trace de letter Aa baby (Notebook) 

 Letter of the weekAa
Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Aa for example, 

Araña / spider
Ardilla / squirrel
Avión / airplane
Alicate / pliers
Abeja / bee
Avestruz / ostrich

 Special Events and Birthdays
*Traveling Pet Riley Richards.

* January 24- Happy Birthday Kieran Manfre

 Friendly Reminders
*Family project 
This month the project will be to make a snowmen (snowman template provided) 

 Important Upcoming Dates
*January 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – No School.

*January 30 Museum Field Trip.

 Thank you notes
*Thank you for bringing objects with letter Aa.

 Have a wonderful weekend! 
Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma