Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 27, 2011

Week of October 24-28!

Hola Ositos Parents:
This week we continue working the theme “My Family”- “Mi Familia” and the words we will be learning are:

Mii Abuela- My Grandmother
Mi Abuelo-My Grandfather
Mi tio- My uncle
Mi tia- My aunt
Mi primo- My cousin
Mi prima-My cousin
La Granja-The Farm
La calabaza-the pumpkin
Las hojas-the leaves
El disfraz-The costume
Los dulces-Candy

Also we will be working the letter E and for circle time your child may bring a toy or an object that starts with this letter for example: Elefante (elephant), estrella (star), escoba (broom), edificio (building), erizo (hedgehog)

I hope you all had a great time at Hill Ridge Farms. I would like to thank you for coming to the field trip with us. It was very nice to get to spend time with you in such a fun environment. Learning new vocabulary and developing social and motor skills playing, was so much fun.
We really appreciate your attendance, thank you for your support.

Upcoming Events:
October 31st I’ts Costume Party time, we will be trick treating the classrooms, have your child wearing a costume and join us for a sweet celebration at 12:00pm. Please confirm if you are planning to attend.

Congratulations to our student of the week: “Preston Frez” we are looking forward to hearing more about you.

Have a great week!

Miss Iris

Oct 17, 2011

Week of October 17-21!

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we start working on a new theme, and for the next two weeks we will be learning about “My Family”- “Mi Familia” the words we will be introducing are:
El Paseo-Field trip
La Granja-Farm
Las calabazas-Pumpkins
Las Hojas-Leaves
Mi Mama-My Mom
Mi Papa-My Dad
Mi Hermano-My brother
Mi Hermana-My sister
El bebe- The baby
Mi Casa- Home

We will be working with the letter A and you may bring any object or toy to the class which name starts with the letter “A” for example “Arania” – Spider or “Armadillo”-Armadillo, our ositos will have to talk about the object they brought at circle time, letting the other ositos know things or facts about the object or toy they are showing like where do they live?, what do they do?, what color are they?, this will give our children more to talk about and share with their classmates.

Please remember we will be having our first Field Trip this Thursday October 20th, we are going to Hills Ridge Farm in the morning to pick up pumpkins and other fun activities.

October 24th for our Picture Day, children must wear their uniforms: red top and blue pants.
October 31st it’s Costume Party time, have your child wearing a costume and join us for a sweet celebration at 12:00pm
Please bring weather appropriate clothes for your child; we will appreciate your child’s items are labeled.

Congratulations to our student of the week: Isabel Garcia
Congratulations to Rowan Boyer for his new baby brother.

Thank you

Miss Iris

Oct 11, 2011

Week of October 10-14th!!!

Dear Ositos Parents:
We continue working with the theme “My feelings” – “ Mis sentimientos” and the words we will be learning are:
El Circulo-The circle
Yo me siento – I am feeling
Feliz - Happy
Triste - Sad
Enojado –Angry
Asustado –Scared
Estas Bien?-Are you ok?

This week we are also talking about Columbus Day and why we remember in the United States the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas.

We will learn about the words:

El Barco-The boat
Los indios- The indians
Descubrir- Discover
Cristobal Colon- Christopher Columbus

Save the dates:

October 20th for our first Field Trip, we will be going to Hills Ridge Farm in the morning to pick up pumpkins and other fun activities.

October 24th for our Picture Day, children must wear their uniforms: red top and blue pants.
October 31st it’s Costume Party time, have your child wearing a costume and join us for a sweet celebration at 12:00pm
Please bring weather appropriate clothes for your child; we will appreciate your child’s items are labeled.

Congratulations to our student of the week: Gabriel Leerberg.

Have a great week

Miss Iris, Miss Sandra and Miss Patricia

Oct 3, 2011

Week of October 3-7!

Dear Ositos Parents:
This week we will be working on the theme “My feelings” – “ Mis sentimientos” and the words we will be learning are:

Yo me siento – I am feeling
Feliz - Happy
Triste – Sad
Enojado -Angry
Sorprendido - Surprised
Asustado -Scared
Cansado - Tired
Yo lloro- I cry
Yo me rio - I laugh

Fall is here and we would like to remind you to bring your child wearing weather appropriate clothes, please make sure your child’s items are labeled.

This month we will be talking about Fall and the colors we see around us.

Save the date:
October 20th for our first Field Trip, we will be going to Hills Ridge Farm in the morning to pick up pumpkins and other fun activities.

October 24th for our Picture Day, children must wear their uniforms: red top and blue pants.

Homework: We will be practicing the number 3, please help your child write the number 3 at home.

Thank you and have a great week!

Miss Iris