Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 8, 2011

Week of March 7-11!!!

Dear Parents:
The ositos classroom would like to thank you for participating in our field trip; it was a fun and great learning experience, we hope you had a good time.
This week that we are learning about the minerals and we will talk about the sand.
We will experience mixing sand with water.
Thank you for your book donations. Muchas Gracias!!!
This week Happy Birthday to Tabitha who is turning 5 years old. Felicidades!!!
Miss Iris, Miss Claudia and Miss Ruth

Week of February 28- March 04!

Dear Parents:
During this week we will start working on the theme The Mineral Kingdom, and we will be talking about the rocks. Our children will be observing different types of rocks, shapes and sizes. We will do some art with them too. We will sort out rocks and count them; we will talk about the importance of rocks especially when they are used in construction.
Don't forget to pick up your child's report card, let me know if you would like to have Parent-Teacher Conference. After you have read it, please return it to me with your comments and signature. Thank you!

Words of the Month March:
La Piedra- The Rock
La Arena- The Sand
El Viento- The Wind
La Lluvia- The Rain
El Agua- The Water
Liquid- Liquido
El Hexagono-Hexagon

Have a Great week!!!
Miss Iris, Miss Claudia and Miss Ruth