Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Dec 23, 2013

Week of December 23rd - January 3rd !!

Hola Ositos Parents,

We hope you had a great week! Next week our theme of the week will be “people around the world”/ “personas al rededor del mundo”. We will give emphasis to the meaning of Christmas. We will also be reading a book titled “celebrate kwanza” a book about how people celebrate the holidays around the world.

Words of the week:
·         Navidad- Christmas
·         Felices fiestas- happy holidays
·         Velas- candles
·         Ornamentos- ornaments
Letter of the week: Rr, children can bring toys or cutouts from magazines that begin with the letter Rr (but please also remind the children that they have to share their toys if they bring them to school.)
o   raton- mouse                    rosa- rose
o   roca- rock                          raiz- root
o   rio- river                             reno- reindeer
o   rojo- red                              ropa- clothing

Homework- children will draw what they want for Christmas on the social studies section of their notebooks.

Student of the week
Congratulations Marco our student of the week… felicidades!

Holiday Party
We would like to give a big thanks to all of our Ositos parents, for coming and celebrate with us this wonderful event. Our Ositos did a wonderful job, and we are very happy and proud of them. We hope everyone enjoyed it!

Ms. Iris & Ms. Kenia

Dec 13, 2013

Week of December 16th - 20th !!!

Hola parents!

We hope you had a great week! Next week our theme of the week will be “People around the world”/ “personas alrededor del mundo”. We will give emphasis to the meaning of Christmas. We will also be reading a book titled “celebrate kwanza” a book about how people celebrate the holidays around the world.

Words of the week:
·         Navidad- Christmas
·         Felices fiestas- happy holidays
·         Velas- candles
·         Ornamentos- ornaments
Letter of the week: Rr, children can bring toys or cutouts from magazines that begin with the letter Rr (but please also remind the children that they have to share their toys if they bring them to school.)
·         raton- mouse                   
·         roca- rock                        
·         rio- river                           
·         rojo- red 
·         ropa- clothing
·         reno- reindeer   
·         raiz- root     
·         rosa- rose              
Children will draw what they want for Christmas on the social studies section of their notebooks.

Special event
Congratulations Marco our student of the week… felicidades!


December 18th- santa is coming to SSF! Please don’t forget to bring your book already gift wrapped for your child
December 20th holiday party, school will close at 3:00pm. Please be on time for this special event. Please remember that due to difficulty finding white pants we changed to khakis instead. Everything else remains the same.
Have a great weekend!

Ms. Iris & Ms. Kenia

Dec 6, 2013

Week of December 9th - 13th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a wonderful week!!
Next week we will continue talking about the theme “Mi cultura y tradicion/My culture and traditions” We will give emphasis to the culture and tradition of Puerto Rico, Miss Iris's country and Honduras, Miss Kenia's country, with relation to holiday celebration. Also we will be comparing our culture and tradition with United States, including the winter season.

Words of the week are:
·         Felices fiestas-Happy holidays
·         Santa Claus-Papa Noel
·         El Arbol de Navidad- Christmas tree
·         ornamentos-ornaments
·         comparar-compare
·         diferencias-differences
·         semejanzas-similarities
·         la nieve- snow
·         el frio-cold

Special Event:
*Congratulations to Lily, our student of the week, Felicidades!!!
Upcoming Events:
*December 18 at 10:00 am Sff! will receive a especial visit from Santa. Please bring a book gift wrapped for your child and place it in the box next to the Christmas tree. Make sure the present is labeled with your child's name.
*December 20th Holiday celebration! Schools will close at 3pm
Our Ositos are preparing a very special show.

Letter of the week: Nn
You can bring objects or images from magazines, for example,
·         nido-nest
·         naranja-orange
·         nube-cloud
·         nino-boy
·         nina-girl
·         nariz-nose
·         negro-black
·         nueve-nine
·         nieve-snow
·         others
*Thank you very much for bringing objects with the letter Tt. The objects that you bring help us a lot with the letter of the week. Gracias!

Write the letter Nn (On your child’s notebook)


All art together- The theme of this month’s art is related to the Holidays, feel free to create and express what these days represent to your family. For example, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, ornaments, candles, others.
Thank you to the parents who have brought their arts, very creative!!

Have a great week!

Miss iris and Miss Kenia

Week of December 9th - 13th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a wonderful week!!
Next week we will continue talking about the theme “Mi cultura y tradicion/My culture and traditions” We will give emphasis to the culture and tradition of Puerto Rico, Miss Iris's country and Honduras, Miss Kenia's country, with relation to holiday celebration. Also we will be comparing our culture and tradition with United States, including the winter season.

Words of the week are:
·         Felices fiestas-Happy holidays
·         Santa Claus-Papa Noel
·         El Arbol de Navidad- Christmas tree
·         ornamentos-ornaments
·         comparar-compare
·         diferencias-differences
·         semejanzas-similarities
·         la nieve- snow
·         el frio-cold

Special Event:
*Congratulations to Lily, our student of the week, Felicidades!!!
Upcoming Events:
*December 18 at 10:00 am Sff! will receive a especial visit from Santa. Please bring a book gift wrapped for your child and place it in the box next to the Christmas tree. Make sure the present is labeled with your child's name.
*December 20th Holiday celebration! Schools will close at 3pm
Our Ositos are preparing a very special show.

Letter of the week: Nn
You can bring objects or images from magazines, for example,
·         nido-nest
·         naranja-orange
·         nube-cloud
·         nino-boy
·         nina-girl
·         nariz-nose
·         negro-black
·         nueve-nine
·         nieve-snow
·         others
*Thank you very much for bringing objects with the letter Tt. The objects that you bring help us a lot with the letter of the week. Gracias!

Write the letter Nn (On your child’s notebook)


All art together- The theme of this month’s art is related to the Holidays, feel free to create and express what these days represent to your family. For example, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, ornaments, candles, others.
Thank you to the parents who have brought their arts, very creative!!

Have a great week!

Miss iris and Miss Kenia

Nov 27, 2013

Week of December 2nd- 6th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope each you are having a wonderful week!
Next week we will start talking about the theme, Mi Cultura y Tradicion/My Culture and Tradition. We will give emphasis to the celebration of Christmas and the children will express about how their family celebrate Christmas.

Words of the week:
·         Navidad-Christmas
·         arbol de Navidad-Christmas tree
·         Papa Noel-Santa Claus
·         el reno-the reindeer
·         los regalos-the gifts

Special event:
*Congratulation to Calvin our child of the week,FELICIDADES!

Upcoming event:
*December 20- Christmas party!!! We are excited and we will start to work hard to prepare our ositos for our first big celebration. Please check your child cobby where the letter will be with detailed information about our activity.

Letter of the week: Tt
Your child can bring objects or images from magazines that begin with this letter, for example:
·         taza-cup
·         tomate-tomato
·         tijeras-scissors
·         toro-bull
·         telefono-telephone
·         tunel-tunnel
·         tiburon-shark
·         tapa-top
·         toalla-towel
·         others

We started working simple additions and the children will continue to work this activity at home. (Area of mathematics of the notebook)
*We are very proud of the progress of children writing numbers. Parents, thank you very much for your great and valuable help!

Christmas comming soon, for that reason the art for this month is to make a art about Christmas and according to their creativity, for example, Christmas tree, reindeer, snow man, ginger bread man and other. Any question let us know.

Parents please sign and return your child’s report card as soon as possible. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who joined us on today for our Thanksgiving Celebration!
Have a wonderful Holiday Thanksgiving!!!!

Miss Iris and Miss Kenia