Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Apr 22, 2012

Week of April 23-27!

Dear Ositos Parents:
Our theme this week is Plastic Arts and we will focus talking about Painting and Sculpture. 

This week we will be talking and learning about some of the most important painters  of the history of western painting.
The children will make different arts using tempera, finger paint, and water color, they will also mold clay to make sculptures.  
We will celebrate Earth’s Birthday on Friday April 27 planting flowers in our playground.

The words of this week are:
La pintura - painting
La escultura - sculpture
pintura dactilar - finger paint
La tempera - tempera
El pincel - brush
moldear - mold
Reciclar - recycle
Cuidar/proteger -take care
Plantar-to plant

The children will practice tracing their full name and also they will practice tying shoelaces.

Have a great week
Make Earth Day Every Day!

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Apr 16, 2012

Week of April 16-20th!

Theme of the month: Arts and Latin Folklore

Dear Ositos parents
This week we will be talking about what happened at the International Party. The children will make drawings, books and various arts, they will also write  the names of some of the countries we had at our Festival.

The words of this week are:
Los paises - countries
folklor - folklore
La fiesta internacional - international party
El vestuario - clothing
Las banderas - flags
Los alimentos - food

Thank you parents for your support and participation at the Party. We are very proud of our OSITOS! and their performance.
Great Job!
Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Apr 9, 2012

THEME OF THE MONTH: ¨Arts and Folklore¨

Dear Ositos Parents

This week we will continue talking about Latin America music and dances, especially from Puerto Rico and Colombia.

Words of the week:

Pais - Country
Folklor - Folklore
Fiesta International - International Party
Vestuario - Clothing
Instrumentos - Instruments
Ensayo - Rehearsal

We are almost ready for our great event; we have the girl’s dresses ready and we will appreciate if you bring the boys t shirts before Friday so we can be all set. Please remember to pick up your child before 2:30pm on Friday the 13th; the school will close in the afternoon for the party.

Thank you

Miss Iris and Miss Sandra

Apr 2, 2012

Week of April 2nd-6th!

Dear  Ositos Parents
Our theme of this month is "Arts and Latin Folklore", and this week we will begin to introduce Latin music and dance concepts. Children will distinguish and will dance different music rhythms.
This week our words are:
Musica - Music
Danza - Dance
Escucha - Listen
Lento - Slow
Rapido - Fast

Special Activities
On April 4th we will celebrate Easter and our Ositos class will have their activity at the playground at 11:30am. Please send your child with a basket, and eggs, and remember to avoid sending items like hard candy or anything that may contain nuts.

Special Words this week:

Pascua - Easter
Conejo - Bunny
Huevos - Eggs

Upcoming Events:

Parents, our international party is approaching you will find details of this especial activity in a letter we left in your child's cubby. Please remember to pick it up .  Our ositos are preparing a special performance and we are very proud of their efforts!
A list with each child's name is at the door, please make sure you sign off letting us know if your child will be attending to this important event.

Thank you all the parents who brought their pets and  shared materials about the animal theme, our Ositos had a great time.

Thank you for your support
Happy Spring Break
Miss Iris and Miss Sandra