Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jun 28, 2013

Week of July 1st- 5th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!

Next week we will be talking about the theme: “Celebrando la Independencia/Celebrating Independence Day”
The children will learn more about why we celebrate The Independence of United States.

Our special activities will be the following:
*Monday- We will make a headbands and hat allude to Independence.
*Tuesday-During recycling class we will make fireworks using cardboard tubes (Thanks parents who brought cardboard tubes and other recyclables items). We will also have our picnic this day!

*Wednesday- Independence Parade- The children will use masks alluding to Independence, American flags, among other things.
*Thursday-July 4th, Independence Day- Sff! will be closed.
*Friday-Fair games- The children will participate in different games and this activity will be outside.

The words of the week are:

* Independence Day-Dia de la Independencia
* Separacion-separation
* Los Estados-The States
* El Presidente The President
* La bandera-The flag
* Las estrellas-The stars
* El himno-The anthem
* El aguila-The eagle
* La Casa Blanca-The White House

Don’t forget next week we will celebrate: MUD WEEK at Spanish for Fun! Expect your child to get dirty and muddy on their splash days (Wednesday and Friday)

Gratitude note:
This is the last week in Sff! for Isabella Mercado and Sophia Badia. I wish you luck with all my heart in kindergarten; it was a pleasure to have you in my classroom. 

Thank you very much parents and grandparents for all your support and affection.  Thanks to our room parents Maria, Isabella's mom, for your excellent job. We will miss you!!!!!!

Have a great weekend and Happy Independence Day!!

Miss Iris and Miss Kenia

Jun 21, 2013

Week of June 24th - 28th !!!

Hola Ositos parents!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

During this week we will be talking about the theme: “We are going camping/ Nos vamos de campamento.”
The special activities for this week are as follows:

*Monday- Hike looking for insects, rocks, flowers and sticks.
*Tuesday- We will make binoculars using cardboard tube.  Please bring some cardboard tube if you have some at home.
*Wednesday- Picnic day
*Thursday- Pajama day, a child who stay for quiet time, also can bring his/her sleeping bag.
*Friday- Camping day,if you have tent, you can bring it.

The words for this week:
* Campamento /Camping
* Binoculares- Binoculars
* Cantimplora / Canteen
* La mochila / Backpack
* La bolsa para dormir / Sleeping bag
* Alimentos /Food
* Primeros auxilios / First aid

Upcoming event:
*Independence Day July 4th -School will be closed

*To the new students in Spanish For Fun and for their excellent adaptation to our class!
*To the Sapitos children who now are OSITOS!

Have a great week

Miss Iris and Miss Kenia




Jun 14, 2013

Week of June 17th - 21st !!!

Hola Ositos parents:


Is a pleasure to have your child in our ositos classroom!  We are very excited for your child to learn while having fun at our camp.  This week we will talking about  “El verano llego/ Summer is here!.” We will be giving emphasis to the different activities we do in summer and how to protect our body when temperature is high.

The words of this week are:

* Verano-summer
* Sol-sun
* Protegernos-protect
* Gafas-glasses
* Sombrero-hat

Also for news children:

* Hola-hi
* Buenos dias-good morning
* Buenas tarde-good afternoon
* Mi nombre es-My name is
* Compartir-share
* Adios-bye

Special activities for next week:
* Tuesday 18th -Glasses day
* Wednesday 19th -Hat day
* Friday 21st -Hawaiian dress

Please make sure you bring the following items with your child to our summer camp:
*Extra summer clothes
*Cream sunscreen, NO SPRAY(With authorization form)
*Swim suit (only splash days-Wednesday-morning and Friday-afternoon)
*Insect repellent (If you wish-with authorization form)
*Swimming shoes.

Also please make sure your lotion or cream have a form filled out and signed by you indicating amount to be applied, areas to be protected and areas to be avoided and specific time to be used.  AEROSOLS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, GRACIAS.

Have a wonderful week!!

Miss Iris

Jun 10, 2013

Week of June 10th - 14th !!!

Hola Ositos Parents:

I hope you had a nice weekend!

This week we are talking about the importance of exercise and to get active.  I will give emphasis to the safety rules that we need to have when riding a bike.

The words of this week are:
* Ejercicio-exercise
* Bicicleta-bicycle
* Seguridad-safety
* Casco-helmet

Special words:
* Feliz Dia papa-Happy father's Day
* Te amo papa- I love you dad

Special events:
*June 10.- St. Jude Trike-a-Thon donations due. Remember you can donate online, very easy and conveniente: Here’s the link:

*June 11th -Congratulations to Truman for his birthday, Feliz Cumpleanos!!!!!
*June 11-Parents Conferences
*June 13-Father's day breakfast
*June 14-Last day of school year, SFF closes at 12:30 pm
*June 14-Trike-A-Thon, Please bring your child bicycle and helmet labeled.

 * I wish a wonderful summer to some of my Ositos that are not going to be with me this summer. I will miss you!
* For parents of the graduates, please let administration or me know when the last day of your child at Spanish for Fun will be.  We want to be prepared to tell your child goodbye.
* Friday, June 14th will be the last day of Kai Allen in Spanish For Fun.  Thank you to his parents for their support, affection and trust all these years!
 We will miss Allen Family, Good Luck Kai!!!

Have a nice week!

Miss Iris


Jun 3, 2013

Week of June 3rd - 7th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Thank very much for your support and cooperation this past Saturday for our Ositos’ graduation. It was a very nice and emotional ceremony, I hope everyone enjoyed it.
I am very proud of my Ositos!

The theme for this week is: “Let's get active”. We will talk about some sports and their importance.
Also we will play in the playground and do some sport teams.

The words of this week are:
* Activo / Active
* Deporte / Sport
* Baloncesto / Basketball
* Beisbol / Baseball
* Futbol / Football
* Carreras / Running race
* Gimnasia / Gymnastic

Upcoming events:

* June 11- Parents conference about the report card of your child.
* June 14-Trike-a-Thon: Bring your child's bike, tikes and helmet.  This activity will be in the morning. Sff! will close 12:30 that day.

If your child has a sport ball, he/she can bring it to the classroom to play and share.

Important Note for parents of children graduates:
Please, let Administration or me know when is the last day of your child in Spanish for fun.  We want to be prepared to tell your child goodbye.

Have e great weekend and thank you again for your support!!!!!

Miss Iris