Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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May 29, 2015

Week of June 1st-5th

Ositos Class
Ms. Luz & Ms. Sugey
Theme of the week: “The Universe and me/El Universo y yo
Week of June 1st - June 5th
Hola Ositos Parents,
Only one day until graduation ceremony - we are so excited!
Welcome to the month of June! The theme of these first two weeks of this month will be about "The Universe and I" We will be working on our planet "the Earth” and its characteristics, including its shape, and important tasks, such as taking caring for and protecting it.

Our goal this week is for the children to know the planet where we live and the four elements. We also want them to understand the importance caring for and protecting our planet.

Canción/ Song
Buenos días ya salió el sol
Miro hacia el cielo, las nubes de algodón
Buenas noches, la luna salió
Muchas estrellitas luceros de amor.
Estrellas, planetas
Luna y sol
Cuida nuestra tierra y llénala de amor.

Poesía/ Poem
Todos los niños
Un gran viaje van hacer
De la tierra hasta la luna
Volar será un placer
Nos pondremos nuestros
Trajes y a la nave subiremos
Sentaditos todos juntos
A la luna llegaremos.

Poesía: Proyecto día del Padre Poem- Father’s day
Mi papito es muy bueno,
igualito a mi mamá,
se levanta muy temprano,
yo lo voy a saludar.

Yo me subo a sus rodillas,

y me pongo a cabalgar,
ico, ico caballito,
qué bueno que es mi papa

Adivinanza/ Riddle
Doy calorcito
Soy muy Redondo
Salgo prontito
Y tarde me escondo.

Trabalenguas- Tongue Twister
Filipí filipó
La flor se abrio
Filipí filipó
El sol la abrigo

Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales
Jugamos con todos los fonemas: ppp, ll, tt, rr
Los pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.

Homework of the week:
Draw our planet

Family project
For this month you will be creating a Sun! (Sun template provided.)

Happy Birthday/ Feliz cumpleaños to Darcy Demidovich and Wilfrid Amoakon.

Friendly Reminders:  
·  If you would like to have a conference about your child’s development during this last trimester, please sign up in the sheet that is outside the classroom.
·  If you would like to bring sunscreen (cream not spray) for your child, please make sure to check the expiration date, fill out the form, and bring it in a labeled Ziploc bag. Thank you.
·  Remember that we have a closed-toe shoe policy to avoid safety hazards.

Important Upcoming Dates:
*June 5th: Report Cards will be sent home
*June 8th – 12th: Red Shirt Swap (More information on Friday’s News) - ATTENTION GRADUATING STUDENT’S PARENTS. This is a great idea for all of you who are not sure what to do now with any Sff! uniforms
*June 12th: Parents/Teacher conference (If you would like to have a conference about your child’s development this last trimester, please sign up in the sheet that is outside the classroom.)

Thank you:
We would like to officially say Good Bye to Ms. Alma!
Thank you for these wonderful months with our Ositos, we wish you the best in Colorado!
We also would like to officially welcome Ms. Sugey to our Ositos family. We are looking forward to a great summer camp!

Finally, Thank you Ositos Parents for your wonderful support and for choosing us as your child care provider. It’s a pleasure to be a trusted part of your family!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Sugey

May 22, 2015

Week of May 25th-29th

Ositos class 
 Ms Luz, Ms Alma and Miss Sugey
Week of (Semana del) May 25th– 29th
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/Semana): “Como funcionan las cosas” / "How Things Work"
Hola Ositos Parents,
we are excited for our graduation that is coming soon! This week will be very busy with all the preparations for this great event. We would like to get your support by talking to your children about how important this achievement is to you as a parent and what you will be expecting from your children after finishing this stage of life.
Please, let them know that they can count on you and you will support and show them how they can make their dreams come true.

Your support is very important for them because you are the very first source of inspiration, it will be great to encourage them to create solid goals for the future.

Our Goal this week is to inspire, motivate, encourage, guide, and work in teams to ensure our graduation will be a solid memory in the hearts of our Ositos.

Objectives we will be working are as follow: 
Oral Exercise
Jugamos con los sonidos: Colocamos la lengua arriba del paladar y soplamos, emitimos el fonema “Rrrrrr”
  • La pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.
Homework of the week:
Draw yourself at graduation.
Special Events and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas)
* Birthdays
·         Hazel Hill
·         Simon Planchart
·         Gabriel Haffey
Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month “Your, or child’s favorite thing.”
Upcoming Events:
·  May 25 - Memorial Day - School Closed
 May 30: Ositos Graduation
· June 8 – 12: Sff! Red shirt Swap (More information in our Fridays News)
Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma

May 15, 2015

Week of May 18th-22nd

Ositos Class
Ms. Alma & Ms. Luz
Theme of the week: “How Things Work”
Week of May 18th-May 22nd

Greeting to All Ositos Parents
I’d like to say thank you to Mr. Mount for an interesting presentation at Sff! today about Volcanos.  As children enjoyed and appreciated being there, we teachers did as well.  Also, thank you to all the parents for your valuable time spent at the Science Fair, where children know that their work has been appreciated.

This week the children will continue working on small addition.  I truly enjoy seeing children as they count with their fingers and share, with each other, the final answer of their operations.   It is undoable that without your help we could have gotten to the point that we are at right now with the children.  This week we will be giving them materials to count in different ways.  My goal for this week is to reinforce some areas in which the children are still struggling.

Objectives we will be working are as follows:
· Retell small stories after listening to it.
· Can explain and understand things while reading.

  • Trace a curve from the top and looping at the bottom.
  • Trace a curve from the bottom and looping at the top.
  • Draw the human form with details.
Interact and relate to classmates properly.
Homework of the week:

Small Addition worksheet.
Letter of the week:
Reviewing the letter “Cc”

Friendly Reminders:
·         Please help us to clean children’s cubbies.
As the weather is getting hot, if you would like to bring sunscreen for your child, please make sure fill out the form and bring it in a labeled Ziploc bag to give to one of the teachers.  Be sure to check the expiration date!

*Family project
This month “Your, or your child’s, favorite thing”

Important Upcoming Dates:
·  May 25th - Memorial Day - School Closed
·  May 30th- Ositos Graduation
·  June 8th – 12th : Sff! Red shirt swap (More information in our Fridays News)

Thank you:
Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Alma and Ms. Luz

May 8, 2015

Week of May 11th-15th

Ositos Class
Ms. Alma & Ms. Luz
Theme of the week: “How Things Work"
Week of May 11th – May 15th

Hola Ositos parents:
We enjoyed sharing with you the Mother's Day celebration. Thank you for participating in the fun activities along with your children. We will have an activity filled month. This week we will host our science fair. We invite you to delight yourselves with the scientific projects that your children were involved in. We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions. We will also spend part of our time this week practicing for the Ositos graduation.

On the academic front, we will review the sounds of letters and we will practice simple multiplication. Our goal this week is for your children to recognize syllables used to form words and to read short sentences.

Objectives we will be working are as follows:

Memorize a small text
Is interested in the stories and recognizes letters.

Place the number depending on the amount.
Write letters
Write numbers

Draw the human figure with details.
It interacts appropriately with peers

Homework of the week:
Complete the letter Oo worksheet.

Letter of the week: Oo,
Your child may bring objects, toys, or images from magazines that begin with the letter Oo, only Friday,
for example
Oruga- Caterpillar
Oveja- Sheep

Special Events and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas)

*Traveling Pet
Samuel Cummings

* Birthdays
Hazel Hill
Simon Planchart
Gabriel Haffey

 Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month “Yours or child’s favorite thing.”

Parents, please bring your child wearing his/her Spanish for fun! Uniform this Wednesday. We will be taking a special group picture for our yearbook front cover!!!

Important Upcoming Dates:
May 11th -15th: Science Fair Week
May 25th - Memorial Day - School Closed
May 30th- Ositos Graduation

Thank you,

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma

May 1, 2015

Week of May 4th-8th

Ositos Class
Ms. Luz & Ms. Alma
Theme of the week: “How Things Work"
Week of May 4th – May 8th

Greetings to All Ositos Parents,
We are starting a new and exciting month and with it, many important events that are coming soon.  This week we will be working on a Mother’s Day Project that the children are excited to start.  Next week we will begin The Science Fair Project.
For the Mother’s Day project, children want to have an exciting surprise for all of their lovely mommies. This celebration will be held on Friday 8 in the classroom, starting at 9:30am.  Ms. Luz and I will have a delicious breakfast, for all mothers are invited to celebrate this day with the child.  We will also have some activities where Mom and her child will have the opportunity to work together.  Also, if you’d like to read a special book for the classroom, you are welcome to.  Please let us know that way we can plan accordingly so that you and your child can have a memorable day.
In addition, we will be working on reinforcing math and language with open-end-closed questions, and sharing thoughts about illogical statements.  My goal for this week is for the children to  feel confident speaking the Spanish language and resolving small addition problems.

Objectives we will be working are as follows:
     Identify illogical statements.
     Identify the main idea.
     Participate in small experiments in the classroom.
     Classify in three attributes:  size, shape, and color.
     Cut roundly in circular figures.
     Properly hold the pencil.
     Follow the school routine.
     Make his/ her thoughts and feelings known.
Vamos volando en un avión
Y al ver por la ventana vemos las nubes pasar
Volando en un avión

A una enorme altura nos vamos a pasear
Desde mi ventana las alas puedo ver
Y  allá abajo otras cosas también.
Los autos y edificios muy pequeños son
Y me hacen sentir que muy alto estoy.
Es muy divertido un avión pilotear
Y cuando sea mayor eso voy a estudiar
Por ahora me conformo con solo jugar
A salvo de tormentas que me puedan dañar.

Poesía/ Poem
Hasta el cielo volar
En  el espacio sideral
      Nuestro cohete
Volando está
De la luna hasta el sol
De saturno a plutón
Nuestro cohete
Volando está.
1, 2 3 divertido es para mi.
Nuestro cohete
regresa al hogar

Poesía para la semana de proyecto 
Día de la Madre/ Mother's Day
  sabes mamita cuánto te quiero
te lo he dicho mil veces
sólo con besos
pero hoy es tu día
y te lo digo d nuevo
te quiero mamita
así hasta el cielo

Poesía/ poem 3
El teléfono Pin pín
Calladito en un rincón
Esperando que las horas pasen
Pronto en el reloj

Adivinanza/ Riddle
Va por el cielo
Como ventarrón
Lleva pasajeros
Y anda a motor
    El avión
Adivinanza/ Riddle 2
Tiene motor ,Cuatro ruedas
Ventanillas sin cortinas
Un timón negro y también una bocina
     El carro
Corre corre rapidito
Solo para en la estación
Corre corre rapidito
Que el tren ya te dejó.

Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales
     Jugamos con los sonidos: Colocamos la lengua arriba del paladar y soplamos, emitimos el fonema Rrrrrr
     Lo pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.
Homework of the week:
Math – Addition worksheet.

Letter of the week:
Your child may bring objects, toys, or images from magazines that begin with the letter Ii,  only Friday, for example: Iman, insectos, iguana, etc.

Special Events and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas)

*Traveling Pet:  Monica Perez

* Birthdays:
Simon Planchart
Gabriel Haffey
Hazel Hill

Friendly Reminders:
Please help us to clean children’s cubbies.

*Family project
This month “Yours or child’s favorite thing.”

Important Upcoming Dates:
      May 8th - Mother's Day Celebration
      May 11th -15th: Science Fair Week
      May 25th - Memorial Day - School Closed
      May 30th- Ositos Graduation
Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Alma and Ms. Luz