Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Feb 25, 2013

Week of February 25th - March 1st !!!

Hola Ositos Parents:

I hope you had a great weekend!

I am very grateful for all the love demonstrations last week during our teacher’s appreciation week. Thanks to all of our parents, especially Mari and Rene, our room parents and of course, big thanks to my OSITOS!

This week, we will continue working on the theme” The Plant Kingdom”. We will talk about the vegetables and why it is important to eat them every day.
The children will make crafts and during cooking class we will make a delicious vegetable salad.

The words of the week:
la lechuga-the lettuce
el tomate-the tomato
el pepino-the cucumber
la papa-the potato
las arvejas- peas
el brocoli-the broccoli
el maiz-the corn

Special words:
el paseo-field trip
el museo-museum

Special Events:
*Congratulations to Ella on her birthday and for being the student of the week, FELICIDADES ELLA!
*February 28, Field trip to The NC Museum Of Natural Sciences from 9:20 am to 12:00 pm. Make sure you have returned field trip permission form.

*Please return your child's log for our special Book Worm Club by February 27th and remember that your child may bring a book.
*Parent- Teachers conferences will start next week. A sign-up sheet will be at the door.

This week we are working with the letter F-f. The children may bring objects, photos or images from magazines that begin with this letter.

For example:

Have a great week and again, THANKS SO MUCH!!!

Miss Iris

Feb 18, 2013

Week of February 18-22nd!!

Hola Ositos parents:
Thanks for bringing cards and candy to share with the children in San Valentine's Day! Our ositos had a great time.

This week we are talking about the fruits and why it is important to eat them every day. The children will make crafts and during cooking class
we will make a Fruit salad.

The words of this week are:
la manzana- the apple
la piƱa-the pineapple
la pera-the pear

el platano-the banana
la sandia-the watermelon
la fresa-the strawberry
la naranja-the orange

Please return your child's log for our special Book Worm Club on or by  February 27th.

Upcoming event:
On February 28th our class will be visiting The NC Museum Of Natural Sciences from 9;20 am to 12;00 pm.
Please sign the permission slip and return it by February 19th,advising attendance.

This week we are working with the letter Y-y. The children may bring objects, photos or images from magazines with this letter, for example


Have a great week!

Miss iris

Feb 13, 2013

Week of February 11-15th!!!

Hola Ositos Parents:

We hope all you had a great weekend!

Continuing the theme, The Plant Kingdom, this week we will be talking about the photosynthesis and its importance.
I am very proud of my children's participation in each theme. They are really doing a great job!

The words of this week are:
la fotosintesis-the photosynthesis
el agua-the water
the sun-el sol
la luz-the light
crecer-grow up

Special activities:
Congratulations Angel, our student of this week!
Congratulations to Santiago Toro on his birthday, Felicidades!
St Valentines Day celebration. Let's all wear red, pink or hearts T-shirt. if you are planning on sending goody bags for the children,
please keep in mind we are a nut free environment.

Special words for this week are:
Te quiero-I love you
un abrazo-a hug
los amigos the friends
la amistad-friendship
la tarjeta-the card

Upcoming Event:

On February 28 our class will be visiting The NC Museum of Natural Sciences
from 9:20 am to 12:00 pm. Please sign the permission slip and return it by February 19th, advising attendance.

This week we are working with the letter G g. The children may being objects,photos or images from magazines with this letter, for example,

As we celebrate the day of St Valentine we are working with the letter G g, we will bake galletas/cookies

Have a great week and HAPPY ST VALENTINE'S DAY!!!

Miss iris

Feb 6, 2013

Week of February 4th- 8th!!

Hola Ositos parents:
We hope all you had a great weekend!

This week we begin the theme, The Plant Kingdom/ El Reino Vegetal. We will make emphasis learning about the growth and plant parts.
Also we talk about the air we breathe that comes from the forests and vegetation.
The words of this week are:
la planta-the plant
la semilla-the seed
las flores-the flowers
el tallo-the stem
los petalos-the petals
las hojas-the leaves
las raices-the roots
el polen-the pollen
el arbol-the tree

Special activity
Willy the bear will be visiting Kai's home. Have fun together!!
Congratulations Sophia, the child of this week.

Dates to remember:
This week we will begin our special Book Worm Club. I will give you a sheet where you will write down the title of the book
and the date and time you and your child spend reading together.

At the end of the month I will ask one child to bring his or her favorite book to share with the class.

Upcoming events: 

On February 7th All parents are invited to meet and help coordinate Ositos Graduation Ceremony , meeting will take place at the school lobby, at 4:30pm.


For Our Valentine’s Celebration please remember to bring your child wearing pink or red, if you would like to bring a treat for the class, please avoid food that may contain nuts, or hard candy.

Our students are:
1.   Tyson Moody
2.   Madeline Dougherty
3.   Mirella Leerberg
4.   Sophia Badia
5.   Calvin Provost
6.   Angel De La Cruz
7.   Truman Lane
8.   Isabella Mercado
9.   Kai Allen
10. Cameron Williams
11. Santiago Toro
12. Ella Diaz
13. Noah Scott 
14. Arabela Flores

On February 28th, our class will be visiting the NC Museum Of Natural Sciences from 9:20 am to 12:00 pm. A permission slip has been sent home this week; please remember to return it by February 19th, advising attendance.

This week we are working with the letter Ll ll, the children may bring objects,photos or images from magazines with this letter,for example


Have e great week!
Miss Iris