Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Feb 29, 2016

Week of February 29th- March 4th

Ositos Class
Miss. Luz & Mss. Amparo
Theme of the Week: Mi país. My Country

Hola Osito Parents,
Among the topics taught in pre-school education is of great importance incorporate the knowledge and appreciation of the country where we live. Children will learn, important places, customs, some of the natural and cultural riches of America. Through this knowledge we seek to build a national identity from a very young age, encouraging the care and protection of all that is our heritage.

The value will be working: Respect for the common good.

Yo nací en un lindo país
Con 4 estaciones
2 mares azules
Montañas y por venir
 yo soy feliz
Creciendo en este país
Aprendo respeto cuidado
y entrego lo mejor que hay en mí
En Sff! me enseñan muchas cosas de mi país
El respeto por mi amiguito
Me hace siempre un niño feliz (bis)
¡Que viva mi país!

El país donde vivo 
Es mi hermoso hogar
Sus paisajes, los lugares
Todo luce fenomenal.
Yo lo cuido, Lo valoro.
Yo lo quiero de verdad.

Es el lugar donde vivimos
Es de todos nuestro hogar
Tiene hermosos lugares
Para cuidar y visitar.
Mi País
Es mi vestido tres colores
Tengo estrellas me llevas en tu corazón
Soy el símbolo de la nación.
La bandera

Tantos ríos
Pocos puentes
Pocos ríos
Tantos puentes
Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofacial
  • Jugamos con los sonidos: Colocamos la lengua arriba del paladar y soplamos, emitimos el fonema Ppppppp
  • Lo pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.
Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in class. Please bring them back on Monday.

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Viaje de la mascota): Traveling Pet is Miles Scott. You can take Willy wherever you want, take care of it, dress it, take pictures and share them with us. The pet will be your travel for this week. Please return it next Monday, will be waiting for another friend.

Friendly Reminders:
·        The weather is getting cold, please bring appropriate clothes for your child (long sleeve shirt, long pants, and jacket) and a cozy blanket for nap time.
·         Make sure your child washes his/her hands when arriving and leaving the classroom.
·        Label all of your child’s belongings.
·        Please sign up for our “Traveling Pet.” Our sign-up sheet is outside the classroom.
·         Our Ositos enjoy story time with their family members so much. Please don’t forget to sign up for this activity. We have story time every day at 11.45 am.

Important Upcoming Dates:
February 29th- March 4th: Teacher Appreciation week
March 2nd: Picture Day
March 7th: Report card will be sent home
March 14 th: Teacher-Parents Conferences
March 23th: Easter Celebration (information is coming soon.)
March 25th: Good Friday, school will be closed
March 31st: International Party

Thank you
Miss. Luz and Miss. Amparo

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