Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Feb 12, 2016

Week of February 15th-19th

Ositos Class
Miss. Luz & Mss. Amparo
Week of February 15th-19th
Theme of the Week: “Como funcionan las cosas” “Little scientists

Hola Osito Parents,
This week we will be working with our little scientists so that they can present our experiments in the science fair next week.
The purpose of teaching science is to develop the child's ability to understand the nature of their environment. Children and adults must understand what it takes to be scientific and how it can potentially affect each one of us.
The objective of teaching science is not to educate people that will go on to devote the rest of their lives to scientific questions, but, instead, it is to train people to have a holistic view that promotes the development of scientific thinking. It teaches them to question and reflect on natural phenomena that happen to around us by investigating the causes that generate them. We want them to develop a scientific attitude and become reflective, critical, and analytical so that they are able to follow a method to conduct research based on the available information,  formulate hypotheses and verify them through the experience.

The value will be working is Creativity.

Praxias: Ejercicios Bucofaciales
  • Jugamos con los sonidos: Colocamos la lengua arriba del paladar y soplamos, emitimos el fonema Rrrrrr
  • Lo pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.

Homework of the week:
Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working on in class. Please bring them back on Monday.

Special Request
We need your help this week that we are going to be working in our experiments. Can you help us by bringing any equipment that you think is related to science experiments? Examples include: safety glasses, droppers, test tubes, and measuring cylinders.

Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Viaje de la mascota): The traveling Pet is with Daniel. You can take him wherever you want, take care of it, dress it, take pictures and share them with us. The pet will travel with you for this week. Please return it next Monday so that he can visit another friend.

Friendly Reminders:
·         The weather is getting cold, please bring appropriate clothes for your child (long sleeve shirt, long pants, and jacket) and a cozy blanket for nap time.
·         Make sure your child washes his/her hands when arriving and leaving the classroom.
·         Label all your child’s belongings.
·         Please sign up for the“Traveling Pet.” Our sign-up sheet is outside the classroom.
·         Our Ositos enjoy story time with their family members so much. Please don’t forget to sign up for this activity. We have story time every day at 11.45 am.

Important Upcoming Dates:
·         February 22nd - 26th: Science Fair Week
·         February 29th - March 4th: Teacher Appreciation Week

We want to thank Mr. Larry Wolfgang for coming to the class and teach us about car motors and tires.

Muchas gracias to Lyla's father and Cierra's parents for taking the time to come to the Ositos class and celebrate Valentines day.

Thank you
Mss. Luz and Ms. Amparo

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