Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Feb 5, 2016

Week of February 8th-12th

Ositos Classroom
Miss Amparo- Miss Luz
Week of ( Semana de): February 8-12
Theme of the Week (Tema de la  Semana): “How Things Work”/”Como funcionan las cosas”
Dear Ositos Parents,
Valentine’s Day for our children is all about friendship. This week we will have appropriate activities to help our children to better understand the value of friendhip and love. They will learn the History of Valentine’s Day, who is St. Valentine and why is this holiday celebrated.
At the same time, our Ositos will continue learning how things work. Some of their parents will come to explain them how the musical instruments work and Mr. Larry will explain how the cars work.
Our objectives by areas this week are:
Socio-emotional: Do some act of kindness.
Cognitive: Spatial orientation and laterality.
Psychomotor: Make puzzles with more than 15 pieces.
Language: Memorize short texts.
Literacy Activity: Letter of the week “Gg”.
·         Explain the value of friendship to your child.
·         Tell your child who was your best friend at school, and which are your memories with him/her.
·         Encourage your child to do some acts of kindness.

Homework of the week
Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in class (LETTER Gg). Please bring them back on Monday.
Remember, kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.
Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
This week our Traveling Pet “Willy” will visit Logan’s house. He is so excited to have fun with Logan and his family. Don’t forget to record your memories (pictures) to share with your classmates.
Friendly Reminders:
·         The weather is getting cold, please bring appropriate clothes for your child: long sleeve shirt, long pants, jacket, gloves, hat, scarf (in a labeled tote bag) and a cozy blanket for nap time.
·         Make sure your child washes his/her hands when arriving and leaving the classroom.
·         Family Story Time: Our children love to listen to stories from their relatives. Let us know if you would like to join us at 11.45 am, any day of the week.

Important Upcoming Dates:
Febrero 22-26: Science Fair Week
Thank you in advance to Lyla’s Daddy, Cierra’s parents and Mr. Larry for your help explaining to the children how things work.
Thank you to our wonderful parents for your collaboration on our Valentine’s Party.
Miss Amparo - Miss Luz

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