Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 23, 2014

Week of October 27th - 31st !!!

Class and Teacher (Salon y Profesoras): Ositos- Ms Iris 

Week of (Semana del ) October 27-31 
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/ Semana):Nos ponemos activos/ We get active 
Salutation and highlights of week:  
Hola Ositos parents, our children enjoyed doing exercises while listening one the new songs of Spanish for fun! We get active. Next week we will finish the theme continuing talking about exercises coupled with good nutrition. 

Objectives we will be working are as follows: 

Language- Answer questions about exercises and image matching games. 
Cognitive- Review of the numbers and shapes. 
Psychomotor- Run, walk, jump rolling on the floor and coloring inside the figure. Also cut out letters from magazines. 
Socio-emotional- Enjoy doing exercises and enjoy song, poem, riddles and twister. Also learn safety rules during "Trick or Treat." 

Star words of the week: 
·        Los alimentos nutritivos- Nutritious food 
·        tennis-tennis 
·        La raqueta- racket 
·        La calabaza- pumpking 
·        El disfraz- costume 
·        Las reglas de seguridad- safety rules 

Homework of the week: 
Draw pumpkins according to the numbers. 

Song of the week: Cancion de la semana 

Nos ponemos activos
Mueve mueve mueve mueve bien tus pies
mueve mueve mueve la cabeza y

Mueve mueve mueve las rodillas bien
Ponte siempre activo vamos a jugar (2)

Y corre corre corre corre
y salta salta salta salta
Gira gira sin parar (2)

Manos arriba
Piernas cruzadas
Gira tu cuerpo
Ven a jugar (2)

Poem of the week: Poesia
Ya es hora de los deportes
Pronto va acomenzar
Ya estoy esperando la partida
Para correr, jugar y ganar

Ahi van mis amiguitos
para jugar con mucha ilusion
Intentamos todos a correr rapidito
Cualquiera puede ser el campeon

Riddles of the week: Adivinanza
Soy de color anaranjado
Crezco en la tierra
A los conejos les gusta
y para la vista soy buena.

Respuesta: La zanahoria

Trabalengua- Twister
Si como como poco
si tu comes
Comes poco?

Oral exercises: 
Sweep the palate with the tip of the tongue. 

Special Events and Birthdays: 
(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas/ Estudiante de la Semana) 
*Monday, October 27- We will have a special and fun activity thanks to Marisa Ebert’s dad, Daniel Ebert who is Tennis coach. Thank you for your support Mr. Ebert!
*Our student of the week is Corinne Derr. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends. 
*Friday, October 31- Costume Parade!! If you want to collaborate with our Costume parade, there will be a sign-up sheet outside the classroom. You don’t need to send a basket with your child. We will provide bags for the "Trick or Treat". However we will accept and appreciate treat and healthy snacks. It will be a fun morning! Muchas Gracias! 

Friendly Reminders: 
Please help us by hanging your child's jacket separate from another child’s jacket. If there is no space, you can put the jacket in your child's cubby. Be sure to take home your child's jacket. Also don’t forget to label it. We have some unable jackets in the classroom, I’ll appreciate if you can help identifying if any of those is your child’s jacket.  We would appreciate your help, GRACIAS! 

Important Upcoming Dates: 
*We are beginning reading activities. The first letter will be the letter Mm. 

Thank you notes: 
*I want to thank you for attending our first field trip. I am really proud of my Ositos for their good behavior and because they were with me most of the time. I am also very proud of you parents for your support!!! MUCHAS GRACIAS!!! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Ms Iris  

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