Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 2, 2014

October 6-10

Class and Teacher (Salon y Profesoras): Ositos- Ms Iris and Ms Amparo

Week of ( Semana del ): October 6-10
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/ Semana): Mis sentidos/ My senses.

Highlights of the week

Hola Ositos parents!

Next week we will finish the theme “My senses” / “ Mis Sentidos”
We will do different activities and games for the children to help them identify the senses while we have fun. On the theme “My body” / “ Mi Cuerpo”, the children learned about the brain and on this occasion we will be using images. They will learn how each sense work in our brain. Please bring materials of different textures such as sponges, cotton, fabric scraps and other.

Objectives we will be working are as follows:

Language- Tracing name using pencil
Cognitive- Follow sequences (textures: soft-rough-soft-rough) and associate number with quantity.
Psychomotor- Somersault.
Socio-emotional- Participate identifying the senses through play and participate and enjoy riddles, poem and twister.

Start words of the Week:
·        Dulce- sweet

·        Salado- salty

·        Amargo- bitter

·        La textura- textures

·        Suave- soft

·        Aspero- rough

Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):

“Cancion de los Sentidos.”

Con mis cinco sentidos yo aprenderé

A ver todo a mi alrededor,

Con mis cinco sentidos puedo ver

El cielo con su color,

Escucharte a ti eso me hace feliz

Y sentir el sol sobre mi,

Saborear la miel y poder oler

Las flores que hay en el jardín.

Con mis cinco sentidos….

Poderte abrazar y también escuchar

Mi maestra en Sff

Oler, saborear, escuchar y sentir

El amor que sientes por mi!!!

Con mis cinco sentidos…

Poem by Theme (Poema por tema):

Miramos con los ojos

Por la nariz puedo oler

Tocamos con las manos

Sentimos por la piel

Oimos por las orejas

Cuando escuchamos bien

Y con la lengua yo disfruto

Galletitas con miel.

Riddles/Charades (Adivinanzas):

Nos sirven para oler, oir, ver

Tocar y degustar

Los tienes en tu cuerpo

Los vas a adivinar?

Respuesta: “Los Sentidos.”

Twister (Trabalenguas):

Tito  Te tomaste todo el te?

Todo el te tempranito lo tome.

Homework of the week:
Help us at home by associate number with quantity with your child. Please try your child to do her/his homework using pencil because it facilitates she/he can erase andcorrect. Also because they will learn to hold and write properly using pencil. 

Special Events and Birthdays:

(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas/ Estudiante de la Semana)

Our student of the week is Gabriel Haffey. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends. 

Friendly Reminders:

Remember to take home your child's notebook every Wednesday and return it no later than Friday.


Important Upcoming Dates:

Monday, October 13 at 4:00 pm- We will celebrating Columbus Day and our ositos and sapitos arepreparing something special for that day.

October 15- SFF! Uniform picture day

October 16- Fall picture day

October 20- Field trip ( New date)

October 31- Costume parade

Thank you notes:

Thank you very much for helping your child to do her/his homework.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms Iris and Ms Amparo

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