Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Oct 17, 2014

Weekof October 20th - 24th !!!

Week of (Semana del) : October 20-24

Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/ Semana):Nos ponemos activos/ We get active.
Salutation and highlights of week: Hola Ositos parents, next week we will starting with the theme “Nos ponemos activos/ We get active.” We will be talking about sports and the importance of exercising every day.

Objectives we will be working on:
 Language- Tracing name using pencil.
Cognitive- Math sports images .
Psychomotor- Run and walk in different directions: forward, backward and sideways.
Socio-emotional- Enjoy doing execises and enjoy song, poem, riddles and twister. 

Star words of the week:
El ejercicio- exercises
Los deportes- sports
La pelota- The ball
Galopar- gallop
El parque- The park

Song of the week: Cancion de la semana:
  Nos ponemos activos
Mueve, mueve, mueve, mueve bien tus pies
Mueve, mueve, mueve la cabeza ya
Mueve, mueve, mueve las rodillas bien
Ponte siempre activo vamos a jugar (2)
Y corre, corre, corre, corre
y salta, salta, salta, salta
Gira, gira sin parar (2)
Manos arriba
Piernas cruzadas
Gira tu cuerpo
Ven a jugar (2)

Poem of the week: Poesia

Ya es hora de los deportes
Pronto va a comenzar
Ya estoy esperando la partida
Para correr, jugar y ganar

Ahí van mis amiguitos
Para jugar con mucha ilusión
Intentamos todos a correr rapidito
Cualquiera puede ser el campeón.

Riddles of the week: Adivinanza

Soy de color anaranjado
Crezco en la tierra
A los conejos les gusta
y para la vista soy buena.
       Respuesta: La zanahoria

Oral execises:
Sweep the palate with the tip of the tongue.

Homework of the week: Trace your own name

Student of the week
*Our student of the week is Wilfrid Amoakon. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends.
 Friendly Reminders:
If you want to collaborate with our Costume parade, there will be a sign-up sheet outside the classroom. You don’t need to send a basket with your child. We will provide bags for the  "Trick or Treat". However we will accept and appreciate treats and healthy snacks. Muchas gracias!
Special Events and Birthdays:
(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas/ Estudiante de la Semana)
*Monday, October 20- Field trip to Ganyard Hill farm. Please arrive at 8:45. Look for me so I can give your entrance tickets and your child's morning snack. Our planned activities  will start right at 9:00am.
*Tuesday, October 21- Please bring your child dressed athlete or she/he can bring a ball.

Important Upcoming Dates:
 * October 31- Costume parade
* Thursday October 30 th : TEDDY BEAR PORTRAITS SALES DAY. Mark your calendar for this day. A representative for Teddy Bear Portraits will be here that day from 7:30- 9:00 am and from 3:00 - 6:00pm to show and sell your child's portraits. This will be the only opportunity to buy pictures at a discounted rate.
 Thank you notes:
*Thanks to Mrs Laura, Richard's mom for her donation of art supplies for our classroom. We appreciate her generosity.
*Parents, thank you very much for attending our special activity Columbus day. We are very proud of our ositos. Buen Trabajo!!
 Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms Iris & Ms. Amparo

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