Class and Teacher (Salon y Profesoras): Ositos - Ms Alma - Luz
Week of (Semana del) Marzo 09 -13
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/Semana): My Country / My Pais.
Salutation and highlights of week: Marzo 09 – 13
Greetings to Ositos Parents!
This is the second week of March and I feel that we just started the Year. It is unbelievable how time goes by. During this second week we will continue studying My Country, in where we prepare a nice presentation to the teach children about the amazing history on the United States. We think that Literature is the most important learning approach on an awesome subject! Since the US has a very deep history, I tried to select specific Historical Moments that are fun and that the kids will enjoy learning about. We will use visual representation for demonstrating to the preschoolers. Also, we will be having other fun activities inside the classroom with materials related to US history including topics on Native Americans, Our Founders Fathers, culture, and food. Hopefully, the children will enjoy this week and come home talking about the US History.
Objectives we will be working on are as follows:
- Pictures of Founding Fathers and Native Americans.
- Poster of pictures with National symbols.
- Flash cards with word of the letter Jj.
- Learning new vocabulary.
- Reviewing numbers continuing counting from 1 to 10 and backward 10 to 1.
- Identifying facial features.
*Tracing the letter Jj.
*Tracing numbers.
*Enjoying songs, poem and riddles
Song of the Month/Week My Coauntry / Mi Pais
Star words of the week:
Japonesa / Japanese
Jalea / jelly
Jarra / water jug
Juguetes / toys
Jabon / soap
Jamon / ham
Homework of the week:
Cut and glue seals.
Letter of the week: Jj.
Special Events and Birthdays:
(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas)
*Traveling Pet: Evelyn Bartel
* Birthday: Evelyn Bartel 03/10
Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month the project is to create a “Shamrock”
*If you have old white sheets we appreciate your assistance. This will serve to observe customs for International Party.
Important Upcoming Dates:
March 9th – 13th: Teacher Appreciation Week
March 18th: Cap & Gown Pictures (Individual and Group) & also Spring Pictures
March 19th: Group Pictures (Send your child with his/her uniform)
March 20th: Report Cards sent home
March 23rd- 27th: Parent-Teacher Conferences
April 2nd: Easter Celebration (More information for this activity coming soon! We will need your help)
April 3rd: Easter break - Sff! closed
April 10th: International Party at St. Raphael Archangel Church. Sff! will closed at 3:00pm.
Thank you notes:
I would say thank you for spending your time at our Art Fair. As you enjoyed our Art Fair, we as teachers enjoyed seeing everyone happy. Also, we appreciate your time doing homework with your children. Have a great weekend!
Ms. Alma and Ms. Luz
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