Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 13, 2015

Week of March 16th-20th

Ositos Class
Ms Luz and Ms Alma
Week of (Semana del) March  16th - 20th
Theme of the Week (Tema de la Semana): Mi cultura y tradiciones/ My culture and traditions
Hola ositos parents:
As you all know traditions are comprised of cultural a goods transfer from generation to generation. It's about those customs and manifestations that each society considers valuable and maintains so they can be learned by new generations as indispensable parts of the cultural legacy and personal identity.
Our goal this week is that your children get to know and identify cultures and traditions from countries different from their country of origin. We will focus on Venezuela. Its gastronomy, crafts, and national symbols.
Ositos parents please feel free to share your culture and traditions on this 3rd week where we will talk about all things culture related.

Objectives we will be working are as follows

* Mentioned characteristics of the country where you live.
* Mentioned customs and traditions of other countries.
*Give attention for up to 20 minutes.
*Recognizes and names characteristics of the country you live.

*Recognize the left and right side of his/her body.
*Pours water from a jug to a cup without help.

*Draws the human body with details.
* Interacts appropriately with peers

“Mi Cultura y Tradiciones”
Aquí en mi hermoso país
Muchas tradiciones hay por mi
Y hoy yo te quiero contar
Lo que yo celebro en Sff!
4 de Julio
Memorial Day
Acción de gracias y Labor day
Good Friday, fall festival
Martin Luther King
Navidad, Año nuevo y ahora
Vamos a repetir
4 de Julio
Memorial Day
Acción de gracias y Labor day
Good Friday, fall festival
Martin Luther King
Navidad y Año nuevo
Tradiciones por mí

Todos los niños de América
Vamos todos a cantar
Todos juntos, siempre unidos

Haremos un solo hogar.

Soy una hortaliza naranja y sabrosa
En ocasiones me dibujan muy tenebrosa

Oral excercise
·         Jugamos con los sonidos: colocamos la lengua hacia arriba tocando el paladar y pronunciamos el fonema Llllll.
·         Lo pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.

 Star words of the week
Cultura / Culture
Tradición/ traditions
Venezuela/ Venezuela
Turpial /Turpial
Orquídea /orchid
Araguaney / araguaney

 Homework of the week:
Trace the letter Ch

 Letter of the week: Ch

Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Ch, only Friday, for example


Special Events and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas)

*Traveling Pet
Ishaan Patel

Friendly Reminders:
*Family project

This month the project will be to make Lucky (shamrock template provided)

Important Upcoming Dates:
  • March 18th: GAP & GOWN PICTURES & Spring pictures. Make sure to return your child’s Teddy Bear photograph authorization for this day.
  • March 19th: Group Pictures (Send your child with his/her uniform)

·         March 20th: Report Cards sent home

·         March 30th: OsitosParent-Teacher Conferences. Sign-up sheet will be posted outside our classroom with morning and some afternoon times available.

·         April 2nd: Easter Celebration.

Starting the week of March 23rd, please help us by sending Easter eggs and their fillings separately. We are planning a great activity with our Ositos, and we will need your help.
You can drop them at the front desk, there will be an assigned place for all Easter eggs and fillings.
Also, we are looking for parent volunteer to help us filling the Easter eggs and placing them in the playground. Most importantly, we are looking for a parent who would like to volunteer to be our EASTER BUNNY!.
If you would like to help us, please let us or Administration know.

·         April 3rd: Easter break - Sff! closed

·         April 10th: International Party at St. Raphael Archangel Church. Sff! will be closed at 3:00pm.

Thank you:

Thank you Parents for your continuous and enormous support!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma

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