Ositos Class
Miss Luz and Miss Alma
Week of March 23th-27th
Theme of the Week: “My Culture and Traditions”
Hello Ositos Parents,
It’s been two weeks since we’ve begun talking about traditions and customs from United States and Venezuela. The children have learned about cultural differences and other aspects, such as: flags, national symbols and icons, and foods. Also the children have been working hard on rehearsal for our International Day to delight all of you on with our special event.
This week we continue
learning about cultures and customs. The children will learn about
another country's culture and traditions this time about “Nicaragua.” Our goal
this week is that the children will also be able to recognize national symbols,
food, and culture from the three home countries of our teachers!
The Objectives we
will be working on are as follows:
- Establish
comparison of several cultures and traditions from other countries.
- Name the planets in the solar system.
- Identify
traits, customs and traditions from other countries.
- Recognize
and names some discoveries and inventions.
- Jumps
with both feet at the same time
- Strings
small beads
- Enjoys
engaging in group activities
- Creates his/her own dramatic play
“Mi Cultura y Tradiciones”Aquí en mi hermoso país
Muchas tradiciones hay por mi
Y hoy yo te quiero contar
Lo que yo celebro en Sff!
4 de Julio
Memorial Day
Acción de gracias y Labor day
Good Friday, fall festival
Martin Luther King
Navidad, Año nuevo y ahora
Vamos a repetir
4 de Julio
Memorial Day
Acción de gracias y Labor day
Good Friday, fall festival
Martin Luther King
Navidad y Año nuevo
Tradiciones por mí
Todos los niños de América
Vamos todos a cantar
Todos juntos, siempre unidos
Haremos un solo hogar.
Soy una
hortaliza naranja y sabrosaEn ocasiones me dibujan muy tenebrosa
( La Calabaza )
- To make the target sound, put your tongue between our teeth. Blow out air between your tongue and your top teeth. We will make the sound of the letter “Z”.
- Practicamos palabras con la letra de la semana.
Zoologico / Zoo
Zambomba / Kind of rustic drum
Zapallo / squash
Zapatos / shoes
Zanahoria / carrot
Zapatero / Shoemaker
Homework of the week:
Trace the letter Z
Letter of the week: Z
Your child may bring
objects, toys, or images from magazines that begin with the letter Z or have
the letter in the middle or at the end of the word for example
Cereza / cherry
Zapato / shoesPez / fish
This month the project will be to make the “Lucky” symbol (shamrock template provided)
Please make a stop and sign up to bring treats for Easter Eggs event for the kids.
Please help us by bringing plastic bottle caps for our activity
Important Upcoming Dates:
March 30 – Teacher conferences. Sign-up
sheet is posted outside our classroom.April 2nd: Egg Easter Hunt Celebration. We are planning a fun activity for this day. Make sure to send your child with his/her Easter basket.
To volunteer for this event,
please let Administration know.
Thank you:
I would like to say thank you
again for how thoughtful you’ve been during this last week with us. We
feel honored to be your children’s teacher. Also, thank you for all your
support working at home with them. Have a wonderful weekend.Ms. Alma and Ms. Luz
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