Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 21, 2014

Week of March 24th - 28th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!
Next week we will end the theme El reino animal/ Animal Kingdom talking about  of Sea animals and their characteristics.

Words of the week:
·         el pez-fish
·         la ballena-whale
·         el tiburon-shark
·         el pulpo-octopus
·         el caballito de mar-seahorse
·         la langosta-lobster
·         el camaron-shrim
·         el cangrejo-crab
·         el delfin-dolphin

Special activity:
*Children will paint their own T-Shirts that they will utilize in The International Party.

Special events:
*Congratulations to Madeleine Mount for her birthday, FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!
*Willy, the bear will be visiting Valentina's house. Enjoy the week with Willy.

Upcoming event:
April 11- International Party!!
*We would like to remind you that we are collecting $5.00 to purchase T-Shirts and paint. We appreciate your cooperation.
*We begin to prepare our ositos for this great activity. We are rehearsing choreography, so is very important for us to let us know who will attend and not to the activity. Sign-up sheet will be posted in the classroom.

Letter of the week: Zz
Children can bring any toy or cutouts from magazines that begin with this letter or that have this letter in it, for example,
·         el zapato-shoe
·         la zanahoria-carrot
·         el zapatero-shoemaker
·         el zorro-fox
·         el pez-fish
·         la taza-cup
·         el lapiz-pencil

Practice writing full name

Have a wonderful and warm weekend!!!!

Ms Iris & Ms Kenia

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