Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 14, 2014

Week of March 17th - 21st !!!

Hola Ositos parents:
We hope you had a nice week!
Our Ositos have enjoyed talking about animals and playing game related with these. Next week we will be talking about “Animales domesticos/Domestic animals” their characteristic, where they live and their feeding.
Special activity:
Children will dramatize the story of The three little pig
Words of the week:
·               la mascota-pet
·               el perro-dog
·               el gato-cat
·               el caballo-horse
·               el chancho-pig
·               la vaca-cow
·               el pato-duck
·               el gallo-rooster
·               la gallina-hen
·               el pollito-chick
·               el conejo-rabbit
·               caminar-walk
·               correr-run
·               galopar-gallop
·               saltar-jump
·               nadar-swim
Special events:
*Congratulations to Marco Valdes for his birthday, Feliz cumpleanos!!!
*Willy the bear will be visiting Calvin's house, enjoy the week with Willy!
*Monday, March 17-Parents-Teacher conferences. Sign- up sheets is posted inside classroom.
*Tuesday, March 18-Picture day- Have your child wearing the SFF! Uniform, also our Ositos class 2014 will have their group picture taken with cap and gown. If you not attend school that day, we still encourage you to be here for the picture.
*Friday, March 21- Pet day!- Let us know if you can bring your pet and we will arrange a convenient time for you.
Upcoming event:
April 11- International Party!!!! We have sent an email with detailed information about this event, also I posted the letter in each cubby. Please let me know if you have any question.
Letter of the week: Ch ch
Children can bring any toy or cutouts from magazines that begin with this letter or that has this letter in it, for example
el chocolate-chocolate
el chimpance-chimpanzee
la chinchilla-chinchilla
la chaqueta-jacket
el chancho-pig
la mochila-backpack
el chofer-driver
la leche-milk
Practice writing numbers from memory. Encourage you child to write numbers to the numbers he/she can write. Your child can do it on her/his notebook or other paper.
*Parents we need your cooperation to keep your child cobby organized the best possible.For this reason we ask you take home your chil arts or other things which your child does not need in the classroom.GRACIAS!

Thank you note:
*Thank you very much to Mrs. Nancy, Madeleine's grandmother for taking part of her time to making crafts for the classroom.
*Thank you very much to Braydon's mom for donating caterpillars. We are sure our ositos will enjoy the life cycle of the butterfly.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms Iris & Ms Kenia

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