Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 7, 2014

Week of March 10th - 14th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a nice week!
Next week we will continue talking about the theme El reino animal/Animal Kingdom. We will be talking about wild animals, their characteristics, where they live and their feeding.

Words of the week are:
·         el mono-monkey
·         el elefante-elephant
·         la cebra-zebra
·         el leon-lion
·         la serpiente-snake
·         el cocodrilo-crocodile
·         el tigre-tiger
·         el hipopotamo-hippo
·         jirafa-giraffe

Special events:
*Congratulations to Tyler for his birthday, Feliz cumpleanos!!! Also our pet, Willy the bear will be visiting his house. Enjoy your birthday with Willy!
* March 14th – Toys day! Children can bring any toy to our classroom, but make sure it’s a small toy. We will be talking about the letter J and “JUGUETE” (toy) begins with this letter.

Upcoming events:

*March 18- Picture day, have your child wearing the SFF uniform. Also our ositos class will have their group picture taken with cap and gown. If you not attend school that day, we still encourage you to be here for the picture.

*March 21-Pet day,let us know if you can bring your pet and we will arrange a convenient time for you.

*April 11-International Party!! We will be sent  home a letter with important information about this activity.

Letters of the week: Jj

Children can bring any toy or cutouts from magazines that begin with this letter or that has this letter in it, for example:
·         el jugo-juice
·         el jabon-soap
·         la abeja-bee
·         la jirafa-giraffe
·         el conejo-rabbit
·         el espejo-mirror
·         la oveja-sheep
·         la caja-box
·         la jarra-jar

Your child will practice tracing her/his first name and last name. Children who write his/her full name, they will be tracing words.

Note important:
Next week reports cards will be sent home. If you are interested in having a conference about you child, let us know. Sign-up-sheet will be posted outside classroom.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms Iris & Ms Kenia

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