Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jan 25, 2016

Week of January 25th-29th

Ositos Classroom/ Miss Amparo- Miss Luz
Week of January 25th-29th
Theme of the Week (Tema de la Semana):
We are Artists/Somos artistas

Dear Ositos Parents:
Art is an important part in children’s life. Carol B. Hillman in her book Teaching Four-Year-Olds addresses the topic: “Involving children in a variety of interesting art projects gives them a sense of accomplishment when they see what they have created with their own hands. And, when the teacher praises their efforts, children’s self-esteem increases (p.171).
This week our Ositos will show their imagination, creativity and effort to create beautiful art projects that will be displayed at the Art Fair. They also will continue creating artworks using different styles while learning the Biography of the most famous artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, and Pablo Picasso.

Our objectives by areas this week, are:
Socio-emotional: Enjoy working in a group.
Cognitive: Recognition of numbers 1-20.
Psychomotor: Develop fine motor skills through art activities.
Language: Solve problems answering questions: Why, Where, When, How.
Literacy Activity: Letter of the week “Vv”.

·         Provide different materials to your child to work in an art Project at home.
·         Take a time to sit beside your child to watch him/her works and listen to what he/she says about his/her art projects,
·         Offer encouragement and praise for his/her artwork.

Homework of the week
Make sure to take home your child’s notebook this Friday to reinforce the activities that we are working in class (LETTER Vv). Please bring them back on Monday.
Remember, kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.
Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
This week our Traveling Pet “Willy” the bear will start visiting the Ositos’ home. Make sure to check the sheet outside the classroom to take him home. He is so excited to go everywhere with your child, to the park, to the store, to the library, but most he likes to listen to stories at night. Please record your memories with him to share them in class.
Friendly Reminders:
·         The weather is getting colder, please bring appropriate clothes for your child: long sleeve shirt, long pants, jacket, gloves, hat, scarf (in a labeled tote bag) and a cozy blanket for nap time.
·         Make sure your child washes his/her hands when arriving and leaving the classroom.
·         Family Story Time: Our children love to listen to stories from their relatives. Let us know if you would like to join us at 11.45 am, any day of the week.
·         Art Fair: Please take a time to visit our Art Fair during this week and praise your child for the beautiful artwork displayed in the lobby.
·         You are invited to come and paint a Masterpiece with your child on Friday, from 4:00pm-5:00pm while having fun together. For this hand-on art activity, we will provide different art material and light snack. Don’t miss it!.

Important Upcoming Dates:
January 25-29: Art Fair
Thank you to our wonderful parents for supports our activities, helping your children to do their homework. We appreciate a lot your dedication and effort.
Miss Amparo - Miss Luz

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