Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Dec 28, 2015

Week of December 28th- January 1st

Ositos Class
Miss Amparo and Miss Luz
Week of December 28th--January 1st
Theme of the week:  “The World of Yesterday: a Look into the Past.”
Dear Ositos Parents,
After the Christmas break, we are ready to receive 2016. The beginning of the new year is the perfect time for reflecting, looking ahead, setting goals, and making resolutions. This week our children will practice their social skills at circle time expressing their goals for the next year.
Our objectives by areas this week, are:
Socio-emotional: Express thoughts, feelings, and interests.
Cognitive: Make sequences and mazes.
Psychomotor: Cut in circular motion.
Language: Associate letters with phonemes.
Literacy Activity: A Review of letters: “M, P, S, L, T, N, R.
·         Talk to your children about your traditions to celebrate New Year.
·         Make some resolutions and set goals together for the coming year.

Homework of the week
Due to the holiday season we will not be sending any homework this week. Homework will begin again in January.
Remember, kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.
Special Events, Welcome and Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
Lyla is our Student of the Week, we are so excited to see your poster and listen everything about your preferences.
Welcome to our new students Daniel, Haley, and Logan. They are moving up from Sapitos on January 4. We are very happy to have them in Ositos Classroom.
Congratulations to the Shellenberger Family for their new member, Baby Hudson!
Friendly Reminders:
·         Family Story Time: Every family member is welcome to read a story to our Ositos. Let us know if you would like to join us at 11:45 am, any day of the week.
·         Retro Parade: On Thursday, the 31st we will have a special activity. We would like to ask you to send a doll (male or female), some old fashion clothes, artifacts, or toys for your children to show them at the parade this week.

Important Upcoming Dates:
December 31: Early release. School will close at 12.30 p.m.
January 1, 2016: School is closed
Thank you notes:
We would like to say Thank you so much to our Ositos and their parents for the wonderful Christmas presents that we have received. It has been a great year and we hope to continue learning and growing together the coming year.
Miss Amparo - Miss Luz

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