Ositos Class
Ms Luz & Ms. Amparo
Week of (Semana del) 31 –
04 de Septiembre
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema de laSemana): “My body"
Hola Ositos Parents,
One of the objectives of the early childhood education is
that your children learn about the parts of the body and learn
to respect differences.
Our goal this week is to conduct activities that will allow the children to learn and identify the parts of the body, focusing on the parts of the face.
At home you can help your child recognize body parts and guide them about their private parts. There are many online resources that can help with this important topic of body parts.
We will focus on the value of equality.
Our goal this week is to conduct activities that will allow the children to learn and identify the parts of the body, focusing on the parts of the face.
At home you can help your child recognize body parts and guide them about their private parts. There are many online resources that can help with this important topic of body parts.
We will focus on the value of equality.
Note: We invite grandparents celebrating their day
on Friday September 11 at 8:45am (Please confirm attendance)
Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
Las partes de mi cuerpo hoy yo voy a cantar,
Bailando con mis amigos,
cada parte moverás
Empiezo con mis bracitos
con los que puedo abrazar
con mucho amor a Papito
y luego a mi Mamá
moviendo la cabeza yo digo si o no
moviendo mi colita bailando yo estoy
ya todos preparados pues vamos aprender
las partes del cuerpo que tu vas a mover.
Piernas y cabeza
Pies, brazos cuello y cadera
Hombros, manos y rodillas
Pies brazos y piernas (X2)
Tengo dos ojos
una nariz
y también una boquita
Para comer y sonreír.
Con los ojos Veo todo
Con la nariz hago achiiis
Y con la boca yo como
Palomitas de maíz.
Con ellas podemos correr
Podemos saltar
Podemos caminar
¿Sabes quienes serán?
En la cara tengo dos
Cuando los abro todo veo y
Cuando los cierro solo duermo.
Traba tu lengua con trabalenguas
Con trabalenguas traba tu lengua.
Indicators Evaluation:
v Identifies
and names his/her body parts.
v Draws the
human body.
Student of
the Week:
Congratulations Victoria Hernandez! You are our first student of the
Week! We are looking forward learning more about you and your family!
Families, if you haven’t signed up to this activity, please do so. Signup
sheet is posted outside our classroom.
Please bring extra clothes and a blanket
for your child.
Please bring family pictures and an
individual picture of your child as well.
Upcoming Dates:
September 07: Labor Day - School is closed.
September 11: Grandparent’s Day
Sept 24&25- Fall pictures
(more information is coming soon)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Amparo