Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jun 12, 2015

Week of June 15th-19th

Ositos Class 
Ms Luz – Ms Sugey
Week of (Semana del) June 15th al 19th
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/Semana): “Summer Camp 2015"
Hola Ositos parents,
Welcome to summer camp 2015!
This week we will enjoy many activities and fun experiences filled with creativity and imagination.  Our activities will include: playing outside, doing crafts, singing songs, zumba, soccer, playing music, swim/splash, a cooking seminar, reading stories, and much more! We are happy to have your children join us this summer.
For some of the crafts activities, we need your collaboration with plastic bottles of any kind as well as newspaper. Thank you in advance.

Father’s Day Celebration
We would like to extend an invitation to all dads to come celebrate Father's Day on Friday June 19th at 4:00pm. We will join other classes in games for a lot of fun. We will be the red team. Please make sure to wear your red t-shirt.

·         Wilfrid Amoakon             06/18
·         Miss Sugey Blanco           06/24

Important Upcoming Dates:
·         June 15th: First Day of Summer Camp
·        June 19th: Father’s Day celebration
Recyclable Material this week
Part of our mission this summer camp is to work with recycle material. This week we will be collecting plastic bottles and cake plastic lids for our activities. Please bring as much as you can.  Be on the look next week for what we will be recycling!

Thank you:
Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Luz and Ms. Sugey

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