Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Apr 2, 2015

Week of April 6th-10th

Ositos class
Miss Luz, Miss Alma and Miss Maria Gracia
Theme of the Week (Tema de la Semana): “Gente y música Alrededor del Mundo” / "People and Music Around the World"

Hola Ositos parents:
It is almost the beginning of the month!  We will spend the entire week practicing for our international party. Thank you for your unconditional and continued support. The theme of this week is people and music around the world. Our goal this week will be to get to know the important role that music plays in society and how, through it, human beings achieve more connectivity. We will talk about the existence of a large number of music styles of different geographical regions or historical epochs.

We will sharpen our ear!
Objectives we will be working are as follows:

*It gives your personal information, full name and age.
*It is expressed clearly in Spanish and English.
It identifies the characteristics of some discoveries and inventions.
Identifies and names the media.
Embolilla papers using the pressure clamp.
Make folded accordion-shaped

Support to their colleagues when it needed.
It respects the rules of the classroom
Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):

Alma Llanera
Yo nací en esta ribera
del Arauca vibrador,
soy hermano de la espuma,
de las garzas, de las rosas,
soy hermano de la espuma,
de las garzas, de las rosas
y del sol, y del sol.
Me arrulló la viva Diana
de la brisa en el palmar,
y por eso tengo el alma
como el alma primorosa,
y por eso tengo el alma
como el alma primorosa
del cristal, del cristal.
Amo, lloro, canto, sueño
con claveles de pasión,
con claveles de pasión.
Amo, lloro, canto, sueño
para ornar las rubias crines
del potro de mi amador.
Yo nací en esta ribera
del Arauca vibrador,
soy hermano de la espuma,
de las garzas, de las rosas
y del sol.
Alrededor del mundo
Hay muchas personas como tú y como yo
Su música y su país es diferente
Y a todas ellas les doy
mi amor y admiración.
Buenas y sonoras
Cuerdas tengo
Cuando me rascan
A la gente  entretengo.
(    surprise  )

El anillo del llavero
No tiene llaves
¿Quién se ha llevado las llaves
Del anillo del llavero?
Oral exercises
·         Jugamos con los sonidos: Colocamos la lengua detrás de los dientes y pronunciamos el fonema:            Tttttt.
·         Lo pronunciamos de forma rápida y lenta.

Star words of the week:

La música        The music

La gente          The people

El mundo         worldwide

La Amistad      Friendship

Alrededor        around

Nuestro            our

Homework of the week:
Relates each animal with its shape

Letter of the week: Xx
Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Xx, only Friday, for example




Friendly Reminders:
*Family project

This month the project will be to make Easter Basket (basket template provided)

Important Upcoming Dates:
*April 10th- International Party- St. Raphael

·         Sff will be closing at 3.00 pm on April 10 in order to get ready for the celebration of our International Party at St. Raphael Catholic Church.

·         For this event, the children need to be dressed at the location at 4.00 p.m., we will start the presentation at 4.15 pm.

·         You are invited to bring a dessert/drink to share. There are signup sheets at the front desk.

·         The Family Art Project for this month is a flower. You will find the template in your child’s cubby this week. As always, work together with your child and be creative as much as you can.
Graduation 2015
Please parents confirm with administration if you have received the invitation for  graduation.
Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma

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