Ositos Class
Miss Luz and Miss Alma
Week of April 27th-May 1st
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/Semana): “Gente y música Alrededor del Mundo” /
"People and Music Around the World"
Salutation and highlights of week:
Hola Ositos Parents,
This is the last week of a
fantastic month, characterized by custom, music, and people around the world.
This week we will learn about the African and the Australian continents
Our goal is for our children
to learn the geographical location of these two great continents, as well
as the customs and music of their people.
At home, you can show your child
different images about these two wonderful continents and listen to their
Objectives we will be working
are as follows:
• Write letters
• Write words.
• Qualify objects for 3
attributes; shape, color and size.
• Make seriations by
• Write and read his name.
• Write a vocalized word
• Follow the school routine.
• Make your thoughts, feelings
and interests known.
Elefante Elefant
Mascara Mask
Safari Safari
Koala Koala
Canguro Kangaroo
Grande Large
Homework of the week:
Complete the series.
Letter of the week:
Your child may bring objects, toys, or images from magazines
that begin with the letter Ee, only Friday, for example:
Special Events and Birthdays: (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas)
*Traveling Pet
Simon Planchart
Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month the project will be to make a Flower (Flower
template provided)
Important Upcoming Dates:
May 8th - Mother's Day Celebration
● May
11th -15th: Science Fair Week
● May
25th - Memorial Day - School Closed
May 30th- Ositos Graduation
Thank you:
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Alma