Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Feb 19, 2015

Week of February 23rd-27th

Ositos Class
Miss Luz and Miss Alma
Theme of the Week: The Arts / Las Artes
Hello Ositos Parents,
This week is our Art Fair week and I feel that almost every child in the world loves art!  In our class, the children have done amazing work using their inventive ideas.   Creativity begins during infancy, and when children grow, their imagination grows along with that creativity. They express their thoughts and emotions through their design and we are there to support them.  This week we will experiment with Primary colors, turning them into secondary colors.  We will also read amazing books related to Art and show the children how Artist’s in the world have inspired us through their Art.
Also, this week we will continue working with Math by recognizing numbers, counting, playing Bingo, and other activities related to the topic.  I would like to thank all of you for all your support working with them at home. 

Objectives we will be working on: 

·         Art Books
·         Flash cards.

·         Learning new vocabulary.
·         Playing with Bingo 
·         Continue working with Geometric figures. 

·         Tracing the letter Ff.
·         Tracing names, numbers, and syllables

·         Enjoying songs, poem and riddles, stories  

Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
Un día en el parque jugando estaba
Con mis amigos de Sff,
Mire hacia el suelo, vi algo pequeño
La semillita yo vi pasar
Yo la tome con mucho cuidado
Y en una taza con amor la sembré,
Con tierra y agua creció mi plantita
Y muchas flores yo vi nacer.
Cuida tú alrededor,
A las plantitas respeta,
Por un mundo mejor cuida la naturaleza.

Poem of the week
Mi plantita es muy bonita
Yo la tengo que regar
Cada día crece un poco
Por la luz que el sol le da

Verde soy
Huelo muy bien
Crezco con flores, plantas
Y árboles también
     Las hojas
Pepe pela papas
para una ensalada
para una ensalada
Pepe pela papas.

Star words of the week: 
·         Familia / Family
·         Faro / lighthouse
·         Ferrocarril / railroad
·         Fierro / iron
·         Foca / seal
·         Fuego / fire

 Homework of the week: 
Creating Art with Geometric figures (triangle, square, circle, rectangle)

 Letter of the week: Ff.

Special Events and Birthdays: 
Traveling Pet:
1.      Samuel Cummings 02-24-10.

 Friendly Reminders: 
This month the project will be to design a heart. (Heart template provided) 

 Important Upcoming Dates: 
* Art Fair Week: February 23rd to 27th.
* Teacher Appreciation Week: March 13th – 19th

 Thank you notes: 
We appreciate your support by working with your children at home because we know that your time is precious.  Also, coming to Sff! to see your children’s art is extra support for our kids and shows them that we appreciate their Art. Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Alma and Ms. Luz  

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