Ositos- Ms Iris
Week of November 10-14
Theme of the Week:
Mi familia/My family
Salutation and highlights of week:
Hola ositos parents, our children enjoyed talking about family members and next week we will be talking about the functions of the familiy.
Objectives we will be working are as follows:
*Identify opposites
*Phonic reading with the letter Mm
*Recognize the functions of the family
*Recognize and write the number 0
* Identify equal figures
*Trace mixed lines: straight and curves
*Jump in with both feet
*Enjoy song, poem and riddles. enjoy song, poem and riddles
*Draw human figure in detail.
Star words of the week:
El amor- the love
El respeto- respect
La solidaridad- solidarity
La educacion- The education
Las lineas rectas- Straight lines
Las lineas curvas- Curved lines
Homework of the week:
Write the number 0
Letter of the week: Pp
Your child may bring objects,toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Mm, for example,
pulsera- bracelet
piano- piano
pato- duck
Foto de papa- Photo of dad
And other
Song of the week/Cancion de la semana: Tengo una familia
Tengo una familia y es fenomenal
Mi papa me ama mi mama igual
Con mis hermanitos yo puedo jugar
Y mis abuelitos bailaran sin cesar (x2)
Con este chachacha
La familia aprendera
Respeto a papa amo mi mama.
Mi abuelo y mi abuela felices estan
Esta es mi familia, es mi dulce hogar.
Chachachacha amo a mi mama
Chachachacha amo a mi papa(x2)
Poesias de la semana/Poem of the week
Poesia 1 / Poem 1
Todos los ninos y ninas
Necesitan un hogar
Una casita encantada
Un lugar para sonar.
Poesia 2 / Poem 2
Viva mi familia
Que felicidad
Vivo junto a ellos
Es fenomenal
Adivinanza de la semana/Riddles
Empieza con "A"
y muchos carinos me da.
Me cuida, me mima
y es la mama de mi mama.
Respuesta/answer: Mi abuelita
Orofacial exercises:
Make sounds with their lips (Give kisses)
Place the palm of her/his hand and give kisses on her/his hand.
*Our student of the week is Marisa Ebert. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends.
Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month the project will be to prepare family tree according to your creativity. You can use picture or drawings.
Important Upcoming Dates:
*November 14- The report card will be sent at home
* November 24: Parent- Teacher conferences starting at 8:30. Sign- up sheet will be posted outside our classroom.
*November 26 at 9:00 am- Thanksgiving celebration day coming soon!! Our ositos and sapitos will prepare something special for you. Also if you can bringing something to share breakfast together, the wish list will be near of the door. Thanks in advance!
*December 29- Holiday Party!!!! Mark your calendars! Our Holiday Party has a date! We will be starting our rehearsal for this big and wonderful event!
I would appreciate if you can let me know if advance if your child will be participating or not in this event, so I can make the plans ahead. A sign-up sheet will be posted outside our classroom.
Thank you notes:
*Thank you for bringing objects with letter Mm
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms Iris
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