Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Apr 4, 2014

Week of April 7th.-11th.

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope you had a great week!
We hope you had a great spring break.
Next week we will continue talking about the theme:  “Folklore Latino/ Latin Folklore” and in this occasion we will talk about Miss Iris’s country: Puerto Rico. We will show to children the typical clothes, instruments and they will listen and dance ‘La plena”, typical music from Puerto Rico. They also will observe pictures of the most important places and different food.

Special activity:
Cooking class- we will make "Piragua" (snow cone)

Words of the week are:
·         La musica tipica- The typical music
·         La ropa tipica- The typical Clothes
·         La comida típica – The Tipical  food
·         Los instrumentos tipicos- The typical instruments

Special events:
·         Congratulations to Qadir for his birthday, FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!
·         Willy the bear will be visiting Qadir’s house.  Have fun Guys!
·         April 11- International Party!!!! Remember that children will use the shirts we painted in the classroom and were sent home. Make sure your child  has the shirt. We put it in your child’s cubby.

Upcoming events:
April 16- Easter celebration! Please send your child with a basket and plenty of eggs. Remember to avoid allergens such as nuts and candy that could present a choking hazard. Please bring the fillings separately.  
April 20- May 2- Art fair week
Spanish for fun!’s  Walls will be decorated with your children great art work.

Letter of the week: Kk
Children can bring any toy or cutouts from magazines that begin with this letter or that have this letter in it, for example:

·         El kiosco- kiosk
·         Karate- karate
·         El kimono- kimono
·         El koala- koala
·         El kiwi- kiwi

Homework: Tracing the letter Kk

All art together- The last two weeks we will be talking about the arts, for that reason the art for this month is that each child makes any art according to her/his creativity. They can use any material and any technic. Thanks to the parents who brought their art, Great creativity!!

Important note: Ms Kenia and I had a workshop titled Ready to go to kindergarten by Project Enlightenment and we want to share with you The Readiness Skills to go to kindergarten. These skills start from the most important.
1. Demonstrates self-help skills.
2. Separates from parent without anxiety.
3. Respects rights of others by keeping hands to self/ keeps to own space.
4. Self-control and positive classroom behavior.
5. Uses classroom materials appropriately.
6. Expresses emotions and feelings effectively.
7. Communicates needs, wants, and thoughts in primary language.
8. Counts to 20 or above.
9. Can read five or more sight words.
10. Understand concepts of time associates activities with time of day.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Ms Iris & Ms Kenia

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