Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Apr 19, 2014

Ositos’s parents,

Last week we had a great time talking about music, this week we will continue working with the arts, but this time our focus will be all the visual arts like sculptures and paintings.

We strongly believe that art should be taught in the classroom because it deals a lot with how each child develops abstract thinking skills. The visual arts combine abstract concepts and concrete materials in order to create, using convergent, divergent, evaluative, and visual thinking skills. The art provides the foundation for visual perception, which is the ability to recognize and understand images, whether it be found in works of fine art, blueprints, safety symbols or words.  Being able to distinguish what letter is what and what symbols mean what has a lot to do with using our visual perception an in order to develop our visual perception we need to make, study and practice the art.

Special activities:

·         We will continue a little bit talking about music

·         We will make arts and crafts

·         Painting, dancing, singing, reading and playing.

·         The Children will also dramatize the story “Goldilocks And The Three Bears” played like in a real theater for the other groups.

Words of the week:


Danza- dance

Literatura- literature

Poema- the poem

Cuento – tale / story

Real -real

Ficcion- fiction

Special events:

·         Congratulations to Vivian for her birthday, Feliz cumpleanos!!! Enjoy your birthday party!!

·         Willy the bear will be visiting Lily's house. Enjoy your week with Willy!


Upcoming events:

Important Dates and Reminders:

•       April 22nd.Earth Day” is an annual event, on which special activities are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. In our classrooms, we have prepared plenty of recycling projects and ecological activities for our children. 

 •          April 28th to May 2nd.  “Art Fair”. We will have a great exhibition of your child’s art.


Copy the first 10 letters of the alphabet.

Letter of the week:  Ww

We end with the activity of the letter of the week talking about the letter Ww. However we will continue working reading. Gracias for your help!!

Notes of thanks:

·         Thanks again for all your support in our great International Party. We are really proud of the work  made by our  Ositos. Excellent job guys!!

·         Thanks for all your donations of eggs, candy, stickers and other treats. The children had a fabulous time during our Easter celebration and Egg Hunting with the Conejo de Pascua (Easter rabbit)... MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!!


Have a wonderful weekend and happy Easter!!

Ms Iris & Ms Kenia


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