Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 19, 2013

Week of March 18th - 22nd !!!

Hola ositos parents:

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Our theme of the month is "The Animal Kingdom" and this week we are talking about sea animals and their characteristics.
The children will make different arts and they will see a video about these animals.

Words of the week:

el tiburon-the shark
la ballena-the whale
el delfin-the dolphin
el pez=the fish
la langosta-the lobster
el caballito de mar-the seahorse
la tortuga-the turtle
la estrella de mar-starfish
la medusa-the jellyfish
el camaron-the shrimp
el cangrejo-the crab

Special words:
San Patricio-Saint Patrick
Dia verde-Green day

Special events:
*Congratulations to Isabella Mercado for her birthday and for being the child of the week, FELICIDADES!
*March 21- Pet Day, we invite the children to bring their pets to visit with us. Large pets will be welcome on the playground.
Morning: 11:15am to 11:55am
Afternoon: 3:35pm to 4:05pm
Please make sure to notify us if any pet allergies.

Upcoming events:
*March 27-Easter celebration, we are planning a festive day with an exciting egg hunt.
Please bring eggs and candy to share and remember to avoid allergens such as nuts and candy that could present a choking hazard. The sign-in sheet for items to donate will be near to the door.
*March 28-29-School is closed for the Easter Holiday.

This week we are working with the letter Ch ch, you may bring objects or images from magazines with this letter, for example,


Have a great week!

Miss Iris

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