Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Mar 11, 2013

Week of March 11 -15th!!

Hola Ositos parents:

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Our theme of the month is the "Animal Kingdom" and this week we will be learning about the wild animals.
The children will identify the characteristics of some of these animals, food and habitat. Also they will make different arts.

The words for this week are:
la jirafa-the giraffe
el jaguar-the jaguar
el elefante-the elephant
el gorila-the gorilla
la serpiente-the snake
el cocodrilo-the crocodile
la cebra-the zebra
el leon-the lion
el buho-the owl
el tigre-the tiger

Special activities:
*Congratulations to Tyson on his birthday! FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!
* This week we are working with the letter Jj and during cooking class we will prepare cucumber juice(jugo).
*Congratulations to our child of the week, Noah!!

Dates for reminder:
*March 13- Parents-teacher conference

Upcoming events:
*March 18- St Patrick's Celebration: have your child wearing green clothing or accessories. We will make arts and different games related with the color green.
*March 19- Cap and gown pictures, photographer will be here at 8:30am, please have your child wearing Sff! uniform, children will be wearing caps and gowns donated to the school last year.
*March 21-Pet's day: we are inviting our children's pets to spend a day with us.
We would love our children sharing with us stories and instructions how they take care of their pets at home. A great opportunity to work on many skills.
Please make sure to advise if your child has any pet allergies.
*March 27- Easter Celebration. We are planning a great egg hunting day, please help by bringing filled eggs to share with the class. Remember to avoid any nut products or candy that represents a chocking hazard.
*March 28-29th - Easter Break, the school is closed.

This week we are working with the letter Jj, you can bring objects,photo or images from magazines,for example,
jugo-juice jirafa-giraffe jaguar-jaguar jabon-soap jarra-jar jaula-cage

Have a great week!
Miss Iris

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