Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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Jun 16, 2016

Week of June 20th-24th

Blog Title: Little Chefs
Classroom: Ositos
Week: June 20th-24th 
Weekly Featured Theme: Summer, the Beach & Healthy Eating

πŸ”  What are we learning?
Dear Ositos Parents,
Our summer camp is finally here! We are so excited that we are able to keep encouraging children learn new things and develop their creativity while having a fun and exciting time. We are scheduling exciting learning activities that will allow us to continue strengthening motor and cognitive-sensory skills such as cooking and baking. We will work with easy recipes and prepare delicious snacks.

Thank you once again for all your support and for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life.

Best Regards,
Miss Amparo and Miss Giselle

πŸ“„ Materials for Special Projects/Activities
      Have your child wear a swimsuit on Splash days. Make sure your child brings towel, swim shoes and a bag for the wet clothing.
      If your child is sensitive to the sun, make sure to bring a hat for the outdoor activity days.
      Bring a object that represents summer for Monday, June 20th (beach toys or beach play sets).
      Bring sunglasses for your child for Tuesday, June 21st.
      Have your child wear his/her favorite summer clothing on Thursday, June 23th.
      Dress your child with hawaiian outfits for the Luau on Friday, June 24th.
      Bring recycle material like big boxes, plastic bottles and recycle paper.

πŸ”† Friendly Reminders
      Check your child’s cubby and remove everything and bring new set of clothings that is appropriate to sunny weather.
      Sunscreen and mosquito repellant are important to protect your child because he/she is very susceptible to sunburn/mosquito bites. Yet applying sunscreen and mosquito repellent to your child requires planning. If sunscreen and mosquito repellent must be applied to your child, make sure to fill out an administration or authorization form specifying when sunscreen and mosquito repellant should be applied and be sure to supply the sunscreen and mosquito repellant, label the bottles with your child's name and place them in a ziploc bag.

πŸ“† Holidays & Upcoming Events
      Summer Camp First Day on June 20th.
      Splash days on Wednesdays and Fridays mornings.
      Sunglasses Day on Tuesday, June 21st.
      Summer Fashion Parade on Thursday, June 23rd.
      Luau Celebration Party  on Friday, June 24th.

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