Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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May 20, 2016

Week of May 23rd-27th

Blog Title: The Animal Kingdom - Insects

Classroom: Ositos
Week: May 23rd thru May 27th, 2016
Weekly Featured Theme: Insects

🔠 What are we learning?

Dear Ositos Parents,
We would like to thank you once again for all your support and for letting us play such an important role in your child’s life.

This week the children will be learning about insects through play. We will discuss about bees, butterflies, ants and spiders. We have scheduled exciting learning activities that will allow us strengthen motor and cognitive-sensory skills.  Some of these activities for the children involve art crafts. Children will be provided with a special snack made of honey while doing art craft.

Thank you,
Miss Amparo and Miss Giselle

🔆 Friendly Reminders
      Check your child’s cubby and bring extra set of clothing that is appropriate to weather.
      Take home art crafts from your child’s cubby.
      Sunscreen and mosquito repellant are important to protect your child because he/she is very susceptible to sunburn/mosquito bites. Yet applying sunscreen and mosquito repellent to your child requires planning. If sunscreen and mosquito repellent must be applied to your child, make sure to fill out an administration or authorization form specifying when sunscreen and mosquito repellant should be applied and be sure to supply the sunscreen and mosquito repellant, label the bottles with your child's name and place them in a ziploc bag.

📆 Holidays & Upcoming Events
      Family Story Time every day at 11:45 a.m.Let us know if you would like to join us.
      Field Trip to Marbles Kids Museum on Thursday, May 26th.
      Memorial Day on Monday, May 30th. School will be closed.

🐶 Travelling Pet
      Traveling Pet “Willy” will be visiting Camila’s residence starting Monday, May 23rd through Friday, May 27th. We will look forward to see Camila's memories with Willy through pictures.

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