Ositos Class
Miss Amparo and Miss Luz
Week of November 30th – December 4th
Theme of the week: “Mis Tradiciones
Familiares /My Family Traditions”
Ositos Parents,
As members of a family and
community, we are involved in different traditions and special events during
the year. Through this theme we want to help our children to understand when
and why we celebrate these special events, which elements are involved and what
are the characteristics of every one.
This month we will have the
Holiday Party, and our Ositos had already started with the rehearsals for this
big event. Please congratulate them for their efforts.
Our objectives by areas this
week are:Socio-emotional: Name familiar traditions.
Cognitive: Copy geometric shapes: Circle, square, triangle and rectangle.
Psychomotor: Cut in circular motion
Language: Identify words that start with the same syllable.
Activity: Letter of the week “Tt”.
your child to sing and dance “Dulce Navidad” at home.
to your child about your familiar traditions and how you celebrate them.
Song: The children will enjoy singing
the songs of Sff! CD
Orgulloso de mi raza
Uso plumas de colores
Y lanza para la caza.
Remando voy en mi balsa
Para buscar alimentos
Sabrosos peces y frutas
Aves que me trae el viento.
Adivinanza 1
Soy una hortaliza anaranja y sabrosa
En ocasiones me dibujan muy tenebrosa
La calabaza
Señora compre coco
No compro coco porque como poco
Como poco
Coco compro
Remember, kids are more successful in school when parents take an
active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is
Special Events, Welcome and
Birthdays (Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas y Estudiante de la Semana):
Our Ositos will be working
very hard this week for their performance in the big event on December 16.
Family Story Time: We still have spaces
available for a Story Time in our classroom. Let us know if you would like to
join us at 11.45 am, any day of the week.
Important Upcoming Dates:
December 16th: Our
Holiday Party. Mark
your calendars! We are counting on you for this event!
Raphael the Archangel Church.Address: 5801 Falls of News Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609
Time: 4:15 pm
*This week we are having our
rehearsals with our Holiday song. It’s very important to confirm your
child's participation in our Holiday party as soon as possible.
School will close at 2:30pm,
with the objective to have the time to prepare for this activity.
* December 24th -25th – School Closed Christmas Holiday
* December 31st: School
Closes at 12:30
*January 1st: School Closed.
Happy New Year!
Friendly Reminders:
Please make sure your child has extra clothes in
her/his cubby.
Make sure your
child wash her/his hand when she/he arrives in the classroom.
Please advise to
the teachers if your child will not assist to the Holiday party. Muchas
Thank you to all of you for
coming and participate in our Thanksgiving celebration, the children really had
a great time doing the Art Project with their parents and relatives, they also
enjoyed sharing the potluck with them. Thank you for being part of our Sff!
a great weekend!
Amparo and Miss Luz