Class and Teacher (Salon y Profesoras): Ositos - Ms Luz - Ms Iris
Week of (Semana del) December 8 - 12
Theme of the Month/Week (Tema del Mes/Semana): Mi comunidad y yo/My community and me.
Salutation and highlights of week:
Hola Ositos parents, we had a fantastic week talking about the community, the public servants and professions, this week we will continue with the theme of Mi comunidad y yo/My community and me about road safety and care of my community. We invite you to share and tell us about your professions.
Objectives we will be working are as follows:
*We played with sheets concerning the subject.
* We search various magazines Transportation.
*Dramatize the various servers to community.
*Recognize and write the number 4.
*Identify different figures.
Trace the letter Nn.
Trace your name.
*Enjoy song, poem and riddles
Song of the Month/Week (Cancion del mes/semana):
Conozco mucha mucha gente en mi vida,
Que siempre ayuda con mucha alegria,
Y si tu quieres conocer sus oficios,
Jugando vamos a nombrarlos en un ratito.
Es la enfermera, es el cartero,
Es la maestra de Sff,
El policia y el bombero,
Son los amigos que te cuidaran.
Conozco mucha……
Es el dentista y el granjero,
El cocinero delicias te hara,
El carpintero y el arquitecto,
Son los amigos que te ayudaran.
Poem of the week 2/Poesia 2
El cocinero mezcla los sabores
Tiene su cocina de ricos olores
El veterinario cura perros y pajaritos
Siempre está rodeado de animalitos.
Pinceles pomos y telas usa el pintor
Hizo un cuadro de mucho color
Poem of the week 2/Poesia 3
El semáforo en la calle
Debemos de mirar
Si esta rojo no pasamos
Pues tenemos que esperar
De pronto se pone ¡!verde!!
Es momento de pasar.
Con canciones y con cuentos
Me gustaría enseñar
En la escuela a los niños
De Spanish for fun
Respuesta: La maestra.
Erre con rr guitarra
Erre con rr carril
Rapido corren los carros
Rapido el ferrocarril
Oral excercise
Make pressure with the tongue on the cheeks.
Star words of the week:
Transporte - transport
La ambulancia - the ambulance
El panadero - baker
La Cajera - the cashier
La maestra - the teacher
El doctor - doctor
Homework of the week:
Draw a community member (Notebook)
Letter of the week: Nn
Your child may bring objects, toys or images from magazines that begin with the letter Mm, for example,
Nutria – otter
Nido – Nest
Naranja – orange
Nube - cloud
and other
Special Events and Birthdays:
(Eventos especiales, Bienvenidas/ Estudiante de la Semana)
*Our student of the week is Evelyn Bartel. You can bring your favorite toy, book or picture during this week to share with your friends.
Friendly Reminders:
*Family project
This month the project will be to prepare Gingerbread (gingerbread template provided)
Soon we will play to the grocery store, please bring empty food containers such as cereal, juice bottles and other.
Important Upcoming Dates:
· On Thursday December 11th, we will have our pretend supermarket day. It will be called “Sff! Supermarket” and we thanks all parents who donate different items to support this activity. Send with your child on Monday a Shopping paper bag.
· Santa Claus Visit - Tuesday December 16th Santa will be coming to greet the children and pass out presents! We ask for the parents to be Santa's elves: and bring a wrapped gift-book for each one of their children as we did last year. Please remember to label each gift with child's first and last name. You can place your toy underneath our Christmas tree in the lobby and look for your child/children’s classroom box.
· December 29: our HOLIDAY PARTY will be held at Cary Art Center (downtown Cary). Show will start at 4:00pm. Parents and children can start arriving at 3:45am.
· January 1st: School closed for New Year's Day.
Thank you notes:
*Thank you for bringing objects with letter Nn.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Luz and Ms. Iris
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