Theme of the Week: Mi escuela y yo / My school and me
Hola Ositos parents, next week we will finish the theme of this month reviewing rules, routine, and the names of the areas and centers but also the names of all the classmates and staff of our school including teachers administrative and our famous cooker Don Jacinto.
1. Language area:
*Follow simple instructions
*Identify the initial vowel of different words
*Visual memory-remember previously viewed items
*Differentiate long words from short words by counting their syllables
2. Cognitive area:
*Recognize colors red, blue and yellow
*Classify objects by size (large, medium and small objects)
3. Socio-emotional area:
*To interact positively with peers
4. Psychomotor area:
*Walking and running in different directions, forwards, backwards and side by side.
*Making dotted horizontal lines
Words/sentences/expressions of the Week:
Mi escuela- My school
Las reglas del salon- Classroom’s rules
La rutina del salon- Classroom’s routine
Los tamaƱos- sizes:
* Grande- large
*Mediano- medium
*Pequeno- small
Las vocales- The vowels
Los colores- The colors
*El rojo- red
*El azul- blue
*El amarillo- yellow
Las palabras- words
Las silabas- syllables
Friendly Reminders:
*Your child’s new journal is in her/his cobby.
*Guide your child to wash her/his hands when she/he arrive to school/classroom.
*Bring your child wearing Spanish for fun uniform. (red top, blue pants or shorts)
Thank you/ Gracias!
Important Dates and Upcoming Events:
Sept 1st - Labor Day Sff! closed
2nd to 5th : We will start our family special activity “The Child of
the week”. Sign-up-sheet is posted near the entrance to the ositos classroom.*September 5- Grandparent's Day!! Please bring photos of your child's grandparents for next week and please let us know if your child's grandparents can visit our classroon for that day.
Thank you notes:
We appreciate the hard work that our ositos are doing and thank parents for your great support!
Mil Gracias!!
Ms. Iris y
Ms. Amparo.
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