Ositos Class

Ms. Amparo and Ms. Claudia

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May 9, 2014

Week of May 12th - 16th !!!

Hola Ositos parents:

We hope everyone had a nice week!
We thank all mothers for attending our special activity that we prepare with love. Once again we are proud of our Ositos. Great job!!
Next week we will be ending the theme Como crecemos/ How we grow taking about the importance of good healthy to grow.

Word of the week are:
·         La buena alimentacion- good healthy
·         crecer sano- grow healthy
·         La piramide alimentaria- food pyramide.

Special activity:
If you have, please bring clothing or toy that your child wore as a baby. We will take advantage of the opportunity to talk with children about the transition to Kindergarten means that they are already growing.

Special events:
* Congratulations to Levi for his birthday, Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
*Willy the bear will be visiting Marco's house. Enjoy your week with Willy!

Upcoming events:
* Friday May 23- Field trip, we have permission slip available if you need it, just let us know.
* May 26-30- Science fair
*June 9- Parents conferences, we will post a sign -up sheet near the door of our classroom.
*Saturday, June 21- Graduation ceremony!!!

Copy words, the task will be on your chid notebook or paper.
Important note:

Temperature increase, by such reason we will be checking the sunscreen of your child used last year and still has not expired. You just need to sign a new form. But you can also bring a new sunscreen if you want it.

Have a wonderful weekend and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Ms Iris & Ms Kenia

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